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Me back, and the Wrestling was great!

Posted 06-13-2008 at 01:02 AM by skillyaslig
Hello! Yays, me back!
Anyways, The wrestling was SO much fun, a tonne of screaming and booing and cheering :XD:
Hell, it was so funny when Edge came out (he was in a six-man tag team match, him, Mark Henrys and some other dude against Batista, Matt Hardy, and the Undertaker) He ran away from Batista, and we all screamed, “EDGE IS A PUSSY!” at him, He got so mad, and some of the crowd shook their fists at him. It was so lolsome
The first match was Kane Vs some dude called Chavo, or something like that, and the crowd hated him, yelling out “Chavo is a wanker!” at him, because someone had a sign that said that :laughing:
After that, some other dudes came out, and had a bit of a brawl. One was really jumping and flipped all over the show XD
We also had the Divas fighting. It was quite a good match. Ooo, and Finley was there, in a tag-team match with Hornswoggle, they where against the (very gay acting) tag-team champions. The champions won, but when they tried to beat up Hornswoggle Finley smacked them with his cane club thing. It was funny as heck
There was all so The Great Kahli. Damn, that guy was HUGE! He simply smashed the two people he was up against, took them clean out! so kewl!
There was also a dude who looked like Slash, and some AV punk dude, or whatever the hell he was called. The slash dude rode out on a Harley, but he ran away, so he got booed. I found that funny, especially when he got the ’pity’ cheer when he left. There was also a dude called Jamie, fighting some big Russian. Poor Jamie, he got beat…
Total Comments 6


Wings of Fire's Avatar
Now, you may remember back when you were younger when your parents sat you down and told you the truth about Santa Claus not being real, well...
Posted 06-13-2008 at 07:11 AM by Wings of Fire

used:)'s Avatar was still fun to enjoy.
Posted 06-13-2008 at 08:37 AM by used:)

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Ouch that burnt!

Anyway I'm being a hypocrite, I used to be a huge wrestling fan. the magic kind of ended when Kane took off his mask and Undertaker became something out of Mad Max.

I'm glad you had fun though .
Posted 06-13-2008 at 08:49 AM by Wings of Fire

Munch's Master's Avatar
I know wrestling's predetermined, but I'm still a fan of it. And of course, you can't exactly fake gravity. Yeah they don't hurt each other as much as they make it out to be, but it certainly isn't painless. Plus, I hate the whole "Haha it's fake" thing. So are TV programmes or films yet people stil latch them and get involved.

I was meant to be getting tickets to a show that a Japanese comapny are putting on in the UK next weekend, but it was never sorted out, and I'm now busy that day so I can't go at all. Annoying.

Still, good to see you enjoyed it skillyaslig.
Posted 06-13-2008 at 01:23 PM by Munch's Master

Alcar's Avatar
I like wrestling as well.

Posted 06-14-2008 at 09:19 AM by Alcar

Jordan's Avatar
Hah, glad you liked it. That's one thing I want to do someday, go see a Wrestling match. It's a shame they aren't in the UK enough, and there's no one who'll go with me.
Posted 06-14-2008 at 02:00 PM by Jordan


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