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Here goes nothing.

Posted 05-30-2008 at 11:30 AM by Moosh da Outlaw
Updated 05-30-2008 at 11:34 AM by Moosh da Outlaw
Yay, my first blog!
And its just me ranting about random shit! How fun!
Okay, so I have a problem. I have this friend named Katie who's kind of a pain in the butt. She has an annoying voice and never knows when to just keep her mouth shut, but for some reason we're friends anyway. Katie has this friend named Robbie who's fat, sweats alot, and is a complete jerk, but she feels bad for him so he's her friend. All Robbie ever does to Katie is complain and make up sob stories about how bad his day has been, and then he proceeds to eat fifteen cookies in a row in an attempt to comfort himself (its like an autopsy; disgusting but hard not to watch). Katie is patient, and acts like his friend anyway.
BUT, when Katie isn't around, Robbie proceeds to bitch about how irritating Katie is and talk about how happy he is that she isn't there, and that makes me angry, because Katie's life isn't exactly the happiest and she has enough to worry about anyway. I didn't tell her what Robbie said because I didn't want her to be upset, but this afternoon, after watching Robbie binge an entire LITER of coke, I kind of snapped. I told Katie EVERYTHING with Robbie sitting right there. Katie didn't believe me. Robbie said I was lying. So eventually Robbie left after me pressuring him to tell the truth, and now sits at a lunch table as far away from us as physically possible. Katie was torn apart by this and won't talk to me, but Robbie continues to be an asshole, and doesn't even seem bothered at what I said.

Katie hates me for trying to be a friend, so now i'm pissed and confused and I don't know who I should feel sorry for; Katie or myself.

Oh, and a tanker truck nearly ran me over.


So how was your day?
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Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I got paint chips in my hair at work. shitsux.

BUT! I'm going to see The strangers tonight.
Posted 05-30-2008 at 03:29 PM by Mac Sirloin

Oddey's Avatar
... Your freind didn't beleive you about another freind... Toughy. I personally think you should grab some kind of recorder, and adiuo tape it all. Thereafter show it to Katie. And if that isn't good enough, then she isn't a freind.

My other suggestion: Just keep away until she forgets or comes back for the company. Feel free to punch Robbie in the face and kick him when he falls down. Or accidently step on his toe. I snapped in the middle of class once when the teacher had just gotten in and a bastard was pissing me off and the next moment I had slapped him in the face out of pure annoyance. When he came back for revenge during break I kicked him in the shins because of all the times I put up with his damn talk about how strange and moronic I was. He fell over and he didn't tell anyone. And some of his freinds cheered me on. Denmark is a strange place.

I might make a blog telling why I'm so weird. Yeah...
Posted 05-31-2008 at 11:20 AM by Oddey


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