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Welfare rant

Posted 01-31-2013 at 01:23 AM by DarkHoodness
I'll post this here. It may generate conversation. Or not.

I've been coming across articles and discussions about welfare cuts here in the UK for the past couple of years, and there are a lot of things which don't add up.

Why is our government taking away benefits when there aren't many jobs around to start with? When a full time minimum wage job doesn't cover the cost of living, and fuel, food, transport, housing and rent prices are through the roof and steadily rising every year?

Many people here who are in full-time work have to take benefits in order to pay their bills. How does that make sense? They're affected by cuts, too.

I can understand trying to wean people off of benefits, and get out of the so called "welfare state", but how are poor and disabled people meant to get themselves out of their situation if there isn't the means to do so? What about those who are unable work through illness and are dying 'cause they're being forced to work anyway?

The government say they need money, and that we're in a recession, then they go waste it on shit we don't need like the Trident nuclear missile system, the Olympics, and that stupid "High Speed 2" rail network that will only benefit those who can afford to travel on it, while not doing a damned thing to bridge the North-South divide - And that's just to name a few things.

While the poorest of the poor get shafted and get condemned to a poverty trap, the rich get away with not being penalised for the recession, and are allowed to continue their tax evasion 'cause the government is afraid that they'll run away to other countries instead of investing in our economy.

UK's society is one big fallacy and full of contradictions, while the coalition government are making a pigs ear of everything. Yeah, it could be a lot worse here, we could be like Syria or something, but we're supposed to be a bloody first world country. We have the money and power to fix it, yet we're fucking it up even more. And that's incredibly disheartening.
Total Comments 34


STM's Avatar
Anything for you, babe.
Posted 02-07-2013 at 08:39 AM by STM

Varrok's Avatar
Okay, I gave it a thought, and you can keep 'em. D:
Posted 02-07-2013 at 10:51 AM by Varrok

STM's Avatar
Posted 02-07-2013 at 11:14 AM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Maybe builders are all gay.

Correlation = Causation
Posted 02-07-2013 at 12:41 PM by MeechMunchie


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