So I'm all moved out and have been for about a month, and honestly things are going pretty swell. I got a new job in my new town that has better hours and higher pay than my old one, it also isn't retail, so that is awesome. I'm actually meeting and making new friends out here too, and there isn't a grownup to be found! Well there are some, but they pay me no mind. My room is a mess and I still need to get a handle on grocery shopping, living off weed, booze, bagel bites, and easy mac ain't all its hyped up to be. The new job gives me a nice amount of disposable income though, I can pay rent in less than one paycheck. I also am probably going to adopt a cat, there is one that hangs out with me almost every day on my porch, and he is the coolest cat on the block. All in all, things are pretty good for me, which is nice to say.
Also, spent like two hours hugging the floor last night at a friend's apartment when we heard gunshots that sounded like they were no more than 30 feet from the window. It was strange, cause I was really too high to feel the danger that was actually happening, but I understood to play the part. When I came down I was pretty scared of leaving though, ended up not getting much sleep because of it.