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So that was interesting (trigger warning)

Posted 06-13-2013 at 09:12 PM by Strike Witch
So I'm watching this show. A recent episode caused a bit of controversy.

Here's the scenario.

A group of people become vampire-like creatures with superpowers, however there's a side-effect where they go into a trance-like berzerk state and attack people to bite them, with glowing eyes and cross-shape face marks and vampire teeth and stuff. The characters discover that you can knock someone out of the trance with a hard blow to their body. However, the main character's trances have been occuring more and more frequently.

In the latest episode, one of the characters enters a trance which is more intense than the previous ones, and instead of jumping on the nearest character and biting her, he then proceeds to rape her instead while berzerk.

Naturally, several people are upset by this, including Joe who also watches the show. And I'm pretty shocked and feel horrible for them both as well.

However a lot of viewers are blaming the male protagonist, which I think is odd, because it's shown he has no control over these berzerker states. Additionally, the female character, instead of kicking him in the stomach like she did earlier in the episode or anything, instead gently takes his hand and holds his head while he commits the act.

My theory is that this girl believes that his constant attacks are increasing in intensity because he hasn't been "sated", and by giving him what his trance seems to want, she'll help calm him down and stop him from attacking someone else. Naturally I feel bad for her having to go through that. I also feel really bad for the guy because he's a shy, nice dude who would never normally do such a thing, but as been completely screwed over by this horrible power he's been given.

Then of course, there's the whole rape thing itself. The girl does not attempt to resist, and chooses to bear the brunt of his assault, so some people have considered that to be a sign of consent. I temporarily thought of it like that but after musing on it, I don't really think it's applicable since even if she sees it as necessary, it still isn't the best response to the situation. Rape is generally defined as proper intercourse, so it can count in this situation, however any sort of lawful repercussions won't happen til next ep.

Then of course there's the fact that the boy committed the act against his will. He also did not want sexual intercourse but something else forced him to do so.

So my conclusion is that both individuals were raped. Neither of them wanted this, and the end result is more tears all around.

So yeah, that's what I thought of it. Joe's rather upset about the whole thing and has considered dropping the show altogether, but I'm going to stay the course. Rape is a horrible thing, but if it develops the story and characters, well, perhaps it will ultimately make the show more powerful and emotional. I think the reaction already suggests as much.
Total Comments 23


OddjobAbe's Avatar
I think that one's a repeat.
Posted 06-13-2013 at 11:38 PM by OddjobAbe

Jbot123's Avatar
What show is this? Star Trek?
Posted 06-14-2013 at 03:53 AM by Jbot123

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Seems kind of a weird decision by the writers as much as anything. What's causing these trances? What is their purpose?

If these are proper vampires that need to drain blood to sire new kin, then there isn't really any good reason why the trance would force this guy to rape people rather than bite them. Sounds more like a cheap shock twist and setup for angsty character development.

On the other hand, maybe he's supposed to be conceiving a new generation of foul demonspawn, in which case it's justified - at least plotwise.

I agree with your point about the guy being a victim too, though. The worst points in someone's life are frequently horrible things they've done, rather than things that have happened to them.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 06:18 AM by MeechMunchie

Wings of Fire's Avatar
There's this blogger I sort of have a love/hate relationship with, because he's the most pretentious twat in the world and he often hates shows I like simply because they offend his pretentious sensibities. On the other hand, he's kind of a bro about the shows he does like, and he can be very incisive and intelligent while writing.

Anyway, this is what he had to say about it

Obviously there's an elephant in the room here, so there really isn't much point in ignoring it. Rape is not a new plot device for Sunrise mecha, so in that sene the episode finale isn't much of a shock - apart from the fact that rape in any context is always intended to be shocking. No, the real difficulty here comes in the manner in which it was depicted. I've spent a bit of time considering just how the final scene of the episode made me feel, and I can only conclude that I hated it. As a general rule I'm not crazy about the use of rape as a plot device in anime, though it's not automatically off-limits by any means - it's just that too often, it's used as a cheap ploy by a lazy writer to provoke a reaction from the audience that they're not good enough to provoke through other means.

I don't think that's the case here - in context, it was actually a fairly powerful moment. Given what we've seen already, with the foreshadowing of recent weeks, it isn't impossible to believe something like this could happen. The problem is, we're on a very slippery slope both with Saki as the victim and Saki's reaction in the moment (a Google search on Clayton "Claytie" Williams might provide interesting reading material here). There's likely to be a certain "she had it coming" segment of the viewer base, based on the fact that Saki was clearly living her life recklessly and getting a thrill out of playing footsie with danger. And the scene as written will surely prompt some to use the word "consensual" - and there's no such thing as consensual rape. This is perilous, dodgy territory Valvrave is venturing into here, practically begging for an ugly side of the fanbase to show through. The fact is, rape isn't a sexual act, it's an act of violence - and depictions that blur that distinction are doing no favors to anyone in doing so. I'm not a politically correct person by any means, and as I said I don't think this is a development that should be unequivocally out of bounds for anime. But I'm not at all comfortable with what we saw on our screens today.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 06:41 AM by Wings of Fire

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Oh, and I agree with him. Derp.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 06:43 AM by Wings of Fire

Strike Witch's Avatar
Seems kind of a weird decision by the writers as much as anything. What's causing these trances? What is their purpose?

If these are proper vampires that need to drain blood to sire new kin, then there isn't really any good reason why the trance would force this guy to rape people rather than bite them. Sounds more like a cheap shock twist and setup for angsty character development.

On the other hand, maybe he's supposed to be conceiving a new generation of foul demonspawn, in which case it's justified - at least plotwise.
Dunno yet. All we know is that the "vampirism" is caused by a machine built by a small country to defend itself without needing a huge standing army. The biting doesn't drain blood, it actually puts the biter into bitten's mind between bodies. The "vampire"'s body then goes comatose while his mind takes over his victim's body, which also gives him access to all the skills of his victim. They can still operate the machine even when controlling another person too, which suggests it might be some sort of pilot survival mechanism, able to continually escape from life-threatening injury and continuously grow in experience indefinitely.

No idea where rape comes into it though.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 06:51 AM by Strike Witch

OANST's Avatar
Fucking anime and it's gross fucking fans. Do you people not realize how inconsequential you, and the things you like actually are? How is this even worth discussing?
Posted 06-14-2013 at 07:51 AM by OANST

Strike Witch's Avatar
What about if it's worth discus-ing?
Posted 06-14-2013 at 08:03 AM by Strike Witch

OANST's Avatar
Oh, well then it's okay.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 08:04 AM by OANST

OANST's Avatar
I'm on a real "entertainment is not worth caring deeply about" kick. I don't play video games anymore, and I have come to realize that there are no television shows that actually matter. Kill some time with them, but for Christ's sake don't actually give a fuck about them.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 08:13 AM by OANST

STM's Avatar
Maybe that's why you seem moodier than usual too. Do what makes you happy, mate. If vidya games make you happy, play them, if films make you happy, watch them. Reh teh teh.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 08:26 AM by STM

OANST's Avatar
Yeah, they don't.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 08:33 AM by OANST

STM's Avatar
They do for other people though, so...there's that.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 08:38 AM by STM

OANST's Avatar
It's still stupid to get worked up about something stupid.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 09:22 AM by OANST

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I like getting emotionally invested in things though. Sometimes it has a great payoff, and sometimes they rape your favourite character. You gotta take chances.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 09:28 AM by Wings of Fire

STM's Avatar
Nothing venture nothing gained and all.

OANST is just afraid, and that's okay.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 12:15 PM by STM

OANST's Avatar
OANST is just very irritable.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 12:19 PM by OANST

STM's Avatar
Irritable and scared.

Also hurr hurr irritable bowels. I had to.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 01:04 PM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
The biting doesn't drain blood, it actually puts the biter into bitten's mind between bodies. The "vampire"'s body then goes comatose while his mind takes over his victim's body, which also gives him access to all the skills of his victim.
Oh. Maybe Mr. Male Protaganist got bitten off-screen and now he's lapsing into the psychic control of a rapist, or someone who's deliberately trying to ruin him.

Your implication seemed to be that the biter normally gets total control, so if this guy is resisting it somehow I can see why the machine's creators would want him locked up.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 02:30 PM by MeechMunchie
Updated 06-14-2013 at 02:33 PM by MeechMunchie

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Images speak louder than words

That's what happens when he loses control of himself
Posted 06-14-2013 at 03:01 PM by Wings of Fire

Jbot123's Avatar
It looks like if we had an insane asylum for cross dressers in my stepdad's old apartment. Holy shit, I'm going insane.
Posted 06-14-2013 at 03:06 PM by Jbot123

Strike Witch's Avatar
Rape and assault are similar in that both are fundamentally about taking power from the victim.

However, the weird thing about sex is the fact that genital stimulation can feel pleasurable regardless of its origins. In the case of rape, that creates a weird juxtaposition between the pain of being physically assaulted, the feeling of powerlessness associated with assault, and the automatic pleasure response of genital stimulation.

This can lead to some weird behaviours. It can leave the victim feeling like their body has betrayed them, or that they've betrayed their values. It can make them feel dirty, or like they secretly wanted it. They've never been taught why sex is pleasurable, and they're brainwashed by society into thinking it's only pleasurable when two people love each other, and so they try to justify the pleasure by finding faults within themselves.

It is entirely possible for a person to 'start liking it'. In fact, it's not their choice: Given enough stimulation, they will like it whether they want to or not. It's very likely that a person, after having been raped by someone they had a crush on, will try to find some reason to forgive them (they were drunk, they weren't thinking straight, they were possessed by an alien mecha-demon spirit). And it is indeed possible for rape to lead to a full relationship, although usually rapists either don't want a relationship or aren't psychologically stable enough to support one. The mental damage from being raped is like the mental damage from being kidnapped, or violently assaulted: It's difficult to assess, it varies greatly between people and situations, it may take months or years before the full effects are noticed, and it is rarely ever the same as it appears on TV.

TL;DR: Valvrave may have the most realistic depiction of rape in modern anime history, and the faux-feminists of twitter and tumblr, who can't face the stark biological reality of sexual assault, can't handle it. It's as simple as that.
This sure is a shitstorm.
Posted 06-15-2013 at 01:20 AM by Strike Witch

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Adult issues are scary and upsetting
Posted 06-15-2013 at 08:34 AM by MeechMunchie


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