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299 792 458 m·s^−1 6.67384(80)×10−11 m³·kg^−1·s−2 6.626 069 57(29) × 10^−34 J·s 1.054 571 726(47) × 10^−34 J·s 4π × 10^−7 N·A^−2 = 1.256 637 061... × 10^−6 N·A^−2 8.854 187 817... × 10^−12 F·m−1 376.730 313 461... Ω 8.987 551 787... × 109 N·m²·C^−2 1.602 176 565(35) × 10^−19 C 9.274 009 68(20) × 10^−24 J·T^−1 7.748 091 7346(25) × 10^−5 S 12 906.403 7217(42) Ω 4.835 978 70(11) × 10^14 Hz·V−1 2.067 833 758(46) × 10^−15 Wb 5.050 783 53(11) × 10^−27 J·T^−1 25 812.807 4434(84) Ω 5.291 772 1092(17) × 10^−11 m 2.817 940 3267(27) × 10^−15 m 9.109 382 91(40) × 10^−31 kg 1.166 364(5) × 10^−5 GeV^−2 7.297 352 5698(24) × 10^−3 4.359 744 34(19) × 10^−18 J 1.672 621 777(74) × 10^−27 kg 3.636 947 5520(24) × 10^−4 m² s^−1 10 973 731.568 539(55) m^−1 6.652 458 734(13) × 10^−29 m² 0.2223(21) 1.660 538 921(73) × 10^−27 kg 6.022 141 29(27) × 10^23 mol^−1

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Mind dump, steam valve.

Posted 03-25-2012 at 02:02 PM by Bullet Magnet
I've been watching Jupiter and Venus slowly part. It's weird to notice the sky change so much each night. How did I never notice that before?


I came home from work and put my bike in the shed. No sooner had I opened the door, a huge black bumblebee flew inside. Probably a queen that just woke up from hibernation. I tried to chase it out, but it was resolute in its efforts to land in a pile of old cobnut shells on the floor and crawl under the freezer. I found a stick and tried to remove it, but she seemed intent on remaining there whatever my efforts. I gave up and had to shut her in. Stupid bee.


A highlight on my day is first thing in the morning after leaving the house. The drive opens onto the road at the end of a humpback bridge, so the drive comes up the side of the bridge's slope very steeply. Already in first gear from the night before and still fully rested, I mount that inclination with the greatest of ease. It feels like a great big "fuck you" to gravity. Something of a boost, given that I live next to a stream and thus the entire journey is uphill. It is a lengthy reply: "fuck you too!"


Customers are irritating. But sometimes their mere existence is the most annoying thing about them. I'm usually doing some task or other sorting out the store (the managers often leave me to handle the entire place alone). So many people want gardening advice, and I got nothing. It's not just a garden centre, it's a garden centre in an agri-college, and I look like a student. An easy mistake. A common one. When I'm at the counter I am more able to help by looking stuff up on the Internet. I find useful stuff for them. Which they could have found themselves! They aren't all technophobic codgers.

Jesus, they get on my nerves after a while.

So I catalog stock, clean, tidy, rearrange products, water plants, and myriad other tasks, thoroughly infecting the wounds in my hands in the process. And then these customers show up and actually want to buy something! The fucking nerve. I'm busy! And then I'll have to serve them, tidy up their mess, replace the stock glarrarrgghh. Running a store would be so much easier if there were no customers interfering all the time. Who shows up five minutes before closing time to browse?

And there are those who don't have their money ready at the till. When I shop, I have it all out by the time I get to the counter. Often because I'm counting it to see if I have enough. At the other end of the scale are those who will stand there pleasantly and not even attempt to reach for their chosen payment option until I announce the total. Twice. And then they have to get the coins out of a little zip-up money bag, which is inside a wallet, inside a purse, inside another purse, inside a handbag, inside a rucksack, somehow inside another handbag, and probably left outside in the car anyway. These people have been standing idle in a queue for ten minutes. What's their excuse? The older their are the more likely they'll be that way, and I'm sorry to say that it seems to be mostly women. I actually hope now that it really is mostly women rather than a selective memory indicative of some horrible bias.

Normally it wouldn't get to me, but after a long day of this happening over and over inside a big greenhouse on a hot day, it starts to get to me. I have to remain completely pleasant and not let the inner chimp take over, or the snark. Somehow I manage. Yesterday a gentlemen rooted for change for a moment before handing over a large banknote, claiming that he doesn't "have bits." I bit my tongue before I asked "and what does your wife think of that?" and referred him to the college's sexual health counselor who I had just previously served.

Queues are another peculiarity. This might be a specifically British issue, but perhaps not. But there appears to be, in the people around me, an overwhelming desire to queue. There can be no one in line for ages, and then as soon someone shows up at the counter a line forms. I can dart off for fifteen seconds to blow my nose or take a leak, and on my return find a queue ten or twelve people long. What the hell?

And the spiders are waking up after winter. There are so many spiders in that shop. I don't mind spiders, but they make an awful mess with their silk and webs, and I have to clean it up. I had forgotten what they are like. Goddamn spiders.

Oh, and the phone calls. Everyone calls the shop looking for the college. Or looking for us, but asking questions that should be asked of the college. I'm forever referring them, but ours must be the only phone in the college that cannot transfer calls. It recently transpired that it is the policy of the college reception to transfer such calls to us in the first place! A classic case of the right hand not knowing that it is a pain in the ass.

Sigh. Not that I'm complaining. At least I have work.
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jumper's Avatar
I understand your complaints when it comes to garden centre related stuff, considering I worked in one for two years (whilst not knowing a single thing about plants, might I add). I recall pensioners turning up just before closing, and then leisurely strolling about outside. And spiders were a nightmare, as was the temperature in Summer.
Posted 03-25-2012 at 02:23 PM by jumper

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
I wish I had a job.
Posted 03-25-2012 at 04:58 PM by Mr. Bungle

MA's Avatar
i fucking hate shopping, and after volunteering in a charity shop for a while, i fucking hate shoppers too, so i can see exactly where you're coming from.

i get stupidly anxious while standing in a queue. i don't know what it is. i worry about not having the right change as if something terrible is going to happen, and the fact that people can see what i'm buying, and judge accordingly, really sets off the paranoia. then i fuck around with carrier bags that will not separate and hold up the queue. goddamn, i hate it. i prefer the self serve things, even though they irritate me.
Posted 03-25-2012 at 05:56 PM by MA

moxco's Avatar
Occasionally I will be in the checkout with my mum and she will realise she forgot to get something. So she will go to find it leaving me waiting there alone, somewhat paranoid. The thought of her not making it back in time, and me having to awkwardly explain the situation the the cashier, is on par with a nuclear holocaust.
Posted 03-25-2012 at 10:39 PM by moxco

STM's Avatar
Stupid bees? STUPID BEES?

You try fostering a bumble colony which isn't inherently eusocial. I had a french bumble bee queen come into my house the other day, biggest one I've ever seen almost hands down, I was gonna leave it to batter against the window pane but then it did a shit and I had to get it outside. Ah well, at least you referred to her as a she. ;D

Also, working with the general public sucks, but if you don't like your job I'd gladly take it off you, I've been unemployed for almost a year now.
Posted 03-26-2012 at 08:01 AM by STM

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Why are you working with bumble bees? Does someone have an orchard?
Posted 03-26-2012 at 10:57 AM by Bullet Magnet

STM's Avatar
I have the remnants of an orchard up my garden, so we get lots of bumble bees. I don't work with them, I just study them, to an extent.
Posted 03-26-2012 at 11:01 AM by STM

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
They're useless for honey. They're basically the grasshopper from The Ant and the Grasshopper, and they all die come winter.
Posted 03-26-2012 at 11:21 AM by Bullet Magnet

STM's Avatar
You think I don't know that? *foams at the mouth*

Posted 03-26-2012 at 11:53 AM by STM

Wil's Avatar
Hey STM, did you know that bees are a type of insect? They even have six legs!
Posted 03-26-2012 at 12:24 PM by Wil

OANST's Avatar
Hey STM, did you know that bees are stupid?
Posted 03-26-2012 at 12:44 PM by OANST

Nate's Avatar
I worked in a bumblebee factory a few years back. We sold bumblebees. Live bumblebees. In boxes.
Posted 03-26-2012 at 04:38 PM by Nate

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I killed a bee.
Posted 03-26-2012 at 05:30 PM by Wings of Fire

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Posted 03-26-2012 at 07:24 PM by Wings of Fire

Jesus Maryann of fucking Christ you expect me to read ALL OF THAT?

What would do we live in O_O'

*reads on anyway*


Great read, I usually get pissed off when I have to redo some lawn work that I mowed over PERFECTLY!

The nerve of these retards...
Posted 03-26-2012 at 11:27 PM by sheridanm962
Updated 03-26-2012 at 11:32 PM by sheridanm962

Wil's Avatar
Bumblebee factory? o.O
Posted 03-27-2012 at 12:59 AM by Wil

Nate's Avatar
They sold small colonies of bumblebees - about 100 or so bees, from memory - in plastic containers that were about 25 centimetres square and 15 high. These would be set up in greenhouses and fields and the bees would zoom around, pollinating the plants. They used bumblebees because they're fat and hairy, so were particularly good at pollination.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 01:53 AM by Nate

STM's Avatar
I want to kill all of you with apitoxin...perhaps BM will understand without having to google it. I dunno.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 07:35 AM by STM

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Even if we didn't know, in this context it's pretty fucking obvious you're refering to bee venom.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 08:09 AM by Wings of Fire

STM's Avatar
No shit sherlock!
Posted 03-27-2012 at 08:23 AM by STM

Wings of Fire's Avatar
And I'm not even BM

Funny world, isn't it?
Posted 03-27-2012 at 08:43 AM by Wings of Fire

STM's Avatar
...the insinuation was, ugh nevermiiiiiind.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 09:15 AM by STM

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Wouldn't that kill off your colony?
Posted 03-27-2012 at 09:17 AM by Bullet Magnet

STM's Avatar
My bees are so tough they drink venom in their breakfast smoothies. Hardy little bastards.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 10:14 AM by STM

OANST's Avatar
Your bees are so stupid they drink venom in their breakfast smoothies.
Dumb little bastards.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 12:51 PM by OANST

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Your bees became stupid because they drink venom in their breakfast smoothies.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 02:17 PM by MeechMunchie

MA's Avatar
when you say "bumblebee factory" i imagine a really fun factory with water slides and fluffy cushions where you magically create bees, then the bees come out of the chimney instead of smoke and everyone is like "aww, look at that! all those furry little buzzing bumblebees!" and then all the workers go to the toffee shop on their break and walk around with oversized lollies.

fuck Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. this is better.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 05:17 PM by MA

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Wouldn't the people with sweets get attacked by the bees? Or is that wasps?

I imagine wasps are made in a intimidating, smoke-belching facility like RuptureFarms.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 11:11 PM by MeechMunchie

Wil's Avatar
Hey MA, can I work in your bumblebee factory? It sounds amazing.
Posted 03-28-2012 at 01:07 AM by Wil

Nate's Avatar
MA, do you mind if I post your comment on Facebook?
Posted 03-28-2012 at 03:51 AM by Nate


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