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Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll: Definitely Bi

Posted 09-13-2013 at 03:24 PM by STM
Yep, definitely. :3
Total Comments 90


Crashpunk's Avatar
Posted 09-13-2013 at 03:32 PM by Crashpunk

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
If it weren't for our specific cultural indoctrination most of us probably would be to some degree.
Posted 09-13-2013 at 03:43 PM by Bullet Magnet

Nepsotic's Avatar
Good for you. I'm going to do some asterisk applauding.

Posted 09-13-2013 at 03:47 PM by Nepsotic

Wil's Avatar
Posted 09-13-2013 at 03:51 PM by Wil

STM's Avatar
Thank you all It turns out, having three guys grind and fight all over you is pretty cute. Looks like I've got some fun to have. =3
Posted 09-13-2013 at 04:05 PM by STM

Slog Bait's Avatar
Not gay enough
Posted 09-13-2013 at 04:08 PM by Slog Bait

STM's Avatar
Well I was offered a blowie but it was at the same time my Dad pulled up to drive me home.
Posted 09-13-2013 at 04:09 PM by STM

Slog Bait's Avatar
Oh noo D:
Posted 09-13-2013 at 04:10 PM by Slog Bait

Jordan's Avatar
so what kind of affair have you been going to to attract that sort of attention??

p.s i've been waiting for this blog for a while
Posted 09-13-2013 at 04:20 PM by Jordan

STM's Avatar
Just a normal party, but with a lot of gay guys. The normal people I hang out with are pretty much straight...or they hide it very well, I knew only one of the people at this party, so I got more of a range of people. ^^

Oh yeah?~
Posted 09-13-2013 at 04:28 PM by STM

Jordan's Avatar
so basically you went to a gay bar bar?

ever since the bi-curious thing i was wondering whether this would happen or not

i'm nebby forgive me
Posted 09-13-2013 at 04:43 PM by Jordan

STM's Avatar
It was just a house party, but there were a few gays, that's all. Got a little frisky after a few drinks, hehe.

Well there you go, my tendency towards slutiness is unparalleled. XD
Posted 09-13-2013 at 04:56 PM by STM

Havoc's Avatar
Posted 09-13-2013 at 06:18 PM by Havoc
Updated 09-14-2013 at 11:30 AM by Wings of Fire (nope.jpg)

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
What the hell kind of parties do you guys go to? I've noticed over the years a gradual increase in alcohol and a precipitous drop in bouncy castles. But sexy times? That's not even a grid coordinate.
Posted 09-13-2013 at 06:26 PM by Bullet Magnet

Phylum's Avatar
One of my friends had a bouncy castle at her 18th. It made all of my friends and I realise how unfit we are.

All sounds good STM. It's funny to think you were the local Mr Church not too long ago.
Posted 09-13-2013 at 07:49 PM by Phylum

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Find me a bouncy castle strong enough for adults and I'll bounce you all under the table.

What you do down there, stays down there.
Posted 09-13-2013 at 08:21 PM by Bullet Magnet

Slog Bait's Avatar
Sounds good to me. Where would we set it up?
Posted 09-13-2013 at 08:58 PM by Slog Bait

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
The one place we can all see. Mare Serenitatis.
Posted 09-13-2013 at 09:13 PM by Bullet Magnet

Phylum's Avatar
This was a special, adult bouncy castle. It only had a max capacity of 6, but the 16 of us that got on didn't really mind that.
Posted 09-13-2013 at 09:26 PM by Phylum

Jordan's Avatar
from hardcore christian to hardcore atheist to full on cocksucker

my how thing's have changed.
Posted 09-14-2013 at 01:15 AM by Jordan

Nate's Avatar
I approve of this blog and its comments.
Posted 09-14-2013 at 03:16 AM by Nate

STM's Avatar
I didn't suck anything. D=

What I have learnt: I have a strong female preference, unless I'm drunk, then I swing either way. =I

Oh, and guys shouldn't have squishy butts. It's more fun to grab if it's firm. >w>
Posted 09-14-2013 at 03:26 AM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Huh, I guess I'm next in line.
Posted 09-14-2013 at 04:12 AM by MeechMunchie

Jbot123's Avatar
I hope none of my friends find this website.
Posted 09-14-2013 at 04:46 AM by Jbot123

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Posted 09-14-2013 at 04:57 AM by Mr. Bungle

Phylum's Avatar
MM, I'm pretty sure I've been a member longer than you.

*Obligatory pun on "member"*
Posted 09-14-2013 at 06:08 AM by Phylum

Crashpunk's Avatar
Thread Music:
Posted 09-14-2013 at 08:30 AM by Crashpunk
Updated 09-14-2013 at 08:35 AM by Crashpunk

Vyrien's Avatar
Faggots the lot of you.
Posted 09-14-2013 at 10:13 AM by Vyrien

STM's Avatar
You're just jealous because you have to judge people's attractiveness on the symmetry of their faces.
Posted 09-14-2013 at 11:08 AM by STM

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Autoplaying youtube videos are not allowed

At least until I remember to turn flashblock on again
Posted 09-14-2013 at 11:31 AM by Wings of Fire


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