What a creep...
Posted 05-23-2012 at 04:47 PM by Nepsotic
Was playing Portal 2 with some randomer when he invited me to his party, I accepted and everythinf went fine as usual. He was telling me about glitches he found and that, but every now and again, he'd make really weird sounds tht I can't explain. He only sounded about 10 or 11. So I thought "thats a bit weird". But I didn't say anything and carried on playing. Then, randomly, he just said stuff to me like "you've killed someone". And I'd be like "what? Obviously not, thas a weird question to ask over xbox live."
but he'd be like "No, I didn't ask have you, I said you have".
Creeped me out a bit. As I got tired, I said to him "alright, I have to go now". He was like "why?" but in a really sad voice. I kept telling him I had to go but he just kept responding with the same "why?".
I started talking and then halfway through a sentance I switched my mic off and left the party, so it looked like I had been cut off.
Going to turn my xbox off, I had tonnes of friend requests off him, and then messages off him saying "why'd you leave?" , "I know what you did", and "I know you're there, I can see you".
I switched off my xbox.
I'm feeling pretty disturbed at the moment so if someone can reassure me that he was just a lonely american, that would be great.
Damn, Ben was right, steam is better.