Posted 09-21-2011 at 05:42 AM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 06:26 AM by Phylum
I just performed with a bigband infront of 3000 people. In said performance, I had an improvised* solo. It was absolutely nerve racking and I was shaking severely after I'd left the stage. I managed to contain the outward signs of terror until after the performance, which is more than I can normally say. My knees usually wobble if I'm standing during a performance.
I'm buzzing right now, although I'm extremely exhauseted. We only played for 31/2 minutes, but something about performances drains me. Not helping is my sickness that caused me to miss school today.
This is probably complete gibberish, but I wait to post it the jazz solo will have no longer just happened and the moment encapsulated in my writing will be lost.
*By improvised I mean written out a few days ago and frantically practised over several hours.