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1.01 Year Anniversary of Arachnid Awareness

Posted 10-02-2011 at 09:30 PM by Dixanadu
Did you join in 2011? Read up.

That was September 2010, this is now October 2011 and the Morgan household is once again under threat from the relentless horde that is the spider.

Saturday night:

Came into my room, turned my light on. Shut down computer. Turned around. Sacre bleu! A massive spider! I froze in terror, fetched my dad to do away with the wretched fiend.

Sunday morning:

I wake up to a moderate sized spider opposite my bed. Proceeded to crush him with my C&C3: KW game case after two minutes of panicking.

Sunday evening:

Same species wandering on the wall in the kitchen. Fuck him.

Knocked him on the floor. Dog feasted.

Two hours later, a MONSTER of a cunt. I had to wake my dad to deal with him. Huge ones are just scary. (JG called me a coward on FB. Like he would know).

Today; my room. A huge cunt on the corner of my wall. Awkward angle; crushed him with the thin side of my C&C: KW case. That case has saved me twice. I played it today in thanks.

Two hours ago. ANOTHER ONE. I alert T-nex once it has been disposed of. She disapproves somewhat.

I just killed another one. It was on my god-damn Xbox! I waited until it wandered on the dresser for me to finish it off.

So yes, a much more severe arachnid problem compared to last year. I suspect their nest is in my room, however after much re-arranging, I have found no evidence to think so.

But still, fuck them. I can't sleep without thinking another of the cunts would creep up. I had to seek solace in a big bottle of vodka kept for emergencies (twas given to me two days ago, I see a perfect opportunity to crack it open and drown out my eight-legged sorrows).

Now, I'm tired, bored, a tad tipsy and scared.

Also JG, it's impolite to fuck off when I try to speak to you on Facebook!

I will allow Pilot to post an appropriate Poop.
Total Comments 32


DarkHoodness's Avatar
And speak of the devil, the false widow I mentioned is now in the news. Not sure why this is news though considering my best friend has also found these things nesting in his garage in a similar fashion for 3 years running now.
Posted 10-05-2011 at 09:59 AM by DarkHoodness

STM's Avatar
I think it's coz we never had these things in the home counties before, if I see one in Hertfordshire it'll be a first.
Posted 10-05-2011 at 10:44 AM by STM


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