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Platform games!

Posted 05-02-2013 at 12:28 AM by Phylum
Updated 01-15-2014 at 03:16 PM by Phylum
Ok, so this is a pretty long winded thing. Basically, as part of passing or last year of school in my stupid state we have to complete a subject called Research Project. I'm researching 2D platformers, and I need people to do some tests for me. It will involve downloading some files from various, questionable sources but it shouldn't be too much trouble.

Basically, if you see me on Steam in the next 48 hours and you have about 30 minutes to spare send me a message. If you're on Steam and I send you a message please really think about this because I've really screwed myself over by making this so last minute.

Posted in Random Crap, Crap
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Jordan's Avatar
i'm quite happy to help you!!
Posted 05-02-2013 at 12:36 AM by Jordan

Varrok's Avatar
I would like to help but I don't think I have you at my Steam Friends
EDIT: Nevermind, you're in OWF group
Posted 05-02-2013 at 01:51 AM by Varrok
Updated 05-02-2013 at 08:19 AM by Varrok

Phylum's Avatar
I don't have you on Steam, but if you add me on Skype/PM me we can hopefully work something out!

My skype name is phy1um.
Posted 05-02-2013 at 01:58 AM by Phylum

Slog Bait's Avatar
Platformers are the best.
Posted 05-02-2013 at 12:01 PM by Slog Bait

Jbot123's Avatar
Platformers SUCK BALLS! That is all.
Posted 05-02-2013 at 02:52 PM by Jbot123

jumper's Avatar
For what it's worth, in my last year at sixth form, we were made to complete an extended project, and I did mine on the evolution of platformers. Want me to try to dig it out?
Posted 05-03-2013 at 10:06 PM by jumper

Phylum's Avatar
Oh, wow. If you could that would be fantastic. Thankyou!
Posted 05-04-2013 at 12:42 AM by Phylum


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