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End of another adventure.

Posted 07-22-2012 at 02:50 AM by DarkHoodness
Updated 08-06-2012 at 02:29 AM by DarkHoodness
EDIT: God damn, I'm so boring. I'd make a good politician, judging by how I can sometimes elongate simple things and ramble on about them forever.

This blog said that I enjoyed my time away. Over the two weeks in Devon helping my sis and bro in law running their smallholding, I stopped my sister from being crushed by a runaway caravan, re-built her bike for her 'cause the brakes failed, tried out clay pigeon shooting with my bro in law, spent time with my nephew, and watched both series of Game of Thrones during the evenings while being pleasantly surprised about its production quality and it's faithfulness to the books.

And if those are the most interesting things that happened to me this year after spending most of it being depressed over my lost girlfriend and staring at a computer screen making crappy Minecraft maps, I definitely need to get out more.
Total Comments 2


dripik's Avatar
Sounds cool, must have been refreshing, and even relaxing in a way - working in a garden has that effect for me, at least. Welcome back!
Posted 07-22-2012 at 09:25 AM by dripik

T-nex's Avatar
Mmmm... Cannibals....
Posted 07-22-2012 at 02:21 PM by T-nex


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