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I hate the sound of my own voice.

Posted 05-29-2008 at 04:39 AM by Nate
Hurrah! I have finally gotten around to finishing typing up my interview with Lorne. You don't realise how much information you can pack in to a minute of speech. I now have over ten pages to edit in to a readable form, send to LL to verify that I've gotten things right and not telling anything off the record, then send to the Oddbloggers to put online.

Conclusions I have made:
  • My voice is freaking annoying. God, what do people think of me? Makes me just a tad worried about job interviews coming up soon.
  • Lorne really loves the words 'so' and 'really' and 'well'. I'm going to have to edit out 90% of them.
  • On the other hand, there are very few 'um's and 'ah's. Wish I was able to do that.
  • Oddworld is freaking AWESOME!
Posted in Interview
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Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Your voice is great, I like it. Which is just as well, it was the one I heard the most back in April.

Wow, you're okay to tell us everything? Why the hell have I been keeping quiet all this time?
Posted 05-29-2008 at 07:13 AM by Bullet Magnet

Wil's Avatar
Because it’s an OddBlog exclusive. And Nate your voice is wonderful and perfect. Not like Peter’s at all. (y)
Posted 05-29-2008 at 08:12 AM by Wil

Could someone tell me allready WHO IS Peter???
Posted 05-30-2008 at 03:54 AM by AlienMagi

Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
I hate my voice too. I can't bare to think how annoying I must come across as to people I'm talking to.

Oddworld is freaking AWESOME!
You've only just realised that now?

Could someone tell me allready WHO IS Peter???
It is a mysterious entity that controls the forums.

I can't wait to read the interview Nate. So Hurry up!
Posted 05-30-2008 at 03:59 AM by Fuzzle Guy

Nate's Avatar
You've only just realised that now?
Well, I was getting a tad disillusioned, what with the lack of information and all. Fact is, there is a whooole lot of Oddworld left to see. I was given only a tiny little snippet and it blew my mind.
Posted 05-30-2008 at 04:32 AM by Nate

Laser's Avatar
I hate my own voice aswell Nate

Also I hope you gradually drip feed some of that info into the forums

I'm sure tons of peeps would love to know
Posted 05-31-2008 at 01:35 AM by Laser

Wil's Avatar
We already have been drip feeding it. I’m just waiting for Nate to deliver me a fully edited, fully Lorne‐approved transcript so I can publish it on OddBlog.

I used to hate my own voice. Now I only hate it in as much as I hate anything that reminds me of my own existence.
Posted 06-02-2008 at 04:39 AM by Wil

mudling's Avatar
Can I join the club of people hating their own voices, and well, themselves?
Seriously, I am always told that my voice is realy loud and annoying, there was another guy that had my voice, but he left in year 8 because of his... well lack of freinds, bullying, and love of horse riding, I'm just hoping that wasn't because of the voice.
Back on toppic, I'm realy looking forward to this! Great to see that some people aren't hiding everything from us, may put new life into my interest of oddworld again.
Posted 06-09-2008 at 01:04 AM by mudling

Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
there was another guy that had my voice, but he left in year 8 because of his...
I'd ask for it back if I were you.
Posted 06-09-2008 at 07:10 AM by Fuzzle Guy

horia_roks's Avatar
I hate it too...
Posted 06-10-2008 at 05:16 AM by horia_roks


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