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Rail Fail

Posted 11-09-2013 at 10:24 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 11-09-2013 at 11:13 PM by DarkHoodness
I had a naff experience with (UK) train travel a couple of days ago that maybe someone can learn something from. Although this is probably boring.

When returning (to Essex) from visiting family 200 miles away (in Devon), I booked my train a month in advance. Saves money. Cheapest trains (by £10-£15) on the day I wanted to travel ran really late. Crappy journey went something like this:
  • Get last bus from tiny Devon village to Exeter city at 4pm. Pre-booked train back to London is at 8:40pm, so have to wait around for it. Yay for mobile entertainment.

  • Long-distance train from Exeter arrives in London 10 minutes late, sometime after midnight.

  • The delay is enough that by the time I get across London via Underground and reach Liverpool Street terminus at 1am, I find that the last train home had left the station a few minutes before I arrived. Bollocks.

  • I don't have enough money on me for a taxi home, or a hotel. Seems I have to wait the night out some more. A pain in the arse, but then I don't have anything to be awake for the following day, so perhaps it's no big deal.

  • However, station staff tell me that my current ticket wouldn't be valid for the next morning train at 5:30am. No, they wouldn't be able let me through the barrier unless I buy a new overpriced ticket, even though my situation isn't my fault. Bastards.

  • They also tell me that Liverpool Street terminus closes in 10 minutes and I'd be kicked out to spend half the night on London's streets in the rain until they re-open.

  • "Sod that," I think. I notice that the last available train is about to leave, even though it will only take me half way home. I go through the barrier and jump on.

  • I arrive in craphole London satellite suburban town in Essex at 1:30am, and have the same problem of station closure. Am told for "Insurance Reasons", I'm not allowed to stay on the platform. I resign myself to spending some of the night on the streets after all. Oh well.

  • Staff here are a bit friendlier though - They tell me the station re-opens at 4:30am, and they'll let me bunk the next train (at 6am) the rest of the way home without needing a new ticket. Well that's nice of them.

  • I spend 3 hours on the streets. Local bus shelter and railway bridge is occupied by the local chavscum, so I hide from the rain (and them - Paranoia) against the wall of a nearby doctor's surgery, under an overhang. Yay for 60s architecture.

  • Staff finally unlock the station later than they said, at 5am (liars). I'm glad for the better shelter.

  • I get my train and make it home at 7:30am, being incredibly pleased to see my bed again. I sleep for most of the following day.

All I had to do was wait around for an age, but learn from my fail. Give plenty of time for your journey, or something. And saving that extra £10-£15 by booking the last train of the night probably wasn't worth it. Stuff I found out later was:
  • Train companies only take responsibility for delays if they're for half an hour or more, and only then will they consider refunding your ticket.

  • Train companies are apparently not responsible if their train delays cause you to miss a flight, or a train from another company. (They'll blame each other and you'll get nowhere, apparently. Privatisation can suck it)

  • If you get stranded at a station because you've missed the last train of the night 'cause of a delay, and really push for it (I wish I knew this), station staff may give you a free taxi to your destination station, but only at their discretion. If they're lazy and you're chilled out about it, they'll let you travel on the next morning train for free even when your ticket expires. If they're jobsworths and arseholes, they'll refuse to help you.

Know your rights and don't let yourself get screwed, I guess. Or get a car.
Total Comments 4


Phylum's Avatar
My rule when I'm connecting is to make sure that I am at least aiming for the 2nd to last bus/train, and even then that's a worst-case-scenario. Right now the happening thing for me seems to be connecting buses, which is hell in Adelaide at the best of times. I will walk for 40 minutes before I try to make connecting buses work.

Public transport sucks.
Posted 11-10-2013 at 02:36 AM by Phylum

MA's Avatar
i fucking hate public transport. probably because i hate the public.
Posted 11-10-2013 at 08:07 AM by MA

Wil's Avatar
I've been left without a place to stay three times.
  • First time wasn't a train issue, I just arrived back at Sheffield having realized I'd left my coat at the hotel in Nottingham. I immediately hopped on the next train back without thinking. Luckily Xav was staying at the hotel an extra night, so I stayed in his room.
  • Couple of years later I was visiting Peter in London and the train terminated early. I couldn't get any information from the station staff, so I decided I had to walk. I deduced the direction from the maps on bus stops and kept going until I saw something I recognized (Tower Bridge!) and remembered how to keep going to Elephant & Castle. The journey took me... three hours? I then had to wait another hour or two for Peter's housemate to wake up and let me in. I was desperate for the toilet the entire time. Turned out Peter wasn't even expecting me.
  • A different time in London, missed the last train home. Luckily that station was open all night, so I alternated between sitting in the Starbucks and wandering around. I didn't sleep and I was so tired and angry at myself that I cried.
Posted 11-11-2013 at 06:03 AM by Wil

Slog Bait's Avatar
The worst I've ever dealt with was being stranded on the opposite end of the city from my dorm at 2am in the middle of winter when I temporarily lived in San Francisco.

My stubborn ass walked for nearly 4 hours since I didn't have any money for a taxi or city bus. It was all worth it for that warm shower afterwards. Mmm.
Posted 11-11-2013 at 09:17 AM by Slog Bait


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