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As the story unfolds...

Posted 04-27-2008 at 05:24 AM by OddjobAbe
There's nothing more boring than talking about your own dreams, but I've never been a very interesting person.

This is a very rare case where the dream ties in with reality. My wife demolished my bar (in my dream). There's the dream part over with.

MY wife plans to demolish my bar (in reality). She won't succeed. She doesn't know that I put her money towards half of it, and if when she demands it back, she won't get it back, as she's very fussy about her money and would not want to see it wasted.

She is a lovely person, but she's a stubborn little sod as well. Fortunately, I might be able to persuade her to enjoy the bar if I allow her to keep water and fruit juice on it, but that cheapens the novelty. I think it's the fact that I haven't shared the alcohol with her yet. I feel the need to keep the bar mine for the rest of the week. What she doesn't know is that I've bought some champagne and hidden it from her. I'll pour her some, and then she's putty. I can convince her that the bar is good, and that she shouldn't take it from me.

I fancy a cocktail. I might go down to the bar and get one.

Sorry, I just had to say that.
Total Comments 5


Wings of Fire's Avatar
She doesn't know that I put her money towards half of it, and if when she demands it back, she won't get it back,
Posted 04-27-2008 at 05:29 AM by Wings of Fire

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I contemplated the whole thing. I figured that she wouldn't like it, and so to be safe put some of her money towards it. Always think ahead. It saved my bar. Who knows what else it could save?
Posted 04-27-2008 at 05:52 AM by OddjobAbe

Wil's Avatar
Not your marriage, that's for fucking sure.

Posted 04-27-2008 at 08:28 AM by Wil

Hobo's Avatar
This week on OWF:

The admin team get really drunk and angry and shout at everyone.
Posted 04-28-2008 at 01:33 AM by Hobo

OddjobAbe's Avatar
Toot true, Max. I shall make a note of that.
Posted 04-28-2008 at 07:08 AM by OddjobAbe


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