Yep the blog post the about the update since the last one, so where do we begin.
So it was my cousin's wedding on the weekend just gone, after the ceremony was over, my aunty had a chat to me and asked how I'd been, I explained what had happened with Ray the night before.
It all started with her asking me to send her his number, now I don't have it, and I thought my girlfriend had it, but she didn't have it either, so 5 minutes later and a Facebook search after, I had his phone number, let this be a warning that you should never leave your personal details on a website like Facebook.
So at the reception. My aunty spoke with him, he denied knowing somebody with the same name as me and just proceeded to be backchat her, she hung up, and sent him a text, quoting his full name and address telling him to watch his step or else somebody will come to his house.
My aunty's ex husband then got on the phone to him, gave him an absolute earful, but Ray still denied knowing who I was until he was told "Yeah you do, he is is seeing your best mate's ex"
Suddenly Ray knew who I was, so my aunty's ex husband gave him verbal warnings, again quoting his full name and stating that he knows where he lives, the phone was when passed to me, now, don't forget, the last time I actually saw Ray face to face was about a year ago, so I barely remember him.
This really high pitched squeaky voice said to me "Why do you keep calling the police on me then?"
I said, "Ok, lets start with last night, you were at McDonalds correct? " "Uhh yeah"
I then mentioned what he did and where he went, I asked him to verify if I was correct.
He then said "Can I call you back?" I asked why and he claims that the signal was breaking up, I didn't believe him and told him "No! We will sort this right now!" but he hung up.
He was then sent a text saying to leave me alone, leave my girlfriend alone, and to stay away from her house, and if it is reported that he has broken one of these rules then some people won't hesitate to come to his house, he simply replied with "OK I will"
As the reception went on, occasionally I would get somebody say to me that they knew was was going on, and that they also sent Ray a text giving him a warning, and that they won't hesitate to sort him out as soon as I give the word.
One point, I was sat with my girlfriend when a man we didn't know asked to chat to her in private, when she came back, I asked what he said, she told me that he had given her his phone number, said he had also heard was happening with Ray, and she can text or ring him anytime if Ray bothers her. I don't know who this man was, I remember seeing him at the actual wedding with his "Woman" Ill put it as I'm not sure what sort of item they were, but they had a young child with them so I know whether it be relationship, engagement or married they were clearly a couple, but that was it. As we were leaving the pub to go home, this man did stop me and explained that he gave my girlfriend his number in case Ray bothers her, then proceeded by some more people I knew, having the same conversation again regarding Ray.
So how did I respond to all this? Well each time somebody approached me involved in this whole Ray thing, I would give them every detail about the guy, his name, address, the make, model, colour and registration of his two cars as well as his hang out spots.
Am I wrong for doing this? I don't give a fuck, if it scares off Ray, that's good enough for me, by arming people with his personal details that they can directly quote to him, that is sure to put the shivers up his spine. Let's be fair, it's not like the guy bothered me once and I'm kicking off and trying to get people to beat him up, he has been visited by the police four times who to be honest have been frankly useless at solving this and upon recently hearing how they treated my boss after somebody vandalised her car, (Despite excessive damage to the car and my boss knowing the culprit as she witnessed it, the police said they couldn't do nothing as the offender didn't enter the car) I've lost all faith in the police and am beginning to wonder why we even have a police force.
As a final test, my girlfriend decided to spend the whole weekend at my house, Ray doesn't know where I live, and we wanted to test to see if Ray would show up at her house, well I can happily say after dropping her home tonight and speaking with her mother, he hasn't made an appearance, so hopefully this is the last of him, but I certainly won't hesitate to give the word to one of my many contacts if he steps out of line.
So how did the wedding go, well the last time I went to a wedding, I was 10, so now I have an adult perspective on it, and well, I certainly couldn't get married, seeing the groom in the ceremony waiting for the bride, he looked white as a ghost and was shaking, I knew the groom of course, I've known him since him and my cousin got together, and I'd never seen him look such a nervous wreck.
What about my stresses? They were of course trying to keep costs low, my cousin asked me if I would drive her to the wedding and be the photographer, works out as a win win for both of us, she gets a free drive and photographer, I get to show off my car and have an important role, plus I get to build my portfolio as I'm preparing to be a freelance photographer ready for the future, plus I'm using the wedding as part of an assignment in uni regarding photography as a living. I've never photographed the wedding before, it is stressful, you got one shot to get everything right, and I felt really nervous when, ummm, what do you call them? The wedding was at a registry office, essentially the lady hosting the ceremony who would bind my cousin and her fiancé in wedlock, yeah her, whatever her official title is, called me to stand next to her to take photos of the special moment. In case you were all wondering, I have a good collection of photographs.
By the way, here are photographs of the cars that the bride and groom arrived in, one of them is mine