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I finished watching Lost. Also, script-writing.

Posted 09-04-2012 at 09:33 AM by DarkHoodness
This post may contain minor spoilers if you haven't watched Lost yet.

I got 12 months free LoveFilm with my ISP upgrade, so I took the opportunity to watch Lost while playing Tekkit/Minecraft. Yesterday I finished it up to the end of Season 6.

The ending was touching and the series is good enough to be worth watching if you have the time, but there's a lot they leave un-answered or up to viewer-interpretation, and I kind of get the feeling that there's so much more they could've done with it.

Now why is that feeling so familiar? Is it common for script-writers and story tellers to be this lazy? Maybe I'm just a sucker for complex, yet well-rounded storylines that don't leave lots of unexplained lose-ends. They're rare, unfortunately - Perhaps because they're hard to get correct. Or maybe some script-writers leave lose-ends to add mystery, and to make people think, but it's somewhat unsatisfying.
Total Comments 11


T-nex's Avatar
I fine leave-up-to-your-interpretation stories to be unsatisfying because if I wanted to create my on story, I wouldn't pay for that.

I generally watch stuff to be taken on a journey where I don't have to think too hard. Sometimes it can be fun to interpret stories, but from what I read and heard, Lost is just too 'lazy' like you said. But I can't really speak about it since I havent watched it
Posted 09-04-2012 at 09:37 AM by T-nex

DarkHoodness's Avatar
Yeah that, and also it's not my story, it's someone else's - And who likes being required to make up an ending to a story that isn't theirs just to get an ending, unless doing it for fun or writing fan-fiction?
Posted 09-04-2012 at 09:41 AM by DarkHoodness

T-nex's Avatar
Well.. Sometimes open-ended stories can be fun and implemented correctly... But I can't really think of any right now.

So I guess i chalk it up to laziness in general.
Posted 09-04-2012 at 10:58 AM by T-nex

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I've read a lot of open ended stories that I think are very well done, in particular, when the ending gives you a 'AND SO THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES' feel.

Lost didn't do it well. Lost suffered from different writers who wanted different things, bad and superfluous characters, a director who isn't nearly as good as he seems to think he is and just some really lame plot contrivances towards the end.
Posted 09-04-2012 at 01:13 PM by Wings of Fire

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I've read a lot of open ended stories that I think are very well done, in particular, when the ending gives you a 'AND SO THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES' feel.
Bonus points for showing the characters disappearing into the horizon.
Posted 09-04-2012 at 01:19 PM by MeechMunchie

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I finished a story not that long ago that had an ending like that (Except they teleported into the horizon) and it was amazing.
Posted 09-04-2012 at 01:57 PM by Wings of Fire

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Also the ending of Dungeons & Dragons. Wasn't that fantastic?
Posted 09-04-2012 at 02:13 PM by MeechMunchie

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Back to Lost, there's a guy on Cracked who loves the shit out of the show and thinks everyone else should too so he wrote a huge answer sheet to supposed plot holes and he's been semi-officially endorsed by one of the showrunners. If you still want to know more about the show then his articles shouldn't be too hard to find.

Be warned, though. It is Cracked. It's probably badly and exceedingly pretentiously written, utterly unfunny and highly ignorant.
Posted 09-04-2012 at 02:31 PM by Wings of Fire

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Cracked has the occasional good article. Some of the writers are pretty funny. Then some of them are seriously unfunny. It's kind of a gamble. They're usually pretty informative, though.

On the topic of Lost, I tried watching the first episode and just couldn't give a shit. The whole concept just seemed so boring, and like something I wouldn't want to spend six seasons watching. Ehh.
Posted 09-04-2012 at 03:10 PM by Mr. Bungle

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
The first episode was the best. That was back when the thing moving the trees could have been a dinosaur, and a guy got sucked into a jet engine.

Incidentally, that guy was a genius and a survival expert. He'd have solved the mysteries and gotten everyone safely home in a week. But, well... he never could the hang of jet engines.
Posted 09-04-2012 at 03:14 PM by Bullet Magnet

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Well, if the first is the best, I certainly don't have interest in watching any more.
Posted 09-04-2012 at 06:12 PM by Mr. Bungle


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