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Universities and People

Posted 02-13-2013 at 01:21 PM by STM

Today I went on an ungodly trek up north into Leicester for a visiting day held for everyone accepted into the university. There were two objectives for today: number one, get a taste for the university and see if it really is the place for me. Number two, socialise with like-minded people and try to strike up a few friendships, god knows I could use some more friends that aren't always stoned or living outside of the country.

The university is amazing, that much I am certain of, the facilities, the English course, the genuine enthusiasm displayed by the professors and the students, all of this won me over, securing in my mind that this would be a fantastic place to study.

Unfortunately, the success of my second objective was much harder to determine. It seemed to me that the students being shown around the university had the collective personality of a sea cucumber. I tried to talk to about five prospective students and one second year dude, and of that number, two had any conversation to give and one was interesting. Alex. He bought me lunch, he's a good guy. I understand that people are shy and all, but the reason I have taken this to heart is because in my head for weeks, I'd planned this whole thing of me going to this table of people I didn't know, sitting myself down, striking up conversation and making some new friends. Apparently, people don't want that. Urgh, reading over this makes me sound pathetic, but I'm just upset I suppose.

Any way, so, of course my train was cancelled due to 1cm, yes, 1cm, of snow. I had to forfeit a seat in a quiet carriage on a direct route back to London and stand with a shoal of other people who made an effort to be as strange as possible. Mouse-girl, for instance (for she looked and acted like a mouse) was frequently found sitting on the floor, huddled over her shitty iPhone. This wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the fact that one guy tripped over her and then she was later battered by a food trolley. Okay, so that last point was admittedly quite funny.

Any way, this is where my day was slightly redeemed, I was sitting next to this very interesting lady with a beautiful personality. These are my people, the ones who strike up big, interesting conversations with complete strangers - fuck sitting there in awkward silence. So this (if I remember correctly) Germano-Swiss, Indo-Finnish lady and I held a conversation for what must have been forty minutes but gratefully felt much longer, about 100 subjects, history, our families, our plans for the future, travel, terrible British everything and Rammstein. Apparently, German people don't like Rammstein, who knew? Not I.

Any way, she honestly made an otherwise terrible journey 1000% more enjoyable. Gotta love random foreigners.

So, part two in my love for humanity comes when two ticket collectors actually believed my genuine story of fucked-uppery train travel and let me get onto the London Underground without any hassle whatsoever, even directing me onto the train I should have (but couldn't physically afford to have) paid for.

The travel eased up after that, I bought a railcard for the underground, and big fucking double cheese burger and chips with orange juice because I don't want to get fat, then trekked up the Metropolitan back home. I got to my stop - ticket didn't work, I asked the lady behind the counter to buzz me through, she stared at my ticket, looked up at me and then ranted for a minute or two about how I was a despicable human being for using a railcard for zones 1-4 when I was currently in zone 9. Lady - I couldn't give two fucks. Any way, I politely apologised, smiled and asked whether she would buzz me through or whether I had to pay the £50 fine. She scowled at me and told me that if anyone else had checked my ticket, I would have been forced to pay the fine, which is bull shit, because this has happened before and the nice people let me through any way.

Fucking jobsworth.

Any way, I realised today that I can no longer deal with any sort of major confrontation and I felt physically shaken by her tirade for about ten minutes afterwards - hell, I was even willing to pay the fine, but because I was wearing a hoodie and a bandana (which was pulled down off my face) she obviously assumed I was scummy.

Also some black lady stared at me the whole time I was on the metro - the whole time she was awake any way. I thought she was going to punch me or something because she was giving me a horrible fucking look...also, some old geezer stared at me in absolute disgust when I sat across from him, he was a suit and he made a habit of trying to make himself look high-and-mighty, then when I pulled out Dominion from my bag and got to work reading that thick-arse book, he looked surprised at me, like I was some primordial being communicating with rudimentary speech for the first time.

So, rant over. Don't expect anyone to comment on this but I feel a whole fucking lot better that I got this all off my chest. Thing is, on a whole the day wasn't that bad, it was just the evening. If it wasn't for that foreign lady - bless her soul - I would have gone insane.

I think I'm losing my tolerance for the general public, if I turn into my dad I am going to shoot myself.
Total Comments 17


STM's Avatar
Also this blog resonates somewhat similarly with Nepsotic's. I'm worrying myself offence dude.
Posted 02-13-2013 at 01:22 PM by STM

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
My brother went to Leicester. He's still in the city. Perhaps I could look you up when I'm visiting him sometime.
Posted 02-13-2013 at 01:33 PM by Bullet Magnet

STM's Avatar
That'd be great. =)

Mind you I'm deferring entry for a year so I can get some real employment. No money - no uni.
Posted 02-13-2013 at 01:37 PM by STM

Nepsotic's Avatar
When you said you striked up conversations with people... How did you do that? I'm genuinly curious.
Also this blog resonates somewhat similarly with Nepsotic's. I'm worrying myself offence dude.
What exactly do you mean?
Posted 02-13-2013 at 01:45 PM by Nepsotic

STM's Avatar
I talked about how shit the weather was. Dude, you're British, it is in your blood to do this.


I mean, it sounds like I'm whining about how much people annoy me. ; )

I'm only teasing though.
Posted 02-13-2013 at 01:48 PM by STM

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
I find that badly written dialogue in literature is an exceptional depiction of how people actually talk.
Posted 02-13-2013 at 02:34 PM by Bullet Magnet

Nepsotic's Avatar
But after you said "Weather's shit, innit?", and they responded "yeah...", then what?
Posted 02-13-2013 at 03:08 PM by Nepsotic

Nate's Avatar
Given what you were wearing, you've got no-one but yourself to blame when people give you dirty looks.

As for the making friends thing; orientation days really aren't the best time to meet people. You'll find friends when you strike up conversations with people sitting next to you in lectures or in student clubs.
Posted 02-13-2013 at 03:17 PM by Nate

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Or while they desperately persuade you not to press charges.
Posted 02-13-2013 at 05:15 PM by Bullet Magnet

Jordan's Avatar
You shouldn't be annoyed by people not making an effort to make friends on prospectus days. They don't know for sure they're going to be at that uni, they're focusing on what they like and don't like about it, to me it's understandable that they won't offer much in terms of a conversation at that point in time. Granted, it's no excuse to ignore everyone.
Posted 02-13-2013 at 11:28 PM by Jordan

STM's Avatar
Given what you were wearing, you've got no-one but yourself to blame when people give you dirty looks.
I suppose, but I don't think I look like a very scary person, my bandana was pulled down (so was my hood) and tucked into my hoodie, hell I even picked up all my litter on the train and carried it off when I left.

Ah well, I think I was just a bit pissy because it'd been a long, cold day and my brain was fried. In other news: Happy Valentines Day!! <3
Posted 02-14-2013 at 02:43 AM by STM

Nepsotic's Avatar
I even picked up all my litter on the train and carried it off when I left.
You mean some people don't do that?
Posted 02-14-2013 at 08:26 AM by Nepsotic

Phylum's Avatar
I think I just realised why everyone says people from Adelaide are like people from England. We're always complaining about the weather and our public transport. I went to London and I though the public transport was fantastic, so that really says something about how it is here

I almost always wear shirts of some form everywhere because I got sick of getting dirty looks for being a teenager. I also make an effort to smile and acknowledge people around me when they do things, like move out of my way. People treat me completely differently to how they did a year ago.

Also, grow a beard Nep. They're fantastic conversation points. It's amazing how differently people have been treating me in the last few weeks since having one.
Posted 02-15-2013 at 10:56 PM by Phylum

Nate's Avatar
I think I just realised why everyone says people from Adelaide are like people from England. We're always complaining about the weather and our public transport. I went to London and I though the public transport was fantastic, so that really says something about how it is here
If there's one thing I've learnt through my travels around the world, it's that no-one is ever satisfied with their city's public transport. You could visit the most efficient city in the world and people would still complain about having to wait more than 30 seconds for a train.

Also, you should visit Melbourne. I wouldn't say that we complain about our weather, per se, but we certainly do discuss it more than anywhere else I've visited. Probably because we have more of it.
Posted 02-16-2013 at 12:03 AM by Nate

STM's Avatar
I almost always wear shirts of some form everywhere because I got sick of getting dirty looks for being a teenager. I also make an effort to smile and acknowledge people around me when they do things, like move out of my way. People treat me completely differently to how they did a year ago.

Also, grow a beard Nep. They're fantastic conversation points. It's amazing how differently people have been treating me in the last few weeks since having one.
Despite all the shit about travelling, I was actually in a good mood for some reason, I think the independence of travelling right across the country by myself and looking after myself for a day probably helped. I did smile a lot because of that, I think that's what took my aback so much when that bitch behind the counter had such a go at me, I was very polite to her and she replied by pretty much yelling at me...which is not the way you treat a complete stranger, especially in a service discourse.

Also, you grew your beard again? =D
Posted 02-16-2013 at 05:37 AM by STM

Phylum's Avatar
Yeah. I decided I needed one in my year 12 photo, just like my dad.

I had it trimmed at a barber today along with a short haircut. It suits me, although I look like a different person. Photos coming tomorrow probably.
Posted 02-17-2013 at 12:03 AM by Phylum

STM's Avatar
Cannae wait.
Posted 02-17-2013 at 02:50 AM by STM


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