I had various dreams last night, but one of them is very relevant to this forum while not being relevant at all somehow.
In said dream, I was flying
somewhere, I dunno where but it was definitely somewhere. There was a break in the flight, so I had to hang out in some unknown middle eastern/southern asian country for awhile and everything was all fine and dandy. I actually question the exact location, but hey, dreams, you know?
Anyway, for weeks before I took this supposed trip, there was a person on the forum. This person's username was P Henny. He had started being active on the forum, and I'd describe his posts as a rough mixture of gishygleb and BM (enjoy trying to imagine that beauty). He was going on and on for weeks about how we were all plebs and he was going to make a difference in the world. He was scheduled to be going to assist schools some place in Africa.
His trip just happened to be planned around the same time I was heading to where ever I was going. I wasn't aware of this, and didn't even find out until later events.
See, there was a lot of unrest in the city I was staying in while waiting for my next flight. Everything seemed really on edge and there were "police" figures everywhere. But, things remained generally pleasant. I spent the time waiting checking out local attractions, food and swimming and performances and what not. Then, towards the end of my wait, everything became incredibly dark and heavy all of a sudden.
It turned out, a headfigure of the country was murdered in cold blood. No one had any idea who had done it, but you could feel the fear and panic and tension in the air. I decided at this time to check OWF, seeing several hours earlier P Henny posted about how he was in my exact location and soon he'd be helping the world unlike all of us lazy assholes who couldn't change anything even if we wanted to. I thought that was interesting, and despite the fact that I didn't like this P Henny guy, thought I might as well try to meet up with him for the sake of meeting internet people.
Well, I didn't quite get to meet him. The entire next 15 minutes worth of dream played out more like a movie montage, the kind where the villains plot is revealed and everything unravels before the viewer just before their downfall, or hell in a lot of movies in the last decade it usually ends up happening to the hero instead.
I saw this P Henny guy making his way to his flight to Africa get pulled out of the busy and packed crowd by security, brought to a plaza out in the open where everyone could see, hands tied behind his back and escorted to a flat statue in the center. One of the police figures I'd seen time and time again throughout the dream came in with a rather dull weapon that vaguely resembled an axe, and they had Mr. P Henny lean over the rock. They then proceeded to painfully decapitate him with this blunt weapon.
Oh what an adventure that was!
Turns out he was accused of assisting the murder of this head figure and the punishment was public execution. Dream me just kind of shrugged it off like "oops, you sure did goof that up P Henny." and then I wondered if I should share it with the forum, but decided against it and just boarded my next flight. My dream promptly switched over to something else at this point.
I'd like to point out that I lucid dream and have been able to for as long as I remember. This has its ups and downs. Sometimes I can genuinely trick myself into believing I'm completely awake while I'm asleep because then I can enjoy certain interactions with certain people so much more in such vivid detail. I managed to do this just before the dream I just described started, so I honestly believed P Henny was a real member of the forum and an active poster when I first woke up. When I got onto OWF today and checked the recent threads and members list there was no such person. All this lead to was disappointment because it means I can't randomly approach someone I never talk to and weird them out by telling them I had a dream they got brutally executed in the middle of a busy middle easter/southern asian plaza.