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I realised something today.

Posted 10-18-2011 at 10:59 AM by STM
I don't want to be here in two years. I don't want to be near my family, I can take or leave some of my friends. I realised that for all the politeness and familiarity of the countryside where I live, for all it's beauty, lies boredom, strenuating school ties and an old life I cannot for the life of me shake. Things culminated tonight when I realised how inward thinking my parents are and for the life of me I cannot fathom why. This isn't 17th century England and you are allowed to leave the county you were born to see new things. do I go about taking my post A levels studies abroad, either to France or America, somewhere middle to south? I want to carve out a whole new life abroad and as daunting as it sounds, it's also terribly exciting, I could study American law, get a degree there, then a job. Hell I don't know, but suddenly, I don't like this place any more, I don't want to be choked by the simple and inward thinking of my parents or the family house. Has anyone gone to live and work abroad that might give me some pointers of what to do next year?
Total Comments 52


JennyGenesis's Avatar
Whilst I can't really help with this since I have no experience with it, I will say that I know how you feel about inward thinking parents.
Posted 10-18-2011 at 11:37 AM by JennyGenesis

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
Brotherhood of vagabond shoes.

I've never worked abroad, but I've been researching the process/red tape/procedures involved in getting an international nursing license so that I can not only travel abroad, but work. It's a pain in the ass, and from what I can tell, not cheap.

Things should be easier for you since you would be starting a new profession/career rather than trying to transfer an existing one, but as far as getting your current education credits/units/whatever transferred, I think your best bet would be searching the internet, and probably talking to someone at your current school/university/whatever, as well as narrowing down your potential landing spots so that you can contact potential schools there.

I can relate to wanting something new, getting away from your parents because of their faults, and a general craving for adventure and something new. I really can. I grew up in a town that had more cattle and crops than people, and like most young men/kids, I was tired of my parents for not thinking the way I did.

But you know what? When I moved away when I was 18, the shine of the big city wore off quickly, and I found myself yearning for the familiarity of that boring small town, of my endlessly frustrating parents and their endless opinions on everything. But I was lucky. I was a half-days drive away from home. If I got homesick enough, I could just hop in the car and spend a day or two with them. Had I been abroad, that wouldn't have been possible, and that would have been hard.

I've moved a lot. I've lived in big cities and tiny towns, and since I've left the place that I grew up, nothing has felt like home. Even when I've gone back to my home town, I felt like a stranger. Out of place. And although I now live within driving distance of the majority of my family that relocated to Washington state, I still feel...Off.

Maybe I left home too early, or maybe I just haven't found a good fit.

I know that half of what I've just rambled about probably doesn't apply to you or your situation, but hopefully some small fraction of it will make some sort of sense or at least be helpful.

Good luck.
Posted 10-18-2011 at 11:47 AM by Disgruntled Intern

STM's Avatar
Thank you DI, for giving a two sided argument, although that makes if harder to choose in some way =D. It's a funny if not banal reason as to why this all culminated but maybe that's for another follow up blog, at the end of the day though. America or France, maybe even Italy, not that I can speak a word of the language.

Funny thing is that not five minutes ago I got a bollocking from my Dad for even suggesting I go abroad like I had dropped the cure for cancer into a fire or something. I guess my life is another possession he owns now. Well fuck that. I don't think I've ever been so angry or intense in what I feel before. A new leaf.
Posted 10-18-2011 at 11:55 AM by STM

Daxter King's Avatar
I know the feeling of wanting to get out of the nest. And can exactly relate to the way your father just acted. My dad now considers everything I say to be a phase, disregards it, and then goes on to talk about the future he has in mind for me. Not even kidding.
Posted 10-18-2011 at 01:06 PM by Daxter King

STM's Avatar
Amen Dax, well we calmed things down, talked out the problem we had that led me to explode, and a good thing too...I can't afford US uni, but I thought I could, even with UK price hikes. Still, I'l love to live in somewhere like Iowa. It looks like England but quaint and quiet.
Posted 10-18-2011 at 01:28 PM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
like I had dropped the cure for cancer into a fire
Best analogy ever.
Posted 10-18-2011 at 01:30 PM by MeechMunchie

Nate's Avatar
Why do you need to go to the US for university? Why is that significantly more beneficial than leaving home and going to a university somewhere else within the UK?
Posted 10-18-2011 at 01:44 PM by Nate

STM's Avatar
I don't know, I had it in my head it would be so great. But Birmingham is far enough I think.
Posted 10-18-2011 at 01:57 PM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
The UK's tutition fees are set to shoot upwards in the near future...
Posted 10-18-2011 at 11:03 PM by MeechMunchie

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Come to Scotland. Glasgow and Edinburgh are lovely friendly cities.
Posted 10-18-2011 at 11:25 PM by Wings of Fire

Wings of Fire's Avatar
And despite pretty common misconceptions about Glasgow by english people; I assure you, that was not sarcasm.
Posted 10-18-2011 at 11:31 PM by Wings of Fire

T-nex's Avatar
I don't really get parents who try to force their kids into a future they don't want. x_x Im sorry that's happening.

Despite my dad being quite terrible for most of my years, he was always supportive of my dreams, and tried to steer me in the right direction relative to what I wanted.

Anyway, I think that before you take off somewhere, you should be sure that you're not just doing it to run away from current problems. Cos they will always be there, and once you get back you'll still have to deal with them.

I think maybe you should try and open up to your parents and tell them that you're not happy with the way you're treated.
Anyway, if you do it for the right reasons, then I think you should go for any adventures that you're up to

Just be warned that they may disappoint you. Like DI said, you'll probly miss your city.

For example, a friend of mine here in Romania lived in Denmark for years since she was 10. She met me and my sister back then. But she always hated living in Denmark, and always dreamt of going back to Romania. Though she also partly wanted it for private, but IMO, wrong reasons.
I'm currently staying at her place, and she said that now that she finally got back to Romania, she realized it's not as nice/fun as she thought it would be. Her whole life is in Denmark. That's where she feels useful. That's where her friends and nearest family is. That's where she went to school. And funny enough, she misses Denmark now.

But I think you should somehow get your parents on your side, and maybe you shouldn't give up if they reject the idea once.
Just retract, re-strategize(yes it's not a word, I don't care!) your arguments and try again. Maybe they'll see how you really want this.
It's important to have your parents on your side, so that there wont be any awkward moments the day you might tell them "I want to come back".

Im probly full of shit though
Posted 10-19-2011 at 12:26 AM by T-nex

STM's Avatar
makes sense, me and my dad talked out the problems from last night and I explained I'm not angry any more, once he explained his side it made sense. But I wish he'd just done that straight away, he's more lenient than my mother though who just screams. I'm still a little angry at that. Eh, what yah gonna do aye?
Posted 10-19-2011 at 07:53 AM by STM

STM's Avatar
Ugh...or maybe not, basically he's just putting more and more restrictions on what I do now, I guess for this to make sense you need to know the story. So basically I am meeting up with someone I know from the minecraft server I use, she's on a study thing in England whereas she'd normally be in the US, and I said I'd show her round London, first instinct my mum says is this person is going to rape and kill me...managed to get passed that one. But it is culminating in this: My dad is to drive me up, he wants to see the person, he will then pick me up, I can't stay in London over night nor can the person come back to stay over saving her some money on accommodation, I have to be back by x o'clock and i have to keep phoning my parents.

This might seem like I'm just venting but this is so embarrassing for me, what do I do? Bearing in mind my parents will not listen to any reason at all.
Posted 10-19-2011 at 08:11 AM by STM

STM's Avatar
Does anyone know how to make a statement against them? How do you get control back from overbearing parents (not just this once, throughout my life,) I read some stuff on the internet now basically saying 'accept that your parents will never change', but I don't want to take their shit.

Could I just say, 'at the end of the day I'm going to do what I want to do and you can't stop me.'? Also, I am funding this thing all by myself with money I worked for over the summer, but the cheque my boss gave me is in my fathers name so he could withhold my funds. If he does this, is it legal? Is it enough of a case to take to court?
Posted 10-19-2011 at 08:36 AM by STM

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I didn't really tell my parents that I'm going to do what I want, I just go and do it, I'm out enjoying my life
Posted 10-19-2011 at 09:23 AM by JennyGenesis

STM's Avatar
Yeh I wish I could do that but I'm still living under their roof. All I want is a little trust and freedom, I don't mind coming home and going back out again but I am not taking my dad with me, if he thinks that's happening he can go stick his head down a chimney because I'm not kow towing any more.
Posted 10-19-2011 at 09:59 AM by STM

STM's Avatar
Finally made an agreement. Thank God.

That was a long spell of bad karma.
Posted 10-19-2011 at 10:05 AM by STM

Wil's Avatar
I started writing about how I wish I could offer you advice, but I couldn't come up with anything that didn't come across as rubbing in your face my own parents' trust in me.

What agreement have you come to?
Posted 10-19-2011 at 10:33 AM by Wil

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I live with my parents to, but I still do what the hell I want,

Only bad thing thats happened is that one of them somehow found out I've been sleeping around and confronted me about it and then told me off because they said I was cheating on my boyfriend at the time, which was funny considering the one who told me off once cheated...... plus they didn't know the fact that at the time we were in an open relationship, personally I want them to keep their noses OUT of my personal life

And they always like to ask what arrives in parcels that are addressed to me, which can be awkward, since I like to order "personal" things off the internet, problem is that sort of stuff always seems to arrive when I'm out, but when my parents ask me, I just tell them its private, just hope they don't think I'm building a bomb in my bedroom.

Anyway, apart from that, it's good for me, my parents just like to bitch at me for getting drunk but meh :/ it can be all good,
Posted 10-19-2011 at 11:21 AM by JennyGenesis

STM's Avatar
Agreement is, Max, I can go out but I have to be back by the evening, my parents won't come with me and I can go out on Sunday too. Yay I guess.

Also...parents JG, whatya gunna do? XD
Posted 10-19-2011 at 11:58 AM by STM

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Ummm, hold old are you again?

Because I don't have a curfew, only thing I gota do is that if I unexpectedly stay somewhere for the night I just gota inform my parents.

Which isn't good because 100% of the time, I'm pissed.
Posted 10-19-2011 at 12:34 PM by JennyGenesis

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
STM, glad to hear you came to some sort of arrangement. How old are you? If memory serves, aren't you like...15? 16? If I was in your parents shoes, I wouldn't be thrilled about letting you fuck off to who knows where to meet some random off of the internet, even if you played online with them every day for the past year. It just seems unsafe.

On the other hand, I get where you're coming from as far as wanting to do what you want, and when. But as you've said, you're living under your parents roof, and you're pretty much at their mercy. Annoying? Sure. A fact of life that most young teens have to deal with? Absolutely.
Posted 10-19-2011 at 01:05 PM by Disgruntled Intern

STM's Avatar
Yeh I'm 16, but usually my parents are very good at letting me do what I want, I guess it's because as you said, they don't know this person as well as I, but it's resolved now, and it's not so much a curfew, just from experience, my Dad wants me home before dark in London.
Posted 10-19-2011 at 01:10 PM by STM

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Regarding meeting somebody over the internet, I've done it plenty of times, but don't tell me parents till afterwards, if I were to tell them beforehand then they would probably try and stop me somehow, I understand their concern, but I always stay sensible, I always meet the person in a crowded public place and always stay out in public with them, the first time I met my ex, he really wanted to get me to his house, I explained how I didn't want to do that on the first meeting because obviously I wanted to make sure things were ok, but after I really got to know him in person things were obviously fine because I started going to his house and we got into a relationship.

Still, with my previous 2 ex's, we met over the internet and obviously they were who they claimed to me and didn't do anything and to me, that didn't stop my mum phoning every 5 minutes the first time I stayed at there houses, eventually it got to the point where I just stopped answering.

Although I have yet to have a bad experience with somebody I have met over the internet, just keep your wits about you

And ignore what I said about your age and curfew, I didn't realise you were on about meeting this person, I just thought you meant in general.
Posted 10-19-2011 at 01:35 PM by JennyGenesis
Updated 10-19-2011 at 01:38 PM by JennyGenesis

moxco's Avatar
Only bad thing thats happened is that one of them somehow found out I've been sleeping around and confronted me about it and then told me off because they said I was cheating on my boyfriend at the time, which was funny considering the one who told me off once cheated...... plus they didn't know the fact that at the time we were in an open relationship, personally I want them to keep their noses OUT of my personal life
That doesn't really sound so bad. Would you confront a friend if you knew they were cheating on their partner? You say you want them out of you personal life but you still live with them and they are still providing for you in many ways, I am sure.
Posted 10-19-2011 at 01:37 PM by moxco

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I've learnt to get never get involved in peoples relationships, plus what I meant by them staying out of my personal life was with sex and relationships, it just really is not the sort of subject I want to be discussing, it's already embarrassing enough that they know what "I have been doing"
Posted 10-19-2011 at 01:40 PM by JennyGenesis

MeechMunchie's Avatar
My dad's a tyrant at the best of times, but I've long since realised that his word only extends as far as his vision. It's not so much 'While you're living under my roof', more 'While you're in the same room as me'.

I can't really help you out despite the similarities between our lives, because I don't really plan to meet up with random people off the internet very regularly...
Posted 10-19-2011 at 02:13 PM by MeechMunchie

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
Worst thing that ever happened to me when I met someone from the internet?

Sex. Oh wait.

Honestly shitty thing?

She was fat as hell. Used her sisters pictures online.

Although I did technically meet my wife online before actually hanging out with her. In High School we were AIM buddies. She lived in the next town over, but I would always invite her to come swim and/or party with me and my friends. Sometimes at my house, other times at some other location. She always turned me down.

But we talked a lot. All through high school. Even after, when I lived in LA, but she soon got a boyfriend who didn't like us talking so much, so he hacked all of her IM programs and blocked me from her profile online.

Years later, I'm back home working at gamestop, and she randomly messages me on aim one night. Turns out we both work at the same shopping center as me.

We start hanging out/partying, then we start dating. Now we're married. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes something genuinely awesome can come from meeting an online pal. Also, I'm sort of stoned.
Posted 10-19-2011 at 04:13 PM by Disgruntled Intern

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Worst immediate thing that happened to me when meeting an online acquaintance?

He was even more intolerable offline.

Best thing that's happened to me?

I gained a best friend.

I think everyone here knows by now the best/worst thing that happened to me. Which is more a caution against teenage girls in general rather than trancending from online to offline friends.
Posted 10-19-2011 at 05:01 PM by Wings of Fire


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