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Highschool drama

Posted 05-20-2012 at 06:20 AM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 06:23 AM by Phylum
This is a rant about a stupid, highschool drama. If I were you I wouldn't bother reading it, but I'm frustrated and feel the need to write it up somewhere.

This is additional warning that I haven't proofread this.

A friend of mine Jane, who I've had a crush on for a while now but had a boyfriend, started crapping on about some hypothetical situation the other day. I managed to read into it that she was interested in me and unsure of whether to stay with her boyfriend. I told a friend about this, unsure of what to do. This was where everything fell apart.

I receive an apologetic message that night from Jane telling me how I misinterpreted her metaphor. Seeing as I'd only told one person it seemed fairly obvious how word had traveled back to her.

The next day I go back to my friend at tell her what Jane had told me, although she had heard a different story. According to her Jane had been alarmed and lied to cover her arse.

At this point I realised how this was becoming a stupid highschool drama, and that it was on the verge of becoming incredibly tedious. I spend the next two days debating if I should talk to her or not, but in the end I decide that would be stupid(er). Little do I realise how rediculous already things were.

On Friday casual conversation with Jane in music class led me to see that she seemed incredibly distressed and angry. I later find out that she had dumped her boyfirend. I couldn't help but feel excited when I heard that, but scorned myself for it later.

That night I get a long Facebook message from her saying how angry she is with me and how much she felt pressured into dumping him. A bit of conversation reveals that my uncovering the meaning of the metaphor made her feel pressured. At this point I feel like a right shit.

Today I recieved another message from her spelling everything out a bit clearer. When she found to that I'd told someone what her metaphor meant she panicked. It also came out that the friend that I'd been talking to for support had been telling her things etc.

So, now she's very angry with me and I feel bad. It's really typical that the time I tell someone something going on in my life it comes back to bite my arse. I really like this girl and I don't even want to think about how long it will be until she'll talk to me again.

So, yeah. She may have overreacted about the pressure to do something, but now she has a list of justified reasons to be angry with me. I really feel shit about this whole thing. She is very upset and angry, and even if it isn't directly my fault I feel awful for her. The other day she told me that I was interesting and that she enjoyed talking to me, something nobody has ever said. Now she probably doesn't want to be in the same room as me. She's one of so few people that I can actually talk to, let alone enjoy talking to.

tl;dr Stupid highschool drama. I told someone something that was going on in my life and it exploded in my face. I now feel like shit about it.
Posted in Crappy Crap, Crap
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I learned something today. Drugs do inhibit morality.
Posted 05-22-2012 at 03:05 PM by MeechMunchie


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