
  Oddworld Forums > Blogs > Everything you read here is true, about me anyway.


I am from Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany but currently live in Turku, Finland

They were lies!
But everything else you read here is true!

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Got Him!

Posted 05-19-2014 at 08:28 AM by JennyGenesis
So, today I received some fantastic news, from the police, and no this isn't in relation to Ray, in fact I haven't heard from him in ages, I've seen him driving around occasionally, but haven't had no confrontations with him.

In February, I was in my way to uni, I was driving through the centre of the city when suddenly a man just decided to casually walk along the road, I nearly hit him, now the lights were green for me so there is no way that he should have been on the road. I slammed on my brakes and hit the horn, he just stared at me, but carried on casually strolling along the road and did a wanker gesture towards me.

So the next set of traffic lights were red, and I became suspicious, I looked in my mirror and saw the man walking towards my car, that is, walking down the middle of a two lane road in the middle of the city centre! (Seriously, what the fuck?).

He comes to my window and starts shouting and swearing, I ignore him, but then he spits on my car, so I wound down the window, started shouting and swearing back at him, he wanted to know why I beeped the horn at him to which I told him that he shouldn't have been walking across the road in my way, so we continue shouting and swearing when suddenly he kicks the mirror on my car, he completely smashes it, glass gone, the whole unit was broke, the only thing holding in place was a single electrical wire.

At this point, I got out of the car, but he just ran away, so I contacted the police and told them what happened, when I gave them the location, they told me that there was in fact CCTV at the set of traffic lights where the incident took place. The police took photos of my car as well as a swab of the saliva.

So went through the usual process of giving a statement and a description of the man, the only thing I couldn't define was his hair, as he had a hoodie on.

The police contacted me about a month ago to say that they had a positive DNA match from the saliva.

Well today, the police went to arrest him, not only because it was his DNA they had off the saliva, but also because my description of the person was also a perfect match to him as well.

Despite calling his solicitor to attend the interview, he was completely crushed by the evidence against him and was charged and is due to appear in court in two weeks.

Now damaging my car may not be the crime of the century, but it caused me so many problems, at the time, work was dry, so I didn't have that much money to begin with. I already had to renew the tax on the car, then I had a speeding ticket to pay for, so already I was low on money with those things to pay for as well as my regular monthly outgoings which is my phone bill, car insurance and rent, but now I had to pay for the mirror to be fixed. At the time I instead decided to do a temporary fix, by buying a new piece of glass, and using gaffer tape to hold the mirror in place, this still cost me money as I had to buy the glass for the mirror. I had to then get the car home to do my repair, this involves a 20 minute drive along the motorway, the entire time, the mirror was blowing in the wind, hitting my door, I was left with a load of scratches on my car, all it took to fix was a tube of t-cut and a lot of elbow grease. I had to end up borrowing money though just to get through the month.

When I got paid again, I went to my usual mechanic (who I have established a good relationship with, so I get free perks, he once fixed the rear brakes on my car for a pizza). It cost me £50, but when I told him all that was going on, he wrote me a receipt for £130, which the police have requested a photocopy of as the idiot who broke my mirror will be expected to pay for it.
Total Comments 13


Wings of Fire's Avatar
I hope the police arrest you and your mechanic friend for fraud.

Posted 05-19-2014 at 08:44 AM by Wings of Fire

Varrok's Avatar
Good job posting about this illegal activity on a public blog by the way.
Posted 05-19-2014 at 09:42 AM by Varrok

Scrabaniac's Avatar
I took a different measure when someone kicked my rear brake lights out in my college car park. I found out who they were and i did the same thing to their car, as well as wrap it in clingfilm and a massive 'WANKER' banner for everyone to see. Deserved the fucker right. Not sure the receipt thing is legal, but i doubt what i did was either. I enjoy revenge more than using the police etc, but then again ive been like this since childhood :P
Posted 05-19-2014 at 10:55 AM by Scrabaniac

STM's Avatar
Christ you seem to have this uncanny ability to attract petty criminals. Also the fraud thing is pretty vindictive, if he got his in the law courts what's the point in going the extra mile?
Posted 05-19-2014 at 11:48 AM by STM

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Because he's an entitled little shit who thinks criminal damage justifies fraud. it doesn't just put you down to their level, it makes you so much worse.
Posted 05-19-2014 at 12:07 PM by Wings of Fire

Varrok's Avatar
Plot twist: The man was angry because JG drove over his dog or something
Posted 05-19-2014 at 12:14 PM by Varrok

MA's Avatar

Jenny, man, honestly, i would remove the last paragraph and never speak of it again if i was you.

seriously. for legal reasons. seriously. you live in Britain, the most paranoid country in the world. seriously.
Posted 05-20-2014 at 10:58 AM by MA

Wings of Fire's Avatar
When I got paid again, I went to my usual mechanic (who I have established a good relationship with, so I get free perks, he once fixed the rear brakes on my car for a pizza). It cost me £50, but when I told him all that was going on, he wrote me a receipt for £130, which the police have requested a photocopy of as the idiot who broke my mirror will be expected to pay for it.
You mean this paragraph?

Thank goodness we got rid of member's abilities to edit blog comments huh?
Posted 05-20-2014 at 11:15 AM by Wings of Fire

MA's Avatar
well, i knew that was coming.

and yet i said it anyway. the fuck is wrong with me.
Posted 05-20-2014 at 11:51 AM by MA

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I'll happily delete the whole blog if he asks me to. Not like the police are going to look on OWF anyway.
Posted 05-20-2014 at 12:18 PM by Wings of Fire

Crashpunk's Avatar
Second Plot twist:

Every single guest is actually a Police officer.
Posted 05-20-2014 at 03:02 PM by Crashpunk

MA's Avatar
Third Plot twist:

Jenny's been arrested.
Posted 05-21-2014 at 03:49 PM by MA

Varrok's Avatar
Got Him!
Posted 05-22-2014 at 12:27 AM by Varrok


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