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Happy god damn new year.

Posted 01-09-2012 at 08:15 AM by Nemo
And this finally isn't a blog where I'm being depressed and mopey for no good reason.

This year started off really rough for me.

On the 1st, I managed to get really sick and panicky. A very high fever, extremely dry throat yet not thirsty, absolutely no willpower to eat, all of that.

But that ended pretty quickly, and I was feeling better by the next day. And you know what, I'm feeling good. Damn good. And I have no clue why.

A couple days ago, I just started feeling really... Pumped. Nothing in particular caused it, it just sort of happened. I started feeling really excited about where I'm heading. I've been thinking about things that I want to do. Places I want to go to. People I want to go there with. Things I want to learn.

And I'm actually working to achieve those goals, now. I'm getting more on track with my hygiene (holy shit is that trip the dentist going to be painful,) I'm working out more regularly, getting new glasses, and I'm working out a plan to get into a martial art class.

And then I got some really good news.

Escrow closes in March. I'll be out of this city in 2~ months.

Fuck yeah.
Posted in Life
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STM's Avatar
Good luck with your shit man.
Posted 01-09-2012 at 08:44 AM by STM

You too, man.
Posted 01-09-2012 at 09:14 AM by Nemo

MeechMunchie's Avatar
It's just like someone flicked a switch, isn't it? Then, a few weeks from now, you'll think about what you've been through, where you are now, and what you see ahead, and you'll notice something you haven't noticed in a long time:

You're happy.

I've reached the conclusion that happiness is less based on the amount of shit in your life, and more on your ability to ignore it.
Posted 01-09-2012 at 10:58 AM by MeechMunchie

MA's Avatar
good to hear. glad you're feeling better in yourself.
Posted 01-10-2012 at 10:17 AM by MA

Phylum's Avatar
I generally read all of your blogs for reasons unknown and I'm really glad to hear that you're feeling good. I genuinely smiled at this.
Posted 01-11-2012 at 02:23 AM by Phylum


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