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Top 5 worst things about doors

Posted 05-18-2013 at 02:55 PM by Jbot123
Updated 03-11-2014 at 07:13 PM by Jbot123
1. When you have to hold them open for people.
2. When the doorknob gets stuck, and only opens when someone else tries it.
3. When said person leaves you to hold the door open, an casually walks away.
4. When there is a crowd of people behind the person you're holding it open for, and you have to wait for them.
5. When it all happens at once.
Total Comments 26


Oddey's Avatar
6. When a door is made of glass, and you think it's open but it isn't.
Posted 05-18-2013 at 04:30 PM by Oddey

Nepsotic's Avatar
It's like an awful rejected Cracked article.
Posted 05-18-2013 at 04:41 PM by Nepsotic

Jbot123's Avatar
But it's a true story.
Posted 05-18-2013 at 04:59 PM by Jbot123

Wings of Fire's Avatar
You missed the bit where a fat girl spits in your face and calls you a chauvinistic pig.

Also I've read Cracked articles worse than this. That's by no means a compliment.
Posted 05-18-2013 at 07:23 PM by Wings of Fire

Nate's Avatar
Posted 05-18-2013 at 07:58 PM by Nate

Phylum's Avatar
Nate beat me to that video.
Posted 05-18-2013 at 08:59 PM by Phylum

STM's Avatar
I thought this was an the worst things about The Doors. I lol'd, there's really nothing there.
Posted 05-19-2013 at 12:22 AM by STM

Phylum's Avatar
I only recently learned the rule that doors open inwards to rooms.

My life has gotten a tonne easier recently.
Posted 05-19-2013 at 03:14 AM by Phylum

Crashpunk's Avatar
Rotating doors are the worst. I hate those things.
Posted 05-19-2013 at 03:33 AM by Crashpunk

Jbot123's Avatar
I know! Why not just have a normal door? It makes no frickin' difference!
Posted 05-19-2013 at 04:32 AM by Jbot123

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I haven't seen a rotating door for years and years.
Posted 05-19-2013 at 04:47 AM by Wings of Fire

Jbot123's Avatar
Ponder this: What if rotating doors are actually standing perfectly still, and everything else rotates around them?
Posted 05-19-2013 at 05:00 AM by Jbot123

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Those are all problems with people, not doors. Doors are innocent in this. Leave doors alone!
Posted 05-19-2013 at 05:14 AM by Bullet Magnet

Jbot123's Avatar
"Worst things about politely holding doors open for other people to walk through them" just didn't work as a title, Mr. Bowel Movement.
Posted 05-19-2013 at 07:01 AM by Jbot123

Nepsotic's Avatar
If only you had put as much thought into the actual blog as you did in the title.
Posted 05-19-2013 at 01:19 PM by Nepsotic
Updated 05-19-2013 at 03:04 PM by Nepsotic

Jbot123's Avatar
I have this weird hunch that Nepsotic doesn't like me.
Posted 05-19-2013 at 02:56 PM by Jbot123

Varrok's Avatar
I remember him saying that he hates everybody
Posted 05-19-2013 at 08:06 PM by Varrok

Nepsotic's Avatar
Yes, I do, but not in that mopey emo way.
Posted 05-19-2013 at 09:59 PM by Nepsotic

STM's Avatar
Why are you here then?
Posted 05-20-2013 at 01:28 AM by STM

Splat's Avatar
Seriously, what's wrong with holding doors open? Take pleasure in knowing that you're making the lives of the people coming through a tiny bit happier. Then feel smug about all the people who now think you're a nice person (the naive fools).
Posted 05-20-2013 at 05:48 AM by Splat
Updated 05-20-2013 at 05:51 AM by Splat

Jbot123's Avatar
Not a small bit of recognition was given to me by the jerks I was holding the door open for, that's why. Ungrateful jerks.
Posted 05-20-2013 at 12:28 PM by Jbot123

Auriel's Avatar
Maybe they just couldn't see you because you're only 11.
Posted 05-20-2013 at 12:50 PM by Auriel

STM's Avatar
When I saw your lack of avatar on the most recent comments section, I immediately assumed you were MA.

Now I'm sad.
Posted 05-20-2013 at 02:35 PM by STM

Splat's Avatar
That was pretty rude.

Still, positive attitude.
Posted 05-20-2013 at 04:08 PM by Splat

Jbot123's Avatar
I know that I was seen by them, as I am unusually tall, and at eye level with most of them. I kind of lost track because I was standing there for five minutes to avoid closing the door on someone. I have a very exciting life.
Posted 05-20-2013 at 04:31 PM by Jbot123

Auriel's Avatar
@scrab: that reminds me, I still don't have an avatar.
Posted 05-21-2013 at 03:25 PM by Auriel


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