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Cun't Spill [kuhnt spil]

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I was being led on the entire time.

Posted 02-23-2012 at 06:21 AM by Crashpunk
Updated 02-23-2012 at 06:34 AM by Crashpunk
*sigh* Yeah after about only 3 weeks I'm back being a single guy. The reasons why we broke up are messed up. like Soap opera messed up.
At first She just said it isn't working out and didn't give me a reason why she wanted to split, naturally I kept asking why and then she eventually told me...Might as well say here cause she will never know.

She is Gay.

Yep. And she went out with me to try and hide the fact that she is. She is terrified of the world and going out with me tried made her look somewhat normal. (I know right, going out with me to look normal. That's fucked up even on its own )

I'm not that angry, At first I was but that was when I didn't know she was gay. Your probally thinking I still should be angry because she did lead me on for about 3 weeks which isn't a nice thing to do. But I'm really not that bothered, I'll get over it. I'm actually glad she did end it before anything serious happened between us.

I'm not that upset really as well. This actually gives me back my free time to play games, work on my coursework and videos.

It still sucks i'm back being single...

This blog is saaaaaad
Total Comments 30


Jordan's Avatar
Oh man, that's incredibly rough, I'm sorry. I hope you don't feel too shitty about being single, it's not the end of the world. As long as you get time to enjoy with yourself and your friends, I'm sure you'll be happy. You don't need a woman! Anyway, if you ever need to talk or anything, don't be afraid to PM!
Posted 02-23-2012 at 06:29 AM by Jordan

Crashpunk's Avatar
Cheers Jordan much appreciated.

I don't feel too bad. I should be feeling really down and/or really angry but for some odd reason I don't.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 06:37 AM by Crashpunk

Varrok's Avatar
Maybe you weren't that attached to her to feel down now. That's considered a good thing in situations like this
Posted 02-23-2012 at 07:32 AM by Varrok

DarkHoodness's Avatar
Some people need to do this sort of thing to prove to themselves who they really are, it's perfectly common - But sucks for you to be taken on a ride. Good on you for being understanding.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 07:40 AM by DarkHoodness

OANST's Avatar
You should tell her that if she doesn't have sex with you you will inform everyone that she is gay. That's what you should do.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 07:50 AM by OANST

Varrok's Avatar
Is she really gay? Cause some girls, when they get bored with their current relationship, use that as an excuse
Posted 02-23-2012 at 07:56 AM by Varrok

STM's Avatar
^ this, be certain, or not...ignorance is bliss.

I'm going to say that I'm glad you're not depressed or mopey, there's no point in being a mopey fuck about relationships that don't last long. Good luck with the rest of your life dude. *walks off into the distant sunset waving.*
Posted 02-23-2012 at 08:03 AM by STM

Crashpunk's Avatar
To be very honest with you all. I don't even care if she said that as an excuse even though I am 90% sure she is telling the truth. It would explain alot about her personality. She wasn't very open with me as well, She never went to hug or kiss me.

Oh and OANST, I'm not that big of a cunt to do that.

and STM, You sound like I'm leaving or something. I'm still sticking around don't worry
Posted 02-23-2012 at 09:04 AM by Crashpunk

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I had something very similar happen to me with my first 'girlfriend' years ago. It was pretty gay, so I'm sorry it happened to you too. I'm sure you'll meet someone better.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 09:06 AM by Mac Sirloin

T-nex's Avatar
*hugs Chris* Better luck next time... You're handsome and fun And I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. A girl will come along. I promise ^^ *pokes*
Posted 02-23-2012 at 09:12 AM by T-nex

Okay, I'm going to be nice to you this time since I'm sick of the hatred you have towards me:

Now this seems like one of the most saddest stories I have ever seen, I'm assuming she did this out of sheer intention, MAYBE. I'm not jumping to conclusions here but that's what it seems to me, oh well, I guess it's good to let it out Crashpunk, there there.

But on a side note: Being single isn't that bad (no wait I think that's my excuse for being forever alone :tard:) But still, it's not the end of th-

OH SHIT It's 2012 O_o, Feels bad man, very bad.

EDIT: Actually if she said that to me, I'd be fucking torn to shreds, now I feel even more sympathetic for you.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 09:20 AM by sheridanm962

Crashpunk's Avatar
Cheers Nikki and Mac Really means a lot.

Also I don't if I should ask her if it all an excuse. She will obviously deny it so it might be just a waste of breath, And frankly I think it's better never knowing and get on with my life.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 09:22 AM by Crashpunk
Updated 02-23-2012 at 09:35 AM by Crashpunk

Crashpunk's Avatar
Also Sheridanm, I don't hate you. It's just your posts can really piss people off. Not just me. Everyone. You know it, I know it. That post just then actually had intelligence in it, It had a point, It was related to the blog and the humor you used was actually rather funny, Being Single isn't all that bad

I use to be like you sheridanm, I was an annoying cunt because I didn't know how forums worked, they are much different to other sites, You get a warning to stop being such a dick and change the way you post. Now I'm a relativity popular, well-known member of this awesome community. (Well I like to think I am)

And shit. Double-post Sorry y'all
Posted 02-23-2012 at 09:33 AM by Crashpunk

OANST's Avatar
Sheridan, spiderman, whoever the fuck you are: That was one of the saddest stories you've ever seen? Really? Your entire existence is a sadder story than this.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 09:43 AM by OANST

Crashpunk's Avatar
Yeah It's not really that sad.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 10:16 AM by Crashpunk

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I was kinda in this situation once, back when I wasen't sure about myself, I got with a girl, just to try it, she was rather upset when I told her because she thought she turned me gay.

Bless her.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 10:40 AM by JennyGenesis

Varrok's Avatar
*hugs Chris* Better luck next time... You're handsome and fun And I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. A girl will come along. I promise ^^ *pokes*
Thank you : ) That means a lot

(My name is also Chris, surprize surprize)
Posted 02-23-2012 at 10:58 AM by Varrok

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
My advice would be to move on, don't let it fester, just understand that she's a teenager too and teenagers can be dipshits.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 11:25 AM by Mac Sirloin

MA's Avatar
sorry to hear that, but i'm glad you're dealing with it well.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 11:40 AM by MA

Wil's Avatar
Poor Chris. Your blog post title and first paragraph made me very sad, but I'm glad to see you're taking it so well. Chin up! You are a wonderful person and you will find love.

Are you going to stay friends with her?

Also I don't if I should ask her if it all an excuse. She will obviously deny it so it might be just a waste of breath, And frankly I think it's better never knowing and get on with my life.
On top of that, it's never nice to question someone else's sexuality. It's for them to decide and declare, not for you to question. Especially since she already obviously feels vulnerable about it. Better for her to know that you, for one, are accepting, and the world isn't necessarily as aggressive as she fears.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 11:59 AM by Wil

enchilado's Avatar
Sorry to hear that, man. But, on the bright side, you did get to go out with a lesbian.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 12:01 PM by enchilado

MA's Avatar
fuckin' Ench and his lesbians.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 12:15 PM by MA

Wil's Avatar
And Ench fuckin' his lesbians.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 12:37 PM by Wil

OANST's Avatar
Obviously that's a best case scenario.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 12:40 PM by OANST

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Was she hot?
Posted 02-23-2012 at 02:35 PM by MeechMunchie

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
I love how you capitalized gay. Really adds to the impact.

Sorry to hear this, dude. Glad you're taking it well; god knows I didn't when I got dumped about a year ago.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 03:05 PM by Mr. Bungle

Nate's Avatar
she was rather upset when I told her because she thought she turned me gay.
Made me think of this:

If you haven't seen the film, and why the hell would you have? - the guy is only pretending to be gay and the girl dumped him for not being exciting enough.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 03:46 PM by Nate

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I'd so turn gay to get away from that annoying bitch!
Posted 02-23-2012 at 04:18 PM by JennyGenesis

Nate's Avatar
He was pretending to be gay in order to get the hot girl. Not the one in that video, obviously. It backfires on him when he has to go on a date and receive sexual favours from her male housemate.
Posted 02-23-2012 at 04:30 PM by Nate

Crashpunk's Avatar
Are you going to stay friends with her?
Yes, Although being around her will be difficult.

Was she hot?
What do you think?

I was kinda in this situation once, back when I wasen't sure about myself, I got with a girl, just to try it, she was rather upset when I told her because she thought she turned me gay.

Bless her.
Must of been hard. How did you feel telling her that? That will sort of give me a understanding of how she is feeling right now.
Posted 02-24-2012 at 11:14 AM by Crashpunk


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