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help how do i pc

Posted 03-11-2014 at 05:53 AM by Manco
Updated 03-11-2014 at 10:43 AM by Manco
I built a PC over the weekend (with a LOT of help from a friend). As much as I love Macs I was getting sick of having to play games on mid-to-low settings all the time, so I figured it was high time I put together something a bit more capable.

Things haven’t been 100% smooth so far – we had some problems getting the main power cable mounted onto the motherboard properly, then I forgot to connect the hard drives to the power supply and had to open up the case again, THEN I had to figure out why Windows was refusing to install onto my SSD, THEN I accidentally wiped the 20-something GB of Steam games I’d copied over from my old installation, and finally I spent most of this morning chasing down a mysterious problem that was maxing out one of my processor cores and causing some performance issues and generally fucking things up.

God dammit I’m happy to have this PC but I hope that’s the last of it. I can only mess around with drivers for so long.

Anyway, at the moment I have a basic rig:
  • Intel i5-4440 3.1GHz CPU
  • 4GB RAM (I’ll be adding another 4GB sometime in the near future)
  • 430W Corsair Bronze PSU (I’m a cheapskate, so sue me)
  • 60GB SSD (OS)
  • 640GB HDD (games and data)

I’m looking for advice on a low-to-mid-end GPU along the following lines:
  • Nvidia (I generally trust their drivers more, but I’m open to ATI cards if there’s a big performance difference)
  • Relatively inexpensive (somewhere below $200, preferably below $150)
  • Can work with a 430W PSU
  • Has a VGA port
  • Decently playable performance on games (mostly Skyrim and similar-age/older games) around middle of the road settings.

I know not to expect much with those requirements, I’m just looking for an OK-ish card to last me for maybe a year or less, until I can afford a higher-wattage PSU and a beefy GPU to go together.

At the moment I’m looking at the Gigabyte GTX 650 1GB, which is comfortably in my price range and seems to be looked upon pretty favorably in user reviews.

Any advice?

UPDATE: I spotted a used Asus GTX 650 Ti 1GB on sale for a good price.
Total Comments 39


Phylum's Avatar
Name one OS that works well on a smallish touchscreen that's hasn't been designed for tablet.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 11:12 PM by Phylum

moxco's Avatar
Any Linux distribution with Unity or some other touch desktop environment.
Posted 03-15-2014 at 03:13 AM by moxco

RoryF's Avatar
There are more factors than just the make of the processor that go into IBM compatibility.

Also, Windows running on Mac doesn't make a Mac a PC as much as running Ratchet and Clank in PCSX2 makes your PC a PS2.
Posted 03-15-2014 at 03:25 AM by RoryF

Manco's Avatar
There should be a Mac equivalent for Godwin’s Law.

Any time someone on the internet mentions Mac, an argument over Mac and other PCs and their benefits will start.
Posted 03-15-2014 at 04:22 AM by Manco

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Name one OS that works well on a smallish touchscreen that's hasn't been designed for tablet.
Have you ever tried using a touchscreen with low-res WXP? It's absolutely fine.

Everything in computing is about convenience vs. capability, and personally I'm fine with fiddly little buttons if it means a tablet can be an actual computer, rather than a glorified smartphone.
Posted 03-15-2014 at 05:21 AM by MeechMunchie

MA's Avatar
Oddman knows his shit, man. he builds fucking bombs, for the love of christ.

But Macs are PCs.
But Macs are IBM Compatible x86-x64 Personal Computers.
i negrepped your mother about 64-86 times, how does that make you feel?
Posted 03-15-2014 at 12:21 PM by MA

Ok, I am sitting with my smartphone and doing acidic peeling, but then read her MAjesty's post. You, do not make me laugh, I just spit too much acid on my nose. Now it is red and hurts 16 times more, than it has to during the procedure. Good for you, it would not impact it, as in the opposite case I would have found you and #censorship#.
Posted 03-15-2014 at 12:38 PM by gishygleb

MA's Avatar
please don't call me majesty. i'm not being mean, it's just i don't think my cunt is quite big enough for that kind of responsibility. plus it's a little weird.
Posted 03-15-2014 at 05:45 PM by MA


Now we know your [I]true[/I] identity.
Posted 03-16-2014 at 02:52 AM by gishygleb


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