
  Oddworld Forums > Blogs > Shitty shit

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Look Ma', I've made another Flash animation!

Posted 12-16-2012 at 02:00 PM by Varrok
...and I decided to make a topic for them all: Here

I made this blog for those who don't visit Fan Corner (*looks at OANST*) and who might want to see more, but aren't aware of the topic I made

...okay, CP, 1 done, 4 more to go. I'll finally push that OANST's blog down!!!
Total Comments 21


Mr. Bungle's Avatar
That was nice. Only thing I didn't really care for was the part where the main character was singing with The Beatles, it just felt kind of cheesy. Other than that, good stuff.
Posted 12-16-2012 at 02:07 PM by Mr. Bungle

STM's Avatar
It still wobbles, but not as bad as before so that's an improvement. I actually didn't watch the whole thing because I'm not a fan of that specific song actually, it does seem to be an improvement upon the last video though, from what I saw any way.
Posted 12-16-2012 at 02:13 PM by STM

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
I actually like the "squigglevision"-esque animation. Reminds me of Dr. Katz or early Home Movies, which is neat.
Posted 12-16-2012 at 02:24 PM by Mr. Bungle

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I reckon that when he's in bed, the creases in the bed should have boiled too.

I also thought it was fantastic and way easier on the eye than the first.
Posted 12-16-2012 at 02:48 PM by Wings of Fire

Varrok's Avatar
I reckon that when he's in bed, the creases in the bed should have boiled too.
They somehow seemed weird (wobbling while the rest of the bedding doesn't) so I made them static

Thanks for the compliments!
Posted 12-16-2012 at 08:05 PM by Varrok

Nate's Avatar
You know, the whole point of having a Fan Corner subsection is that the people who would be interested in this sort of thing already visit there, and the people who don't, won't.
Posted 12-16-2012 at 10:25 PM by Nate

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Nobody visits FC though. From what I've seen so far, blogs do a better job of eliciting attention and critique. It's technically not against the rules either.

I guess what I'm saying is, we should close FC.
Posted 12-16-2012 at 11:53 PM by Sekto Springs

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Ditto. Plus no-one whose opinion Varrok really cares about would dare step foot in there.
Posted 12-17-2012 at 06:18 AM by Mr. Bungle

Varrok's Avatar
When I think about this, I made a silly mistake making the topic. Even I don't really visit FC regularly
Posted 12-17-2012 at 06:35 AM by Varrok

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I didn't even notice you made one in FC. I mean, arguably, it's just as easy to see a new thread crop up on the forums as it is to see a new blog, but I think most members' eye naturally gravitates away from FC.
Posted 12-17-2012 at 09:56 AM by Sekto Springs

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Most of the time when I glance at the most recently posted in thread in FC from the front page, no matter what it says, or who posted in it, it typically translates to "crap" in my mind. Even if some of it isn't so bad.
Posted 12-17-2012 at 09:58 AM by Mr. Bungle
Updated 12-17-2012 at 01:21 PM by Mr. Bungle

Varrok's Avatar
So I'm not the only one, good.

...the only reason I'm seeing most of that updates from FC there is because I use that "New Posts" button, and it doesn't show from which forum is a topic
Posted 12-17-2012 at 10:38 AM by Varrok

OANST's Avatar
Fan Corner is still open? WHAT THE FUCK
Posted 12-17-2012 at 10:42 AM by OANST

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Weird, eh?
Posted 12-17-2012 at 01:20 PM by Mr. Bungle

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I only keep my art game in Fan Corner because I don't trust you fuckers to play fair.
Posted 12-17-2012 at 01:21 PM by MeechMunchie

Nepsotic's Avatar
Does anybody here actually post in the fanfic threads people make?
Posted 12-17-2012 at 01:28 PM by Nepsotic

Varrok's Avatar
Not me.
Posted 12-17-2012 at 01:31 PM by Varrok

STM's Avatar
Not him.
Posted 12-17-2012 at 01:38 PM by STM

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Nope. Hard nope.
Posted 12-17-2012 at 02:22 PM by Mr. Bungle

Nepsotic's Avatar
Then why do they post their fanfics here? I think it's because they see the word 'Oddworld' here and assume we're an Oddworld community.

Posted 12-17-2012 at 02:44 PM by Nepsotic

STM's Avatar
Would you rather they post their stuff anywhere else? Some of the writers there have potential to write non-fan stuff because there is a calibre of writing. Look at me, in 2008 I wrote fan-fiction, in 2012 I went down a self-publishing route and made a few quid as a result. It's not a bad place to start, once you spend years and years there is when your writing will stagnate.
Posted 12-18-2012 at 08:10 AM by STM


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