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If we're doing codeblogs

Posted 05-07-2013 at 03:01 PM by MeechMunchie
Ets cmk mkylku hucboauq sabr gbssgu ileeus ln cqyosliqmoay?

Cmurmqbmk Rabns br klslqbltrgy hbnnbctgs sl hucqyos wbsalts sau omrrwlqh; Bk nmcs, bs'r rsbgg m vmgtuh jumkr ln cljjtkbcmsblk slhmy. Ibvu sau kuxs jurrmiu'r omrrwlqh bk sau jurrmiu ylt rukh, mkh bs eucljur mgg ets bjolrrbegu sl bksuqcuos yltq cljjtkbcmsblk ey mky jumkr lsauq samk bksuqqlimsblk mkh uroblkmiu.

B wmr sqybki sl sabkf ln mk ujemqqmrrbki rucqus sl abhu auqu, ets sauk B qumgbruh sams B'vu ibvuk sauj mgg mwmy mgqumhy.

Jy rbrsuq'r euuk rsmgfbki ju auqu lccmrblkmggy, mkh sqybki sl tru rlju ln sau rstnn B olrs mr ujlsblkmg egmcfjmbg, gbfu B'j mramjuh ln jy lobkblkr lq rljusabki. Bn rau'h euuk m ebs jlqu ln mk ukimibki rbegbki, jmyeu B wltghk's amvu rsqmyuh lkgbku bk rumqca ln bksuggbiuks clkvuqrmsblk, B rmy.

Mgrl B amh m omkbc mssmcf slhmy. Bs wmrk's ntk. B fbkh ln ius sau lgh "wmggr cglrbki bk lk ylt" gbku klw; Sau cgmrrqllj B wmr bk rthhukgy nugs vuqy rjmgg bkhuuh. Gtcfbgy bs wmr m nquu ouqblh, B oqussy jtca dtrs iqmeeuh jy emi mkh guiiuh bs lts ln sauqu. B rouks sau kuxs saquu altqr (B cltksuh) hlwk sau omqf, ctqguh to lk sau iqmrr bk sau rtk. B oqlemegy gllfuh gbfu m sqmjo lq rljusabki, ets B hbh nuug eussuq mnsuq B'h qursuh m ebs.

B hlk's gbfu qtkkbki mwmy nqlj jy oqlegujr, uroucbmggy rbkcu B'j klw ilbki sl amvu sl humg wbsa m cltogu ln nqtrsqmsuh sumcauqr walru gurrlkr B jbrruh, ets B iturr B dtrs amvu sl sqy mkh smcfgu sabkir lku ms m sbju.

Bs'r dtrs sau lkilbki sabkir B rsqtiigu wbsa; jy kuetgltr ntstqu, sau iqlwbki cljjtkbcmsblk imo euswuuk ju mkh jy ouuqr (gus mglku sau loolrbsu rux), jy hurcuks bksl mhtgs rstobhsy, jy tkaumgsay eqmbk, mkh jy iqlwbki cljogmcukcy wbsa mgg ln sauru sabkir.

Mgrl, jy kuw sauqmobrs ruujr sl eu m ebs rabs. Lq jmyeu bs'r dtrs tkaugontg ln ju sl cltksuq auq losbjbrsbc qauslqbc wbsa glibcmg mqitjuks.
Total Comments 6


Auriel's Avatar
But can anyone decipher this little gobbet of cryptography?
Caesarian Shift is notoriously difficult to decrypt without the password; In fact, it's still a valued means of communication today. Give the next message's password in the message you send, and it becomes all but impossible to intercept your communication by any means other than interrogation and espionage.

I was trying to think of an embarrassing secret to hide here, but then I realised that I've given them all away already.

My sister's been stalking me here occasionally, and trying to use some of the stuff I post as emotional blackmail, like I'm ashamed of my opinions or something. If she'd been a bit more of an engaging sibling, maybe I wouldn't have strayed online in search of intelligent conversation, I say.

Also I had a panic attack today. It wasn't fun. I kind of get the old "walls closing in on you" line now; The classroom I was in suddenly felt very small indeed. Luckily it was a free period, I pretty much just grabbed my bag and legged it out of there. I spent the next three hours (I counted) down the park, curled up in the grass in the sun. I probably looked like a tramp or something, but I did feel better after I'd rested a bit.

I don't like running away from my problems, especially since I'm now going to have to deal with a couple of frustrated teachers whose lessons I missed, but I guess I just have to try and tackle things one at a time.

It's just the ongoing things I struggle with; my nebulous future, the growing communication gap between me and my peers (let alone the opposite sex), my complacency with all of these things.

Also, my new therapist seems to be a bit shit. Or maybe it's just unhelpful of me to counter her optimistic rhetoric with logical argument.
I would've been mad at you if the time I took to decipher and rewrite this was comparable to what you're facing in life. Good luck, I hope you overcome everything you're going through although I'm far too inexperienced with such life problems to give you any sound advice.
Posted 05-07-2013 at 04:56 PM by Auriel

Manco's Avatar
Surely if his sister is using what he posts here as emotional blackmail posting a translation is kind of a dick move?
Posted 05-07-2013 at 11:18 PM by Manco

Daxter King's Avatar
I had a panic attack once, frightful experience, it came on sudden and really the event that sparked most of it had happened months prior. I wish you the best of luck in your current endeavors, they mirror some of my own.
Posted 05-07-2013 at 11:22 PM by Daxter King

STM's Avatar
Good luck mate, you know you can float me a text if you feel like having a chat or if you need to vent.
Posted 05-08-2013 at 06:23 AM by STM

Splat's Avatar
So much for that bandwagon. I nearly had a panic attack once, in a supermarket. Managed to calm down before freaking out though.
Hope things get better for you dude; you're a good guy. Hope you can get some good support from friends/teachers/so on.
Posted 05-08-2013 at 10:47 AM by Splat

MeechMunchie's Avatar
The password was "MeechMunchie" (though that becomes "MECHUNI"), if anyone hasn't figured that out.

Posted 05-08-2013 at 12:16 PM by MeechMunchie


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