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New Years Eve and Insanity

Posted 12-30-2012 at 02:36 AM by Phylum
So it looks lime my parents are going to make me go up to spend NYE at my aunt and uncle's house with them, then staying the night and coming back sometime the next day. For a while they seemed fairly keen on me not going, partly because they'll have more fun without me and partly because they seem to want me to have friends almost as much as I do.

The original plan was for at least one of my similar aged male cousins to be up there. I was fairly close to them for years, but once they got cars I stopped seeing them. It could have been a good chance to catch up. My 14 yo female cousin will be there, and even worse she's having a friend over. I expect they'll disappear into her room and I'll barely see them, for better.

So now it looks like it will be my aunt, my uncle, my parents and I sitting around for a few hours. They will be drinking and having a great time. I will be sitting and smiling. It wouldn't be so bad, but I've been with them constantly since the 6th. I was sick for about a week, then I just haven't left the house much since. My mum doesn't work and my dad barely has to go into uni at this time of year, so to say they've been around is an understatement. Christmas day I was with them. The family gathering I went to yesterday I was with them. I even did my last minute Christmas shopping with my dad when he was doing his. Naturally they're getting a bit tiring. I can hear them from my room. I can hear them almost constantly talking. Our house is so small I just can't escape it. Sitting around with them for a few hours in someone else's house is going to be awful. If I get too uncomfortable I can't retreat into my room. I'm going to be stuck there with them.

The alternative is being home alone, which I'm not very keen on and it doesn't even look like my parents will let me stay. I haven't told them the above because I really don't know how my dad will react. If they still make me go it will still be uncomfortable, but they'll just feel worse when they see how little I enjoy myself.

If nothing else my parents have finally accepted that I don't really have friends, which was hard for them. I am the complete opposite of everything they were. My mum was terrible in school and dropped out of her last year to get a job. She was a big with parties and was "popular". My dad finished high-school, if only barely. He was on the footy team and was seemingly liked by everyone. They were a bit confused when my social life suddenly died at the beginning of last year. They've tried to pressure me to go out lots, giving the impression that they think I just wanted to do nothing. Now they've finally realised that nobody wants to spend time with me and they have no idea how to handle, so we just don't talk about it. It's not like they should. It's not like there's anything they can do. It's just one of those things that they can't relate to.

I always like to stop at the end of the year and look back at the last 12 months. Throughout the year I really thought I was doing well. I had lots of fun times and I really thought I was fixing things with people. I really thought everything was going to be different these holidays. I really though I was going to have friends.

This really has been a shit year. I have done nothing. I've let myself down so many times over such stupid, little things. I haven't even been bothered to get my learner's permit, which means that it's at least another year until I can start driving myself places. I'm still making progress with my music, but that's fallen flat in the last few weeks because I feel so dull and awful. I can't sound good because I can't feel like I want to sound good.

And still all I can do about anything is write these goddamn awful blogs.
Posted in Crappy Crap, Crap
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Nate's Avatar
It's small comfort, but I guarantee you that in a few years you'll look back on this and wonder why it bothered you so much.

My only other comment is to point out that just because you're with your parents and other family on NYE, doesn't mean you have to be with them. Bring a book or a laptop, go in to another room and do whatever the hell you would be doing any other night. December 31st is just an arbitrary calendar date, after all.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 03:43 AM by Nate

Phylum's Avatar
My laptop went in to get serviced several weeks ago. They needed to order in parts, but then Christmas happened so it will be done January 3rd at the earliest :/

If I'm just doing what I always do I don't really see the point in going up there for the night, either.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 04:05 AM by Phylum

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I have to admit, I'm getting sick of having hordes of family huddling around my home as well. I love these people, but it gets stressful when they either bring a lot of bullshit with them or seem to manifest it with farmyard magic.

I've never been a big new years guy. I straight up missed the countdown two or three years in a row in high school because it just doesn't seem like it matters that much. At least one of those times I was definitely alone and watching cartoons online, and enjoyed spending the big dumb important holiday settled.

Why not take an instrument up with you and practicing amid the revelry? Or if better seek out a private space and meditate on the complex importance we put on a day just like most others, albeit a bit colder.

And if you do end up staying at home, there are always tons of streams people put up to just chat and watch movies together online that I've found a fairly enjoyable alternative to traditional New Years shenanigans. It seems like you're caught between needing some genuine alone time to center yourself and spending time with other people for the holiday spirit. If I was in your position, and had spent the 2 or 3 extra weeks with family you've been subjected to I would seriously consider using it as an opportunity to enjoy having some space to myself. Draw or read a book and keep the TV on in the background so you can do the countdown if you like.

Most importantly (as Nate already said) It's just a day we arbitrarily chose to recycle our faulty calender system that is irrelevent in this age of Frankenstein robot weather machines and Dracula shadowgovernments.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 04:25 AM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 12-30-2012 at 04:28 AM by Mac Sirloin

Phylum's Avatar
NYE would be the perfect night to do tonnes of music practice, but my muscles start shutting down from about 10pm. Nothing too drastic, but it's hard to have any kind of precision in your lips once the muscles start going to sleep.

I think I will talk to my parents and see if I can get out of going. I'll find a way of celebrating something at least, even if it means sitting in a local Minecraft server with some guys and counting it down.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 04:36 AM by Phylum

Jordan's Avatar
Fingers crossed for you being able to stay at home. It'd be better for them to know you're at home having a good time than to be bored out of your skull at your aunt and uncle's house.

And don't get yourself down too much. This might sound really clichéd but in two years time you may feel a lot better about things. From my experience and what I've seen in my friends you change quite a bit in that time and you move on from past shit.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 04:44 AM by Jordan

Nepsotic's Avatar
I think I will talk to my parents and see if I can get out of going. I'll find a way of celebrating something at least, even if it means sitting in a local Minecraft server with some guys and counting it down.
Yeah, do that, man. I'm lucky, because this year I'm going to My brother's. I love being alone, though, it gives me time to just concentrate and think about things, I hate being around other people.
Just do what you enjoy. Don't be forced into something you dislike just because it's NYE.

If I were you, and I had to go, I'd just sit in another room and watch the TV, or maybe go on the computer if they have one. Do you not have a games console you could bring?
Posted 12-30-2012 at 04:54 AM by Nepsotic

Phylum's Avatar
I do know things will pick up at some point, but that doesn't stop me being bored, lonely and mopey now.

e: Nep, my cousin has a 360, but that brings me right back to the "why even bother going" point.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 04:57 AM by Phylum

Nepsotic's Avatar
I was just saying if you HAD to go, then it saves you being bored.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 05:03 AM by Nepsotic

OddjobAbe's Avatar
With regards to the New Year at your Aunt and Uncle's, take a book or something. I'm going with my brother to visit my cousin, and I know that I'll be bringing my book (Che Guevara's Motorcycle Diaries - I recommend it), because that cousin is a boring cunt when he gets drunk (he's great sober, but he just bumps and flops around when under the influence).

Even better, why not try and contact someone? I've seen your photographs at parties, and it looks like people are having a good time. You say you don't have any friends, but I'm sure at least some of those people you used to hang around with would still be happy to see you if you put yourself forwards.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 07:27 AM by OddjobAbe

STM's Avatar
Yeah, if you want to make friends you need to go and get some. I think this is a mantra I keep saying in your blogs. I know if someone isn't very sociable or they feel awkward around people then it's not easy but if you just take the attitude that it doesn't matter what they think - and it doesn't after all - you'll find that you pick things up quite rapidly really. I wish you the best with New Years, however you celebrate. However you go about it though grab a few drinks, that always takes the edge off, and if you go to your uncle's and aunt's it'll liven things up.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 09:20 AM by STM

Daxter King's Avatar
Bang your cousin's friend.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 03:15 PM by Daxter King

Phylum's Avatar
There are maybe 3 people I could contact without it being too weird, but two of them are overseas and one of them will undoubtedly be with her boyfriend and his friends, who I don't get on too well with.

There's another person, but I broke up with her recently enough that it would probably be weird to ask. Either way, she's overseas too.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 04:19 PM by Phylum

Phylum's Avatar
Well, we're about to leave for my aunt and uncle's. We've packed some cards and a tonne of poker chips from my casino night. Rummy Royal is in, too. We'll probably end up playing a few board games later in the night, which will be entertaining. I'm taking my flute and saxophone, just to do some playing while we're there. They have a piano too, so manuscript paper and a pencil are in my bag in case I feel the need to bash out a tune. I'm also going to learn how to make cookies, but that's another story.

I'm making the vbest of this. Happy new year, guys.
Posted 12-30-2012 at 06:29 PM by Phylum

Jordan's Avatar
Hey that doesn't sound so bad! I'm sure you'll have a way better time than you're expecting. Have fun!
Posted 12-31-2012 at 02:16 AM by Jordan

Crashpunk's Avatar
Here's to 2013! I just hope it won't suck.
Posted 12-31-2012 at 08:02 AM by Crashpunk

OANST's Avatar
I'm crossing my fingers for some sucking in 2013.
Posted 12-31-2012 at 08:40 AM by OANST

STM's Avatar
I'm hoping I can fit some in before 2013 begins. You work to slow, OANST.
Posted 12-31-2012 at 09:00 AM by STM

OANST's Avatar
Yes, but I don't want to be the one doing the sucking. My way is harder.
Posted 12-31-2012 at 09:07 AM by OANST

MeechMunchie's Avatar
OANST's is harder than STM's
Posted 12-31-2012 at 04:08 PM by MeechMunchie


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