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doggening 2: fart harder

Posted 07-24-2014 at 05:38 PM by Mac Sirloin
I think that New and Tasty looks swell. butt(t)

I think New N Tasty is a stupid ass name

I think abe looks too cute when my dreams tell me abe is a terrifying disgusting rapist and don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes, don't close my eyes.

I think that one trailer with the really shitty song was probably the most unoddworldy thing they could've played. I understand this was in no way the fault of the people who actually made the game, but still, holy fuck. Who even listens to crap like that? Anemic, androgynous white 12 year old boys, that's who.

I think screenwiping to prerendered backgrounds is the only way to play because I don't like things what be differant.

I think you should have worked harder. Not on anything specific, just generally. Work harder.

From what I've seen from the trailers, the 'meat popping' effect that occurs when a body is met with an explosion, a bonesaw or possession is not severe enough. We're in the next gen and you need to consider particle effects, 3D tvs, 4K, 2.5D, 1080p HD graphics, The Urban Market, progressive scan and the scintillating effects of injecting plant food into your taint.
I'd like to ask that gibs and meat chunks in-game be updated to appear weightier, slimier, putrifiedier and meatier. I WANT TO SEE THAT VISCERA SOAAAAAAAR~

I'm looking forward to playing it on my loud, clunky diesel powered PS3 since you aryan shits all had your nazi grandparents buy you a PS4 for christmas, god DAMN you. I'm really proud of the one or two people here who I think might have actually helped make it. Thanks for keeping one of the most bizarrely intrinsic things to my being alive, you fucking bastards.
Total Comments 4


Slog Bait's Avatar
E: disregard my rant

Waiting for PS3 high five
Posted 07-24-2014 at 06:39 PM by Slog Bait

Varrok's Avatar
Oh, hi! Mac's back.

I think abe looks too cute when my dreams tell me abe is a terrifying disgusting rapist and don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes, don't close my eyes.
Most men like doing it with their eyes opened.

Who even listens to crap like that? Anemic, androgynous white 12 year old boys, that's who.
Wasn't that bad

4K, 2.5D, 1080p HD graphics
4K downscaled to 1080p for smother edges? Great idea

From what I've seen from the trailers, the 'meat popping' effect that occurs when a body is met with an explosion, a bonesaw or possession is not severe enough.
It reminds me of MO explosions. I wish it didn't
Posted 07-24-2014 at 10:26 PM by Varrok

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
This Oddworld Game Is The (objective) Best Oddworld Game, Heretic
Posted 07-25-2014 at 09:31 PM by Mr. Bungle

Manco's Avatar
Who even listens to crap like that? Anemic, androgynous white 12 year old boys, that's who.
don’t make fun of my fursona
Posted 07-26-2014 at 10:09 AM by Manco


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