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This place is dead

Posted 02-08-2014 at 06:01 PM by Havoc
It's been on intensive care for a few years now, but I think it's safe to say this place is pretty much dead now. Off-topic is literally filled with 14 'forum game' threads out of the 21 threads that still qualify to be shown with the '100 day' filter on. And those haven't been posted in for over a month.

I remember when there were actual discussions going on there. Threads where we all lunged at each other's throats for having an opinion different than our own. Remember all those amazing 70 page topics about religion, sexuality, animals, weapons and the occasional MS1029 topic? I miss those days. So you people better get your act together and post some entertaining shit or I will have to do it for you.
Total Comments 32


MA's Avatar
Hobo has zero power and minimal influence.
he's got a cult following. like the Evil Dead films.
Posted 02-14-2014 at 10:51 AM by MA

Havoc's Avatar
But I'd still ban Havoc if he asked me to.
Surely I'd have been banned a long time ago if that was the case?
Posted 02-15-2014 at 03:14 AM by Havoc


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