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Dronk Blugs and Mac's obligatory life update

Posted 06-21-2012 at 09:29 PM by Mac Sirloin
This blog features Musical Accompaniment so enjoy these while you blubber in Mac's well of emotion. He really likes the idea of you enjoying these tracks while he parades around with prose.

My college assessment rendered me waitlisted from Humber College. A good and bad thing. It gives me an excuse to fuck off and couch-surf across the homes of nearby friends/relatives for the next two weeks or so but also means I will potanetially just not be accepted. Ah well. There are worse things to bleed across my future schedule.
It's hot as all goddamn hell. I hate summer, because usually it means I need to wear the same alternating three pairs of shitty shorts until I find my good summer clothes. It means I need a damn haircut. It means I play fucking buttload of JRPGS as is Simon Clair family summer tradition. Eldest sister heaved through FFVII and VIII way back in the day, my other sister launched into FFIX and Tales of Symphonia years later, and I'm putzing around on my PSP with all of the above and more while trying to avoid thinking about what's actually important.
I'm going to leave Belleville (where I live and have always lived for the past 20 years) for a month or so, violating the homes of nearby friends and relatives. I hate it here, but it's a subtle hate. It's a lazy loathing creeping hate that I use to eat a bunch of peanut butter, watch The Wire in repetitive cycles and grind the shit out of whatever spergtastic game I've clinched in my butthole for the day and I want away from it. This will not hinder my constant consternation of any replies to what I say here mind you, it'll just mean that the drunkenness I'm experiencing while doing so will be funded by a third party and I'll be posting from better computers.
My mom has been saying things to the effect of 'Well if you've been waitlisted you can always stay in town and go to Loyalist (in-town community College) or work!' which is translated to me as 'Stay in Belleville with me another year because I am dependant on what you are capable of as far as household maintenance and as someone to yell at when it does me good..'
I love my mom, don't me wrong, but we could use some emotional roofing on the emotional trailer park. I could do well to get out of this town.
Whatever I'm doing, student debt-causing or otherwise, it will be out and away of my mothers house. Maybe my tune will change after being out of town for a few weeks, maybe I'll miss this nasty-ass city.
I've been smoking all the pot I can get my mitts on for awhile. I'm really psychologically attached to having that stuff in my system prior to performing mundane tasks, usually to the point where I can't perform those tasks.
------------------(more artstistic dashes)---
About halfway through this DruLog I wandered outside to the canyon between the elementary and high schools I attended that is situated in front of my home.

It's a pretty cool view; gorgeously green grass playground on the left, narrow fenced through-path in the middle, and tremendously dull gray, prison fortresslike highschool structure on the right plus the (mostly at sunset) beautiful southwest horizon and several church steeples beyond. A stranger gave me a cigarette after I loudly and gin-fueledly beckoned him to do so in the middle of an unpredictably busy road. I had one last ciggy in my pack but I wanted this goob to pay up because I felt that way.
My energy is ebbing away. Maybe that's just the gin. Gin also causes me to puke at random through inconsistent dosages so I'll stay awake quite awhile. WOAH NOPE ENERGIZED, THANKS MORE GIN.
Here's this again if you dudn't listen to this before.

And something different for those who dud did.

Seriously I fuckin love this song mans
I will be visiting Toronto (several separate burroughs of it even!!!), Hamilton and London Ontario in the near future. I'll be blessing the areas with my odours and airs until my various relatives variously get sick of me, then I'll move on! And so forth.

i guess this very carefully edited drunk blog needs some careflulyl unedtited parts so from here on no backspadelete bey, no autocorrect, no nothingngn
fucking love hgow you can take a bathpiss break in the middle of typing but folks get ohsomad when yopu do it in covosation
Speaking of covocation, ym sister (the(my second oldest sister) graduated from high college this week. if you have kind words for hger for grafduating from that 3 years maybe 32reyear 4 year Media technology art technology technology technology class at Western U put an asterisks at the front like **********
and state your addolaithe
(Google Chrome autocorrect actimavate)
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Total Comments 2


Mr. Bungle's Avatar
i like the way u rite

Also, I can totally relate to a bunch of this blog. Specifically the melting feeling caused by living in Ontario right now, and the whole wanting to be accepted to College thing.

I've considered going to Loyalist a few times but I really have no idea where the hell it is.
Posted 06-21-2012 at 10:08 PM by Mr. Bungle
Updated 06-21-2012 at 10:14 PM by Mr. Bungle

Daxter King's Avatar
Good blog, bro. I'm probably gonna lay off the grass for a while. The college thing I get as well, and the whole moving out thing. Unfortunately for me I'm sort of stuck in my same situation for at least another year, I pray not any longer.
Posted 06-21-2012 at 10:43 PM by Daxter King


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