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Rediscovering Oddworld! (and art)

Posted 06-16-2008 at 09:12 PM by Ajiellyn
Updated 06-16-2008 at 09:15 PM by Ajiellyn
I have the tendency to fall in love with a franchise, give it all I have to offer in means of art and writing and whatever, view everyone else's art and writing, listen to the music for hours, create my own characters, ponder the plot, and once I've milked it for every last thought I lose interest and it takes a back seat.

Don't get me wrong, I will never 'not care' about these universes-- Ecco the Dolphin, Oddworld, Pokemon, Bully, Phoenix Wright... I just get way too over-excited about some things and I'm easily motivated.

Right now, I'm playing Abe's Oddysee through again. It's actually not all that difficult once you've memorized timing... I pretty much sped through Rupture Farms and the like, but I chose Scrabania first for the express purpose of putting off those HORRIBLE rooms in the Paramonian Temple where you have to jump past some bats and boulders swinging back and forth and holy shit it's just crazy hard.

Here are some things I've done:

- After that screen with the bats and boulders, I finally got to the other side, but I was too excited and I ran and ran right into a pit.
- I did that three times.
- I jumped for a bird portal and missed. (It takes a super kind of stupid to do that.) I was promptly eaten by a Slog.
- At the end of the Paramonian Temple Trial, where all you have to do is chant to open a bird portal, I accidentally scared the birds away.

I've also been experimenting with Slig behavior in Abe's Oddysee. Specifically, I wanted to see if there was any pattern to whether or not they could recognize that a coworker was possessed. Alf explained it by saying that Abe wasn't very in control in his powers back then and as a fanatic I find that a really fun detail (I'll have to draw it).

I couldn't find a pattern of any sort. Some of them would notice straight away, say freeze, and shoot. Others, less commonly, would only notice after you greeted them. It was most common for them not to notice.

Anyway, about drawing, I'm not rediscovering art but I'm starting to draw Oddworld stuff again. I enjoy drawing fanart that has something going on in it that you can think about for at least a moment. So here's what I started working on:


WIP: I'm playing with coloring ways a lot here. The slig's skin is totally shooped, heh. I'm thinking I might actually color it over again with a different style to experiment. This one feels 'wrong.'

Edit: I'm such an air head. I didn't even explain what's going on.

Somewhere in Paramonia I found myself able to bring a possessed Slig right up to Abe and Elum. I don't know, I can just picture Abe turning to look at himself through the eyes of someone else and being like o.o because he's just like that.
Total Comments 4


Nate's Avatar
Yeah, those stone and bat puzzles are tough. The most important thing to know is which stones will knock you off when you're standing next to them and thus whether you should stand, crouch or jump from a step pack and then pull yourself up.

Many sligs will accept you and not shoot, as long as you've called out 'Hey' before they see you.
Posted 06-16-2008 at 09:26 PM by Nate

Splat's Avatar
Yeah, sligs are so much friendlier in AO It was so much fun, it's a shame it wasn't like that in AE, but I guess the sligs were just mroe suspicious and trigger-happy then since Abe's rampage had already begun.
Oh, and yes, Ecco the Dolphin was harder than a mountain but it rocked many, many socks (which is impressive for a game with no feet). Shame the original story was never completed.

Doom on me, some friends were around my house the other day and one of them told me to get out AE to show it to the other friend. I blew up Necrum and completed the Bonewerkz executive office for his pleasure, after which he asked to borrow the game. I allowed him to do so, only to discover that playing those two passages have relit my Oddworld Flame as well, but now I don't have the game to relieve my suffering. I fear playing AO will only make the condition worse
I should really be talking about this in my own blog.

Good drawings too I think the sketch was better though.
Posted 06-17-2008 at 05:47 PM by Splat

Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
I have the tendency to fall in love with a franchise, give it all I have to offer in means of art and writing and whatever, view everyone else's art and writing, listen to the music for hours, create my own characters, ponder the plot, and once I've milked it for every last thought I lose interest and it takes a back seat.

Don't get me wrong, I will never 'not care' about these universes-- Ecco the Dolphin, Oddworld, Pokemon, Bully, Phoenix Wright... I just get way too over-excited about some things and I'm easily motivated.
I am exactly the same. People often get sick of me and my endless rambling of a topic, and it is hell not to talk about it with people.

I love the colouring on the Slig. It's great. I wish I could draw like that
Posted 12-27-2008 at 08:32 AM by Fuzzle Guy

Lacy Hemsmire's Avatar
Wow. I do that ALL the time. But I can safely say that Oddworld, Balto, and Sonic the Hedgehog will stay with me forever.

So I know how you feel.

I have scared away the birds. I also discovered I could jump over a slog... because I like to tease them for some reason. I remember forgetting to roll, and was eaten by scrabs too.

I still love this - the funniest thing ever, as I possessed a slig, and walked up to one, and it was like:

Me: "Hi!"
Slig: "Hi!" -bangbangbang.- "Hehehe."
Posted 01-08-2009 at 08:31 PM by Lacy Hemsmire


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