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Just got wisdom teeth removed.

Posted 03-29-2012 at 04:13 PM by mr.odd
Updated 03-29-2012 at 04:16 PM by mr.odd
Well it was really quick. The doctor ejected me with something and i was out cold. I woke up in my bed a moment later. My mom said i was acting really loopy walking out of the doctors office and i don't even remember what happened. Lucky for me i only had three teeth that needed to be pulled, the fourth never grew.

I'm finally awake after sleeping half the day away. my left cheek swelled up like a ballon but the ice packs are keeping it down.

The hardest part is not being able to eat any solid foods. I'm starving, my family is eating spaghetti and meatballs and i'm eating a milk shake. And even a milk shake is proving hard to eat on account on not being able to open my jaw very wide.

Also the blood. I can't spit and the taste of it is just nasty. I woke up with a mouth full of it.
Total Comments 15


Mr. Bungle's Avatar
How are the meds? Do they dope you up as much as people say?
Posted 03-29-2012 at 06:06 PM by Mr. Bungle

Nate's Avatar
Take photos of yourself! That shit is hilarious.
Posted 03-29-2012 at 06:44 PM by Nate

mr.odd's Avatar
@ Mr. Bungle
The pain killers they gave me ain't bad. But when i woke up from the surgery (according to my mom) My pupils were extremely small and i looked like i was in a trance or something. Plus when they asked me to lay down on the bed down the hall i would walk with my arms up above my head like i was trying to keep my balance. When my mom tried to talk to my i would only respond with with "Yea" or "Okay". When they got me in the car, i just stared our the window with my mouth gaped open. My mom had to put my seat belt on for me because i wouldn't do it. Yet i apparently fixed it my self(with out looking away from the window) because she didn't put it on my right. Yet i don't remember a bit of it.

@Nate I might do it tomorrow. I was so sluggish and tired when i got home i crashed immediately when my head hit the pillow. Plus i had to keep changing my ice pack. One side is more swollen than the other because my bottom right tooth never grew.
Posted 03-29-2012 at 07:54 PM by mr.odd

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
How about the pain? I might be getting mine out later this year, and am a little nervous.
Posted 03-29-2012 at 08:22 PM by Mr. Bungle

dripik's Avatar
I had one of mine removed a year ago. I only received two local anesthetic injections around the tooth, so I was wide awake through the whole thing (I guess having three removed at the same time is more cause for general anesthesia).

It was done pretty quick, and wasn't as bad as I initially thought. The process itself wasn't very painful, hearing my tooth getting crushed without me feeling anything was slightly interesting, there was no swelling afterwards, only a tolerable amount of pain for which I only took a painkiller before sleeping. All in all, it was a good first having-my-wisdom-tooth-removed experience.

I still have a couple remaining though, dormant like some evil spirit underground, waiting to unleash hell upon earth...
Posted 03-29-2012 at 11:33 PM by dripik

Ridg3's Avatar
My wisdom teeth, so far, fit comfortably in my mouth. My tonsils, however, are giving me reason for alarm.

Did you not ask if you could keep them? I don't know what's wrong with me but I think that everyone should keep all surgically removed body parts.
Posted 03-29-2012 at 11:55 PM by Ridg3

STM's Avatar
What about the circumcised?
Posted 03-30-2012 at 04:05 AM by STM

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I can relate. Had all four of mine yanked when I was 18. I was also really loopy from the procedure and spent about 20 minutes after waking up hitting on the dental tech [who had some of the biggest breasts I think I've ever seen] and trying to talk her into giving me a tank of nitrous oxide and coming over to 'party'. She was a good sport about it from what I remember.

The healing process sucked balls though. I ended up getting 'dry socket' in two of the extraction sites so the pain was pretty intense. My dentist prescribed some pain killers, but they miscalculated the dosage and I had a really severe reaction that included tons of puking and being completely out of my mind.

Thanks to the puking the extraction sites got pretty badly infected. This meant more pain, more puking, and the inability to eat or drink anything without puking some more, which left me dehydrated. Then the high fever started, got higher, and wouldn't break. Went to the ER and was prescribed antibiotics and high dose pain killers in suppository form.

My initial reaction [being young, full of way too much pride and self importance and just generally stubborn] was "fuck that, I'm not shoving a pill up my ass" and the nurse just laughed and told me that if I didn't I'd be back in the ER within hours and she'd be happy to do it for me.

So I went home and up the pooper the pills went. It was uncomfortable and somehow embarrassing, but I was over my infection within the next couple of days.

So...Yeah. Just be glad you're not as bad off as I was. Ha.
Posted 03-30-2012 at 08:07 AM by Disgruntled Intern

Crashpunk's Avatar
I'm so glad nothing has happened to my teeth yet. My back teeth haven't fallen out yet though, I'm 18 years old and still have baby teeth.
Posted 03-30-2012 at 09:40 AM by Crashpunk

mr.odd's Avatar
@Mr. Bungle It's really not that bad. i Haven't even taken any painkillers today yet because i don't feel any real pain. My cheeks are both swollen though and really sore. I have to keep ice/heat packing to keep it down. so far the swelling hasn't gone down much today. The worst part about it is not being able to eat solid foods, you can only eat soft stuff which isn't very filling. As long as you don't chew, spit, or suck, you won't get dry sockets. It was also hard trying to sleep last night because the painkillers didn't even make me drowsy and my cheeks were really sore. Make sure you ice/heat pack before bed to help with the soreness. Bottom line is if you follow their instructions to the letter, you should only feel some minor discomfort. Also your mouth will bleed the first day which is normal.

@ridge3 My dad got to keep his. The dentist that took the x-rays said they didn't have enough room to come in for me.

@DI Ouch! that sucks. Yea i'm trying my hardest not to get dry sockets. My cousin got them and she was in so much pain she said it was the worst experience she ever had. The hardest part is trying to eat and drink on account how swollen my cheeks are. I feel like a toddler trying spoon milk shakes and apple sauce into my mouth.
Posted 03-30-2012 at 11:41 AM by mr.odd
Updated 03-30-2012 at 11:46 AM by mr.odd

Nate's Avatar
I'm clearly a more evolved specimen than you guys, as my wisdom teeth never grew. Jealous?
Posted 03-30-2012 at 03:23 PM by Nate

MeechMunchie's Avatar
My wisdom teeth are short, but otherwise fine.

I win.
Posted 03-30-2012 at 03:29 PM by MeechMunchie

eh, I'm sixteen and turning seventeen in around 7 days, apparently they might grow although I'd like to think they won't.... I hope I don't get a swollen testicle on my face.
Posted 04-02-2012 at 01:29 AM by sheridanm962

Nate's Avatar
Clearly sheridan never wants to become an OWF mod.
Posted 04-02-2012 at 03:20 AM by Nate

OddYouko's Avatar
Had mine taken out some years back cause of my small mouth. Dang.. I don't remember having to any pain-killers, but the swelling and bloody cotton balls I do remember.

I also remember the doctor saying something like, "Now don't try to fight it when we give you the shot." Or something like that. Pfft, I was out cold, no attempt at fighting it or anything. It went by so quickly too.
The nurses placed me back onto my bed when I tried to get up, heh. Feeling sick and all, not fun.

I hope the recovery all goes well for you, and that you don't get dry sockets or anything.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 10:41 AM by OddYouko


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