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Posted 01-19-2012 at 09:45 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 01-21-2013 at 07:13 PM by DarkHoodness
Putting some baggage far, far behind me. Nothing to see here.
Total Comments 25


JennyGenesis's Avatar
I know how you feel, one of my ex's just hates me for some reason and refuses to talk to me, I don't even know what I've done either, he told me he didn't love me anymore, then dumped me, won't talk to me anymore and seems to hate me, yeah it's hard at first, but, soon you realise it's time to move on and you forget about them.

Many months after my ex dumped me, I tried talking to him again but we lasted about a week before we got into an argument which basically ended up with me saying "Fuck you" and we haven't spoke since.

But yeah, if this keeps going on for much longer I suggest you seek help because a year seems rather long to get hung up on this
Posted 01-20-2012 at 02:28 AM by JennyGenesis

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Can relate to this blog. Hope things look up soon man. There's nothing worse than not being able to be with the one you love. A wise man once said that.
Posted 01-20-2012 at 04:54 AM by Mr. Bungle

STM's Avatar
Well loving and not having love in return sucks bollocks, everyone knows that. I don't think there's really much anyone can say as to how to get over her because different people vary so much but perhaps if you could contact her without her throwing your emails away you could explain that she isn't even hating you for a good reason. If she's still talking about you negatively all this time later then either she's really hurt or she's a whiny bitch gagging for attention that she doesn't deserve from you.

Whatever path you choose I hope it leads you in the right direction towards happiness. =)
Posted 01-20-2012 at 08:14 AM by STM

Dixanadu's Avatar
Just don't fall in love to begin with. That's my creed. Unless it's love at first sight, in which case, I'm utterly fucked.

Anyway, moving on can be quite hard. What STM said about her even talking about you all this time is sad as fuck, it means you're better than her. The solution to this problem, however you feel, is to just blank her out. That includes looking at her Facebook and other stuff.

Since she talks about you, no doubt she looks at your FB or journal or what have ya. Just don't write anything morbid, she'll know it's affecting you. Be cheery and happy, and if she sees it, she'll know she can't get under your skin.

It's just my two cents...or pence, because of...the UK and all.

Chin up lad, plenty of decades of life to go to get over this.

EDIT: Don't go near the computer when you're drunk.
Posted 01-20-2012 at 08:32 AM by Dixanadu

AlexFili's Avatar
Love at first sight is pretty rare. Relationships usually grow over a period of time and then there's a chance that they may decline for whatever reason.

I know what you mean about pill boxes and such. My grandma had about 20 different pills for different days etc. Sorting them was a real chore, so I understand how annoying it must be to get something wrong.
Posted 01-20-2012 at 09:32 AM by AlexFili

Nepsotic's Avatar
I was like this for about six months, but i got over it, unfortunately dude ive never experienced anything like it at this level so sorry, the only advice i can give is to keep your mind occupied, do activites or something that will distract you from these feelings, i know how horrible it is, man
Posted 01-20-2012 at 10:24 AM by Nepsotic

Varrok's Avatar
I have a serious question: Did you try to just... disable... feelings, at least for a while? I'll be honest to say I've tried... it lasted for 4months (can't call myself a sociopath), but I think it helped me a lot: I feel more distanced to my situation (of a very similar nature) and I might have learned to think about her... like about anybody else, I guess
Posted 01-20-2012 at 11:13 AM by Varrok

MA's Avatar
you don't have a mental disorder for not getting this out of your head. nothing of the sort. from what i can tell, this is normal after a serious relationship. obviously her constant slagging off isn't helping.
Posted 01-20-2012 at 05:46 PM by MA

Nate's Avatar
I'm with Molluck's Assistant on this one. I still semi-regularly think about my ex from a year ago, and that wasn't even a particularly serious relationship. I work on the theory that I don't fully get over a guy until the next one comes along.
Posted 01-20-2012 at 10:37 PM by Nate

Crashpunk's Avatar
I'm still a little heartbroken after someone I like...a lot (Still do) Went out and still is going out with one of my best friends.

Life sucks ass.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 03:24 AM by Crashpunk

STM's Avatar
I'm in the complete other boat to you guys, right now I feel no love for anybody, not a crush, not anything, because no one that I know has a personality...well okay that's a lie, all the girls with personality are taken. Ah well.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 06:12 AM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I've exhausted my options. I've asked out and/or been rejected by pretty much every girl I was interested in. Now I just have wait until uni so I can meet some new people.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 06:46 AM by MeechMunchie

STM's Avatar
I'm too shy to ask, even girls I'm like, 70% sure like me, just because for some reason the concept of rejection is enormously bad to me.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 06:51 AM by STM

MA's Avatar
i'm the same. i've asked a grand total of one girl out since i split up with my ex, and she politely rejected me. that was about two years ago. i'm fucking useless around women i fancy.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 06:53 AM by MA

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Oh, it sucks. But I promised myself that I wouldn't be one of those nerds who gets to their thirties without the slightest understanding of a romantic relationship. So I gave things my best shot and failed miserably. But at least I tried.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 06:57 AM by MeechMunchie

Ridg3's Avatar
STM, ask them out to fuck. The worse they can say is no and even if that's too awful for you to consider. Bolster your courage with some Southern Comfort. Or loads, your preference.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 07:04 AM by Ridg3

STM's Avatar
Eh, it's not that I can't talk to girls or anything like that, and I know I can flirt and pull girls because I've done before, but holding up a relationship, anything beyond a bit of one night romance, I can't manage it for now. I'm just happy to wait for University to be honest.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 07:16 AM by STM

Dixanadu's Avatar
Be nice til you get her in the sack.

Next day, tell her to fuck off.

If she doesn't turn by a week, tell her to fuck off anyway.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 09:44 AM by Dixanadu

STM's Avatar
If that's aimed at me, getting sex is easy enough, I can go to a party, find a girl, fuck her and mutually we'll be done with each other the next day. That's not the problem, call me old school but I'd rather have a proper relationship than a one night fling with some slut.

But I'm going to butt out now, because this isn't my blog.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 09:51 AM by STM

Nate's Avatar
Oh, it sucks. But I promised myself that I wouldn't be one of those nerds who gets to their thirties without the slightest understanding of a romantic relationship.
Jeez... and I'm six weeks away from my 30th birthday. Way to make me feel even better about it.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 04:03 PM by Nate

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Note to self: Ignore any advice from Nate.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 04:11 PM by MeechMunchie

Nate's Avatar
That's probably a good idea.

I seriously don't know why forum friends persist in asking me for advice.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 05:24 PM by Nate

Dixanadu's Avatar
Yes, STM. Twas aimed at you.

You are young. Fuck relationships. You'll end up getting your heart broke after a few months-years.

Posted 01-21-2012 at 09:43 PM by Dixanadu

Phylum's Avatar
Dix is like a sage.
Posted 01-21-2012 at 10:56 PM by Phylum

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Especially in the cryptic incoherency part.
Posted 01-22-2012 at 09:17 AM by MeechMunchie


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