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Bitchspace... Featuring:Call of Duty 2 MP

Posted 09-08-2007 at 05:51 PM by Fortesque13
Yeah, you heard me, take my bitching or run away. Dunno if I'll keep the blog up, but i think i need some space to extract my anger and rage upon the modern world. So what I've been wondering for the past few weeks is how much can a person play COD2. And the answer is 30 hours a week (SCHOOL WEEK). Now, don't take me wrong. COD2 is great in SP, but I've tried multiplayer and I simply don't realise how can someone just run around shooting the others for 30 hours a week.
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Slaveless's Avatar
Obsessed, perhaps? Or maybe they just have a lot of free time on their hands that they want to waste....
Posted 09-08-2007 at 06:14 PM by Slaveless

squeak117's Avatar
I've once done that for about 9 hours straight (at a LAN lock-in). The place we went to was shit, and playing the game for that long was just as bad.
We would've played another game, but as I said... the place was crap. The only games that were there were Call of Duty 2 and Battle for Middle Earth 2. BFME2 was much more fun, but it was on one less computer than there were of us playing, so I only played one game and got rejected from the rest.

Yeah, I don't think it's possible to play CoD2 for that long and still enjoy it.
Posted 09-08-2007 at 08:09 PM by squeak117


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