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Arguing for dummies.

Posted 05-16-2008 at 06:40 PM by Wings of Fire
Hallo thar! I have a wonderful Critical Thinking A level exam on Monday and have heard it said that you remember 90% of what you teach other people so I thought I'd do some charity work for you good people and teach some of you how to argue properly.

Warning, epic tl;dr will ensure.

Critical reasoning for dummies.
Step one: Structure

The critical definition of an argument is a conclusion supported by one or more reason, obviously one reason makes for a pretty weak argument so it is preferable to have two.

What an argument is not:
  • Opinion
  • Rant

An Opinion is just an expressed conclusion with no reasoning to back it up, if it has reasoning behind it then it is a solid argument.
Example of an Opinion:
I don't like that show, the guy sucked.
A reason is not given to support the conclusion therefore it is an opinion and will be torn to shreds in a decent debate.

A rant is something rather overzealously by some forumites here, it involves a round about argument which is superficially fine (apart from looking like a fucking mess) but has no depth to it at all.
Example of a rant:
Oh my God, I went down to the cinema today and the guy just would not let me in, he asked for my ID, stupid idiot, could he not see I was over 18. Compulsory ID checks are really really stupid because no-one ever remembers ID anyway so the very idea of someone checking it is stupid.
The key word here is superficial

The next thing to be aware of in an argument after identifying that it is actually an argument is by evaluating how plausible the conclusion is, by following the reasoning; this is assuming that the argument in question is inductive which 99% of all arguments ever are. A simple argument follows this simple pattern:

R1 + R2 + R3 = C

But that is not always the case, it is not a guaranteed thing that reasons will follow the same logical sequence or that the conclusion will be obvious.

A more complex argument would be this:

MC = (R1*R2) + R3 = IC > CR(4) + R5

Having the Main Conclusion at the start of an argument only serves to strengthen it while introducing symbiotic reasoning (Two reasons that strengthen eachother - 1*2) is another technique and finally reason 4 is a counter argument, more on those later :P.

And there you have the first part of my handy AS introduction to arguing the proper way. Naturally due to Sod's Law if you have read this far you are probably someone who knows all this and is about to correct me on it.

Just remember; with a flawless struture to your arguments you can make even the weakest 'Cursory glance forumer' proof. Note; nothing and I mean NOTHING is BM proof.

Next tiem I shall go over part two of our three part course Advanced Elements of an Argument. Be sure to tune in because I r seriously tired and need sleep.

Bai bai xxx
Posted in OWI stuffz
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Laser's Avatar

What kind of dummies do you know?
Posted 05-17-2008 at 12:05 AM by Laser

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, perhaps?

I like it. This is why I keep coming to this site. Interesting people, interesting posts, and gentle ego massaging.
Posted 05-17-2008 at 12:15 AM by Bullet Magnet

used:)'s Avatar
Hmm. I think I've only made a post of that kind of consistency about.....once, maybe?

Thanks for the info, WoF. You providided a nice amount of information and expressed it in an enjoyable, eloquent manner. Therefore, I enjoyed it.

Good luck on your test!
Posted 05-17-2008 at 03:02 AM by used:)

Wil's Avatar
I remember Critical Thinking AS. Do they have a full A Level version now? Wish it existed when I was at school.
Posted 05-17-2008 at 04:17 AM by Wil

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Wait- you do? As a subject? I had to figure it out all by myself!
Posted 05-17-2008 at 04:19 AM by Bullet Magnet

Wil's Avatar
Then you’re a clever man. No newsflash needed there.

p.s. I think we were one of the first schools to include the new subject in our curriculum. So the school claimed, anyway. They also claimed to be the first non-deaf school to teach British Sign Language as a subject.
Posted 05-17-2008 at 04:47 AM by Wil

Wings of Fire's Avatar
AS Critical Thinking.

  • Unit 1: Credibility of Evidence. 40% AS/20% A2
Aim: To develop the students understanding of evidence and to test this understanding by having to evaluate a large text with criteria such as vested interest, expertise and ability to see.

Questions are extremely structured and stay relatively similar every year, so therefore if you can evaluate and apply the stimulus material to the question then you're guaranteed a pass. (The first 9 mark question can be answered always by expanding on these three points: Has you seen it? Did you knows it? Are he lying?.
WoF's mark: A .
  • Unit 2: Assessing and Developing Arguments. 60% AS/30% A2
The bare bones of Critical Thinking IE: what I spent all of last night typing out half of. Students learn how assess short arguments structurally as well as being able to see through any fallacies in said argument and learn techniques on how to develop their own properly (Techniques I find hard to apply outside the exam room).
WoF's mark: C D= (Retaking on Monday).

A2 Critical Thinking
  • Unit 3:Resolution of Dilemmas. 20% A2
Oh this one is fun, here you learn the scientific, and complex, way to solve dilemmas using a continuum scale, dependant criteria and some lovely ethical principles (Altruism, Utilitarianism, Ontological ethics etc).
WoF's mark: A .
  • Unit 4: Critical Reasoning. 30% A2
This is where the real meat of the subject is, basically Unit 2 with some added elements including: Synopticity, Rhetoric, Strands of Reasoning, Syllogisms, much longer and more complex passages (IE: Mainly written by Oxford graduate Tory idiots right wingers and a differentiation between inductive and deductive reasoning.
WoF's mark: N/A I don't take it till the 10th of June.
Posted 05-17-2008 at 06:34 AM by Wings of Fire

oddyssey's Avatar
Good luck on your exam tomorrow Joey
Posted 05-18-2008 at 01:21 PM by oddyssey


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