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Posted 04-04-2013 at 05:10 PM by STM

I love you all, in the butt.

Unfortunately that's the biggest I could make it, the original had a width of 5000~.

If you're not in this one, stop lurking so much.
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Nepsotic's Avatar
That's not emotion, that's insanity. You're getting confused.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 04:29 AM by Nepsotic

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Goths are stylish people, who wear dark, "gothic" clothes and have a mysterious or retarded character.
Well you've certainly got one of those things

That person is simply a poser.
Like you? Behold:

A true EMO is filled with emotions and that is the thing which makes us live. Most of Emos remain Emo for the whole life.
Okay, I can roll with that. You're just a raw, boiling pit of uncontainable frustrations, aren't you?

Also, the last picture of me (without emo):
Oh wait, apparently it's something you can just turn on and off. Q.E.D.

But some of us demonstrate their state, eradicating theirs and transforming into goths. Even if I wanted to, people around me would start discriminating me (You understand, my country was in Soviet Russia).
Gishy, the Soviet Union broke up before you were even born. You're not exactly living under an Orwellian regime here.

But I can appreciate that social subcultures have a hard time in the USSR. However, I'd be more sympathetic if I for a second believed that this whole overly verbose tragic melodrama thing you have going on was actually involuntary. As it stands, your woe and suffering seems to evaporate whenever it's convenient.

I could show you some hysterical music (made in Android app Caustic) I composed.

Finally, when I turn 21 I shall make my hair white.
Now this shit isn't even relevant. I mean seriously, I just burst out laughing when I read this. Gishy, after all of this, do you still genuinely believe that we're all hanging on the edge of our seats for more news about your hair?

You might be the coolest cat on your block, back in the USSR, but you don't know how lucky you are, boy. Back in the USSR, yeah. Because your little act won't fly here. We have enough members with real character and real problems making real attempts to fix them, and they will always be much more cool (and let's face it, that's what this is all about) than you.

I don't agree with Crashpunk's approach; that's not how depression works. In fact, often the fact that there's nothing objectively wrong with the sufferer's life causes guilt about their symptoms, making them feel even worse.

But that's not what this is. Gishygleb, you're not depressed. You're just a bored teenager who's latched on to a foreign trend - and an outdated one at that. You've shown no signs of depression. You're obviously not hiding them, because you seem to percieve such things as a badge of honour. And let me tell you, Gishy, if you could have the thoughts and perceptions of a clinical depressive magically ported into your head, you would be begging and screaming to have them taken out within the hour.

Depression is not a fashion choice, and it's not cool. It's an illness, and if your real personality is that ridiculously shallow and vapid; if your real life is so utterly empty and void of achievement, that you have to try and embellish it with affectations and adopted misery just to justify to yourself your inability to do something fucking interesting, then I will not praise you. I will not admire you, I will not respect you. I will never, in a million years, consider you "cool". It's pathetic, and you will gain from me only pity and contempt.

It's not necessarily your fault that you are the way you are. It could be society, or your friends, or a lack of youth opportunities in your area. But it is your fault if you choose to remain the way you are, to defend your pointless charade. You obviously thought it made you interesting. I have taken the time to show you that this is not the case. Well, think that no longer. Lay it to one side.

If you invest the time you've spent rifling through your thesaurus for words that don't even fit in the sentence you're trying to construct instead in the study of subjects of interest to you, if you spend the time you've spent replaying Final Fantasy a bajillion times improving your music, and if you replace that meanie sneer of yours with a big ol' smile, you'll be more interesting, more cool, and as a bonus, people might actually be inclined to like you.

You can either leave and try your carefully rehearsed hair-flick elsewhere, or you can stay and grow the fuck up. The choice is yours.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 04:32 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 04-07-2013 at 04:55 AM by MeechMunchie

Jordan's Avatar
who is this gishygleb fella?
Posted 04-07-2013 at 05:04 AM by Jordan

Crashpunk's Avatar
Okay well I guess not then. I wouldn't know from experience caused I've never been depressed. It's a tricky subject to cover really.

I'm just stating that 'poser' emos (which Gishy describes and in all honest, you sound like.) are sad and emotional just to fit into the youth culture and aren't actually sad at all. most if not all of them have a good life really.

I mean I should know, A was around in school when Emo became such a big thing. God that was a horrible time.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 05:04 AM by Crashpunk

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I feel obligated to upstage people like Gishy, because it's pretentious douchebags like him that make it so hard for young people who actually want help to get taken seriously.

I do think it's kind of nice how we've got enough members to cover all our bases though. OANST, you take the arts. BM, the sciences. WoF, the humanities.

Snark Warriors, go! Improving humanity, one disillusioned idiot at a time.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 05:25 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 04-07-2013 at 05:33 AM by MeechMunchie

So it is important to change, isn't it? But you have not even understood, what am I.
Let us begin.
You know nothing about the country where I live. It is drown in corruption and conservative ideas and the things which you have imagined are pitiful.
Those facts about music and hair are logically constructed and are able to have place in that post.
Because of my oddness I am highly intellectual and people try to use it. That is why I give a negative impression to those, who try to socialize with me.
Depression. I have never had it. Maybe, hysteria, but really rarely. You words about fashion are the reflection of one of the stereotypes. I never wear Emo-poser clothes and behave myself not like an Emo when I am in public. I do it for myself, alone, singing screamo, gothic songs and playing my guitar. In school I disguise as a geek.
About smileys, abbreviations. These are only for those who try to shorten their speech. Why should I do that?
The virtual social system is the thing, using which we may satisfy our social needs.

My timetable is so dense, that I have not enough time to improve my English. Even today, on Sunday, I had 3 hours of flute and 2 hours of mathematics. But you help me do it with every your post on the forums. That is why I am grateful.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 05:33 AM by gishygleb

Varrok's Avatar
who is this gishygleb fella?
The one from "See how can be done?"
Posted 04-07-2013 at 05:52 AM by Varrok

MeechMunchie's Avatar
So it is important to change, isn't it? But you have not even understood, what am I.
Apparently, I understand better than you do. You've been lying to yourself for so long that you're starting to believe it.

You know nothing about the country where I live. It is drown in corruption and conservative ideas and the things which you have imagined are pitiful.

Because of my oddness I am highly intellectual and people try to use it. That is why I give a negative impression to those, who try to socialize with me.
Yes, the USSR is kind of a shithole, especially for boys your age. You've got thirty brands of neo-Nazi group to choose from, none of them providing less than a 20% chance of getting beaten to death by someone you looked at funny. You're more than likely to be found in a ditch with a bottle of methanol vodka in your hand by the time you're 23. Your government doesn't give a shit about anyone except themselves and anyone else who'd want to help is caught up in endless red tape.

But you're there. You're part of it. You're not above it all, so stop acting like you're too good for everyone. You're not distant from everyone because you're a savant, of such shocking intelligence and insight that you think on another plane. You're distant from everyone because you're a self-satisifed kid who has no respect for anyone for yourself. You're distant from everyone because you act like a snob and everyone avoids you as a result.

You've got an internet connection, an education, and your health. If you were as smart and emotionally sensitive as you claimed to be, you'd be attempting to fix some of the problems in your life, in your town, to rescue yourself from this pit of anguish you lament over.

But you don't. You sit at your PC and you bitch and whine and sneer. You don't give a shit, Gishy. You don't give a shit, and it's plain for all to see. To you, these nationwide political struggles may as well be your Mom complaining about your haircut or a boy picking on you at school. They're not problems for you, they're excuses. The difference being that you don't want to fix them, not when they provide such a convenient way for you to sit on your arse and do nothing of consequence, and yet still lord it over others by simple virtue of still having a house and two functional kidneys.

Your position in life does kind of suck, but not as much as you do. There are plenty of people in your country who achieve more and have less. And they don't think it entitles them to act with the self-confidence of an infallible saint, either.

Those facts about music and hair are logically constructed and are able to have place in that post.
No-one asked for them. No-one cares. Not a single individual on these gosh-darned forums cared about your hair and music, and yet you posted them. They have a place in your life, perhaps, but not on our forums. We prefer to focus our attention on more substantial things, like memes and funny pictures of cats.

You words about fashion are the reflection of one of the stereotypes. I never wear Emo-poser clothes and behave myself not like an Emo when I am in public. I do it for myself, alone, singing screamo, gothic songs and playing my guitar. In school I disguise as a geek.
So it's even worse than I thought. You don't fill the stereotype to make you cool in the eyes of other people, you fill the stereotype because it makes you look cool in your own eyes; and yet you don't even have the balls to act like that in public where you know people would mock you.

About smileys, abbreviations. These are only for those who try to shorten their speech. Why should I do that?
I rarely use either, but then I also use words that I actually understand. Maybe long words are impressive, but not when cacaphonous they're just shoved in where they don't belong. The application gains far more credit than the knowledge.

The virtual social system is the thing, using which we may satisfy our social needs.
And here we go again. Your only "social need" is reinforcement of your self-absorption. The internet, the world, and your fellow human beings do not exist solely to engorge your already bloated ego.

Somewhere along the line you've convinced yourself that you're an objectively superior being to everyone else; maybe that really is down to living in a country where everyone's fighting for their life.

But this isn't an opinion, or an argument. It's a fallacy. It's just wrong, and if you can't dispense with it altogether then you'll just have to take it elsewhere.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 06:06 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 04-07-2013 at 06:25 AM by MeechMunchie

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Posted 04-07-2013 at 06:27 AM by MeechMunchie

I can't understand. Why struggle against me? Why should you condescend to the level of the idiots around me? I don't want to corrupt one more person.
I decided. To make your life brighter I leave. Forever. There was no idiot Gishy, there will be no.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 06:47 AM by gishygleb

Varrok's Avatar
Gishy, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Meh, whatever
Posted 04-07-2013 at 07:17 AM by Varrok
Updated 04-07-2013 at 07:20 AM by Varrok

Manco's Avatar
My biggest problem with gishygleb is he speaks like a diarrheic dictionary robot with little regard for grammar. Or the interest of anyone reading.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 07:51 AM by Manco

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I can't understand.
Because you're an idiot.

Why struggle against me?
Because you're an idiot.

I don't want to corrupt one more person.
Because you're an idiot.

To make your life brighter I leave. Forever.
Because you like being an idiot.

There was no idiot Gishy, there will be no.
Well, that's debatable.

Say, STM, that picture you drew is pretty cool...
Posted 04-07-2013 at 08:28 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 04-07-2013 at 08:36 AM by MeechMunchie

STM's Avatar
I imagine it's the sort of drivel a Eastern European Tolkien might come out with if you repeatedly twatted him with a hardback copy of all three LotR books.

Also, bravo, MM. Bravo indeed.

E: Yeah, I think this train wreck has sort of brought us far far away from the initial topic...we had some fun though. xD
Posted 04-07-2013 at 08:34 AM by STM
Updated 04-07-2013 at 08:37 AM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I dunno guys, maybe we ought to be worried. According to his personal biography, he was "The Chosen One".

Also, his interests included "Bringing despair".

This blog is sad.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 08:41 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 04-07-2013 at 08:46 AM by MeechMunchie

Varrok's Avatar
Hey, my interests include bringing despair too!
Posted 04-07-2013 at 09:05 AM by Varrok

Nepsotic's Avatar
Goths are stylish people, who wear dark, "gothic" clothes and have a mysterious or retarded character.

Well you've certainly got one of those things

That person is simply a poser.

Like you? Behold:

A true EMO is filled with emotions and that is the thing which makes us live. Most of Emos remain Emo for the whole life.

Okay, I can roll with that. You're just a raw, boiling pit of uncontainable frustrations, aren't you?

Also, the last picture of me (without emo):

Oh wait, apparently it's something you can just turn on and off. Q.E.D.

But some of us demonstrate their state, eradicating theirs and transforming into goths. Even if I wanted to, people around me would start discriminating me (You understand, my country was in Soviet Russia).

Gishy, the Soviet Union broke up before you were even born. You're not exactly living under an Orwellian regime here.

But I can appreciate that social subcultures have a hard time in the USSR. However, I'd be more sympathetic if I for a second believed that this whole overly verbose tragic melodrama thing you have going on was actually involuntary. As it stands, your woe and suffering seems to evaporate whenever it's convenient.

I could show you some hysterical music (made in Android app Caustic) I composed.

Finally, when I turn 21 I shall make my hair white.

Now this shit isn't even relevant. I mean seriously, I just burst out laughing when I read this. Gishy, after all of this, do you still genuinely believe that we're all hanging on the edge of our seats for more news about your hair?

You might be the coolest cat on your block, back in the USSR, but you don't know how lucky you are, boy. Back in the USSR, yeah. Because your little act won't fly here. We have enough members with real character and real problems making real attempts to fix them, and they will always be much more cool (and let's face it, that's what this is all about) than you.

I don't agree with Crashpunk's approach; that's not how depression works. In fact, often the fact that there's nothing objectively wrong with the sufferer's life causes guilt about their symptoms, making them feel even worse.

But that's not what this is. Gishygleb, you're not depressed. You're just a bored teenager who's latched on to a foreign trend - and an outdated one at that. You've shown no signs of depression. You're obviously not hiding them, because you seem to percieve such things as a badge of honour. And let me tell you, Gishy, if you could have the thoughts and perceptions of a clinical depressive magically ported into your head, you would be begging and screaming to have them taken out within the hour.

Depression is not a fashion choice, and it's not cool. It's an illness, and if your real personality is that ridiculously shallow and vapid; if your real life is so utterly empty and void of achievement, that you have to try and embellish it with affectations and adopted misery just to justify to yourself your inability to do something fucking interesting, then I will not praise you. I will not admire you, I will not respect you. I will never, in a million years, consider you "cool". It's pathetic, and you will gain from me only pity and contempt.

It's not necessarily your fault that you are the way you are. It could be society, or your friends, or a lack of youth opportunities in your area. But it is your fault if you choose to remain the way you are, to defend your pointless charade. You obviously thought it made you interesting. I have taken the time to show you that this is not the case. Well, think that no longer. Lay it to one side.

If you invest the time you've spent rifling through your thesaurus for words that don't even fit in the sentence you're trying to construct instead in the study of subjects of interest to you, if you spend the time you've spent replaying Final Fantasy a bajillion times improving your music, and if you replace that meanie sneer of yours with a big ol' smile, you'll be more interesting, more cool, and as a bonus, people might actually be inclined to like you.

You can either leave and try your carefully rehearsed hair-flick elsewhere, or you can stay and grow the fuck up. The choice is yours.

So it is important to change, isn't it? But you have not even understood, what am I.

Apparently, I understand better than you do. You've been lying to yourself for so long that you're starting to believe it.

You know nothing about the country where I live. It is drown in corruption and conservative ideas and the things which you have imagined are pitiful.

Because of my oddness I am highly intellectual and people try to use it. That is why I give a negative impression to those, who try to socialize with me.

Yes, the USSR is kind of a shithole, especially for boys your age. You've got thirty brands of neo-Nazi group to choose from, none of them providing less than a 20% chance of getting beaten to death by someone you looked at funny. You're more than likely to be found in a ditch with a bottle of methanol vodka in your hand by the time you're 23. Your government doesn't give a shit about anyone except themselves and anyone else who'd want to help is caught up in endless red tape.

But you're there. You're part of it. You're not above it all, so stop acting like you're too good for everyone. You're not distant from everyone because you're a savant, of such shocking intelligence and insight that you think on another plane. You're distant from everyone because you're a self-satisifed kid who has no respect for anyone for yourself. You're distant from everyone because you act like a snob and everyone avoids you as a result.

You've got an internet connection, an education, and your health. If you were as smart and emotionally sensitive as you claimed to be, you'd be attempting to fix some of the problems in your life, in your town, to rescue yourself from this pit of anguish you lament over.

But you don't. You sit at your PC and you bitch and whine and sneer. You don't give a shit, Gishy. You don't give a shit, and it's plain for all to see. To you, these nationwide political struggles may as well be your Mom complaining about your haircut or a boy picking on you at school. They're not problems for you, they're excuses. The difference being that you don't want to fix them, not when they provide such a convenient way for you to sit on your arse and do nothing of consequence, and yet still lord it over others by simple virtue of still having a house and two functional kidneys.

Your position in life does kind of suck, but not as much as you do. There are plenty of people in your country who achieve more and have less. And they don't think it entitles them to act with the self-confidence of an infallible saint, either.

Those facts about music and hair are logically constructed and are able to have place in that post.

No-one asked for them. No-one cares. Not a single individual on these gosh-darned forums cared about your hair and music, and yet you posted them. They have a place in your life, perhaps, but not on our forums. We prefer to focus our attention on more substantial things, like memes and funny pictures of cats.

You words about fashion are the reflection of one of the stereotypes. I never wear Emo-poser clothes and behave myself not like an Emo when I am in public. I do it for myself, alone, singing screamo, gothic songs and playing my guitar. In school I disguise as a geek.

So it's even worse than I thought. You don't fill the stereotype to make you cool in the eyes of other people, you fill the stereotype because it makes you look cool in your own eyes; and yet you don't even have the balls to act like that in public where you know people would mock you.

About smileys, abbreviations. These are only for those who try to shorten their speech. Why should I do that?

I rarely use either, but then I also use words that I actually understand. Maybe long words are impressive, but not when cacaphonous they're just shoved in where they don't belong. The application gains far more credit than the knowledge.

The virtual social system is the thing, using which we may satisfy our social needs.

And here we go again. Your only "social need" is reinforcement of your self-absorption. The internet, the world, and your fellow human beings do not exist solely to engorge your already bloated ego.

Somewhere along the line you've convinced yourself that you're an objectively superior being to everyone else; maybe that really is down to living in a country where everyone's fighting for their life.

But this isn't an opinion, or an argument. It's a fallacy. It's just wrong, and if you can't dispense with it altogether then you'll just have to take it elsewhere.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh god.

Thank you.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 09:26 AM by Nepsotic

Varrok's Avatar
*has to scroll through all the fucking quoted text just to know you thank him for that*
Fuck you.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 09:47 AM by Varrok

Nepsotic's Avatar
I had to thank him.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 09:58 AM by Nepsotic

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
This thread is fucking terrible.

And I just made it worse.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 10:04 AM by Mr. Bungle

Steamer_KING's Avatar
Posted 04-07-2013 at 10:18 AM by Steamer_KING
Updated 04-07-2013 at 10:21 AM by Steamer_KING

Slog Bait's Avatar
I still have no idea what Goth is supposed to be.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 10:40 AM by Slog Bait

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I guess you just couldn't...


... see how can be done.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 11:58 AM by MeechMunchie

STM's Avatar
If we could just leave it at that though, that'd be great. At least give me that.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 12:56 PM by STM

Manco's Avatar
Let's take a moment to reflect on the darkness in all our hearts.

... So now that's done with, why in heck's name did you decide to draw me looking like an avatar that I haven't used in years????
Posted 04-07-2013 at 02:16 PM by Manco

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Because you still have the same character's name?
Posted 04-07-2013 at 02:28 PM by MeechMunchie

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Man, fuck science. I found Jesus.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 02:49 PM by Bullet Magnet

mr.odd's Avatar
Man, fuck science. I found Jesus.
I think hell just froze over.
Posted 04-07-2013 at 05:46 PM by mr.odd

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Don't panic, I lost him again. Yay science!
Posted 04-07-2013 at 08:53 PM by Bullet Magnet

Crashpunk's Avatar
After all this, I'm voting MM and Gishy for Best Couple 2013.

You two are so good together.
Posted 04-08-2013 at 01:28 AM by Crashpunk


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