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needs musical guidance.

Posted 05-13-2008 at 05:10 PM by used:)
Not literally, though there is the famous notion on facebook of your life actually being a musical.

Yesterday, my Euphonium teacher pretty much told me to get the fuck out and never come back. Those weren't his exact words, but believe me, they were along those lines. It was for a really stupid reason that I'm not going to bitch about. Aw hell, what else are blogs for?

Well, I have a rough time trying to schedule lessons around all the shit I have responsibilities tied to. So I asked if I could get a lesson at an earlier time in the day. We agreed 7 pm after my piano lesson, which is about a ten minute drive away. I warned him about my being late a few minutes, as my piano lesson normally ends at 7 sharp. So I show up at around 7:10. He's out toying around with his chickens/ducks. So we walk into his house to start playing. Along the way, he admits to having forgot about this time change, and I even apologize, hoping to avoid an incident like the one that was soon to follow. So we start playing, and in the middle of it, he just abruptly starts yelling about how all of his students and their parents are constantly pissing on him about lesson times and other things along those lines. Eventually, he walks out to my car and starts yelling at my mom who was sitting in there. He sarcastically gives me the number of a rival teacher and crosses my name form his recital roster. I left.

It was really surprising as I've never been late to a lesson once in my entire relationship with him, and I have been sort of his favorite for the past year or so. Knowing him, I would say there was a lot more going on at the time and this was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I'm done with him or not. I know it's going to be weird trying to be musician around here, seeing as how he black lists anyone who genuinely pisses him off. Really though, I've been thinking of dropping euph altogether, so this actually may have done more help than harm.

I've been playing euph since I was 12, but I only started learning it so I could join my school's marching band. It's brought me a long way, even to the Pennsylvania State Wind Ensemble of 07. There's a 70% chance I'll go into music in college, but I'd like to do it on an instrument I love playing. I rented a cello in February for my birthday and I'm going to start learning it soon. I want to get to point of being a competent player in an orchestra. I know it'll be ball-crushingly hard, given my age, but I'll tough it out. I'll probably end up auditioning for college on euph as it's what I'm good at then switch to cello later in college. I'm asking advice on this situation from any seasoned concert musicians here. Please, respond if you have anything useful to say.
Total Comments 4


Leto's Avatar
that is really weird... mabye that's the world telling you to move on from the euphomium whatsits? you will have learned all the theory you need from playing it, and your musical life can only really go up.

my advice is to learn the cello, definately. learn all the instruments you have a slight interest in while your still at school and there are oppourtunities to learn them (that is if your school offers tuition and not having to go private). learn a small amount about playing all the instruments you want to now, so when you've got lots of time on your hands in later life, you'll be able to elaborate on your knoweledge of each instrument.

learning the cello will be hard, but when you get past the firt few hurdles, it becomes a beautiful instrument.
Posted 05-14-2008 at 11:49 PM by Leto

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I bet Karma is getting you back for thinking all those snobby french movies are art.
Posted 05-16-2008 at 07:28 PM by Mac Sirloin

used:)'s Avatar
Thanks, leet. Over the past couple of days I've got things a little more figured out in my head. My friend got dropped recently, and he told me that my former teacher is probably going to drop teaching altogether next year. What you wrote are pretty much my thoughts on the matter right now.

As for karma, I would consider this more help than harm right now, given it's one more lesson I don't have to pay for or drive to.

And you shut up! Indochine was a great film!
Posted 05-17-2008 at 02:48 AM by used:)
Updated 05-17-2008 at 03:14 AM by used:)

Mac Sirloin's Avatar

Posted 05-17-2008 at 08:54 PM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 05-22-2008 at 05:07 PM by used:)


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