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An Important Announcement

Posted 10-20-2012 at 08:54 PM by Dixanadu
Amanda Todd was a whore. If you feel sorry for her, you're a cunt.
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STM's Avatar
I'm Anglo-Irish you poo. My great granddad blew up police stations.
Posted 10-21-2012 at 03:14 PM by STM

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Right, but gingers aren't even persecuted that much. Anyone who plays White Knight on that battlefield is a fucking moron. My point still stands that Dix isn't bully fodder and henceforth will never know what kind of internal scars long-term bullying leaves.

I think a little bullying is essential to becoming a well-rounded adult, but everyone has different thresholds. What doesn't bother one person may deeply hurt another.
Posted 10-21-2012 at 04:14 PM by Sekto Springs

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Sounds like she was stupid and needed a more effective solution than 'Let's move every time'. Hopefully the attention this garners will put help schools or Judges or our Federal Gubmint or the Queen or whatthefuckever to do something about online bullying.

And yeah, bullying is going to happen no matter what. It's just the conditions someone's being bullied in that needs to be examined. For example:


The future is going to surprise all of us.
Posted 10-21-2012 at 06:30 PM by Mac Sirloin

Sekto Springs's Avatar
As much as bullying sucks, it will exist forever, just like suicide. These social issues are ingrained in human nature, and the best we can do is educate and offer free help to victims. More ambitious goals like stopping bullying all together - while noble - is a fool's errand, imo.
Posted 10-21-2012 at 08:34 PM by Sekto Springs

Daxter King's Avatar
Let's kill all the bullies.
Posted 10-21-2012 at 08:39 PM by Daxter King

Nepsotic's Avatar
As much as bullying sucks, it will exist forever, just like suicide. These social issues are ingrained in human nature,
It's just weird though, isn't it? What the fuck happened to survival instincts?
Posted 10-21-2012 at 10:04 PM by Nepsotic

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Again, teenagers instincts aren't fully developed. Their emotions trick them into feeling a certain way when they rationally shouldn't feel that way, or at least not to such extremes.

Teenagers, especially in America, have so much more expected of them than a few generations back. Their lives have been made much more complicated, often needlessly so and through fault of their own.
Posted 10-21-2012 at 11:32 PM by Sekto Springs

STM's Avatar
Teenagers, especially in America, have so much more expected of them than a few generations back.
Especially in America? Fuck that, it's a global phenomenon.

But that doesn't have anything to do with it considering the rise in expectation (and there was never anything more intangible) is proportionate to opportunity to succeed. Not to mention this is all theoretical and subjective.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 06:13 AM by STM

Wings of Fire's Avatar
No, expectations is a huge huge part of teenage suicide. Just look at Japan.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 07:07 AM by Wings of Fire

STM's Avatar
I'm not saying it isn't a factor, but if it is it's something experienced by all teens across the Earth, not exceptionally by Americans.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 07:18 AM by STM
Updated 10-22-2012 at 07:20 AM by STM

Sekto Springs's Avatar
It's not like it's a nationalist statement. On the whole, American teenagers are dumber, more shallow, and are quicker to kill themselves over stupid emotional dribble.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 08:37 AM by Sekto Springs

OANST's Avatar
No. It's because Americans are better at everything. Even suicide.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 08:56 AM by OANST

STM's Avatar
Posted 10-22-2012 at 08:57 AM by STM

Sekto Springs's Avatar
When japanese kids commit suicide, do they do it seppuku style?
Posted 10-22-2012 at 09:05 AM by Sekto Springs

Nepsotic's Avatar
I can't believe this is what our discussions have degraded into.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 09:10 AM by Nepsotic

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Nep's right. We should be talking about ponies instead.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 09:12 AM by Sekto Springs

Nepsotic's Avatar
Wait... for realz!?
Posted 10-22-2012 at 09:18 AM by Nepsotic

Jordan's Avatar
Nepsotic also says that as if the discussions on here have always been fine and dandy before this blog.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 10:03 AM by Jordan

Nepsotic's Avatar
I knew they weren't the best, but it's getting kind of ridiculous now. I like it, though. You don't really hear this stuff on any other forum, except maybe a Zoophilia one.

Oh wait, that's us
Posted 10-22-2012 at 10:21 AM by Nepsotic

Dixanadu's Avatar
Shut the fuck up about ponies.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 10:34 AM by Dixanadu

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Dix's scornful attitude towards ponies coupled with his current avatar compelled me to share this;

Posted 10-22-2012 at 10:43 AM by Sekto Springs

Nepsotic's Avatar
Jesus, oh, how much I loathe that show.

I like how pony discussion on the forum has risen without me mentioning it. Room for a thread? Pleeaaaase?
Posted 10-22-2012 at 10:48 AM by Nepsotic

Sekto Springs's Avatar
You're just not old enough to appreciate the brilliant subtlety of King of the Hill.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 10:51 AM by Sekto Springs

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Posted 10-22-2012 at 11:12 AM by MeechMunchie

Oddey's Avatar
I love King of the Hill. Not just for the niceness of everything in it, but also for the voice acting.

I have no opinion on Amanda Todd, because I have never been bullied, so I have no clue what she's been through. Oddly though, I always thought that if anyone was going to be bullied in any given school, I'd be a likely candidate.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 11:15 AM by Oddey

Dixanadu's Avatar
Ah Ukinojoe.

You know how to make me happy, Sekto.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 11:29 AM by Dixanadu

Sekto Springs's Avatar
That I do.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 12:04 PM by Sekto Springs

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
King of The Hill is the best show ever and Nep better step himself before he wrecks himself.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 12:22 PM by Mac Sirloin

OANST's Avatar
I'm going to assume that Nep is referring that crappy Youtube video, and not actually saying he doesn't like King of the Hill.

I'm going to assume that so I don't have to believe that he's as dumb as we like to say he is.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 12:25 PM by OANST

Nepsotic's Avatar
I watched one episode. It was a bit harsh of me, but maybe I'll give it another try.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 01:07 PM by Nepsotic


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