I had a bit of a fall
Two days ago I was running to the store to get some groceries. I was trying to catch a green light and managed to fall straight to the ground in the middle of the road. When I was undazed enough to look, the only thing I could understand was my laces were somehow tied together. Not wanted to put the poor motorists out (The light had already gone red) I literally crawled across the road.
When I got to the other side, I found out that the loop from my right shoelaces had caught on the metal bendy thing you clip shoelaces on to on the left shoe and my fall was so hard and sudden that my right laces had literally been ripped apart rather than give.
So I unfastened it and wobbled myself up and then two policemen came over to me, on their guard, thinking I was drunk, dangerous and/or homeless. It took them about ten minutes to ascertain I wasn't a danger to myself or others (In fairness to them, they were polite about it and just doing their job) and by that time the shop had shut.
So when I came back home I found out I'd sprained my shoulder and cut open my thigh so for the most part I've been lying in bed in pain for the last couple of days