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I got Work XP!

Posted 06-19-2012 at 11:09 AM by Splat
I have a work experience placement with the local council; it's like a real job, except without the bit where I get handed money (still on pathetic job seekers allowance and therefore still can't afford to move out of my mum's house) but I do get a shiny reference on my CV, and 500 work XP every day - at this rate I'll hit level 6 by Tuesday!
But then I am required to, twice daily, take a ride on a bus (or, as I prefer to call them, a pus-ridden carriage of misery - man, I wish the internet supported writing in blood).

So yeah, I kind of have a job, and to be honest it's better for me than sitting around with nothing to do all day... But it's hard to get over having the free time.

Um, I need to think of something witty to finish with before this blog trails off into an awkward silence...

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dripik's Avatar
You may have lost a portion of your total free time, but now the remaining free time will be much more enjoyable.

Well done on taking this step towards greatness.
Posted 06-19-2012 at 11:26 AM by dripik

Crashpunk's Avatar
Congrats Splat, Hope everything works out for ya.
Posted 06-19-2012 at 11:53 AM by Crashpunk

DarkHoodness's Avatar

If you hate the bus that much, if there's a safe route for you that's off the roads, have you considered cycling?
Posted 06-19-2012 at 12:16 PM by DarkHoodness

Splat's Avatar
Apparently there's a shortcut through the woods for walking back (oh my, that sounds ominous - if I meet any cross-dressing anthropomorphic wolves, I'll let you know); I don't have a bike, am not entirely sure I can ride one, and don't know of anywhere I could park it in the day.
Posted 06-19-2012 at 02:19 PM by Splat


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