Yea yea two blogs n all that. But Im only really pushing a duplicate off anyway.
Anyway I wanted to give an update on stuff.
Specifically on my.... grandma...
Jeez. Id forgotten what it's like living at a grandmother's place ._.
I sort of cant wait till I get to Cluj and get some damn privacy.
It's not even that she's bad. She's lovely and full of life. At an age of 71(i think), she looks 50-60. She still walks around like normal. She's funny and smiles a lot. Also she has her own little button/zipper business(she sells em to shops in her city). She doesnt make a lot off it(in fact the people never pay her cos they claim they never sell anything with the bad economy and all that), so they mostly get on her credit.
She says she keeps the business cos it keeps her busy and its one of the things that make her actually go out and walk a lot during the day.
But yea... It didn't take long for her to comment on the fact that I spend too much time on the comp lol x_x
Thing is. I actually spend way less now than I did at home.
But there's not a lot to do unless I do it with her, cos I dont really know anyone here except my uncle and his wife and their kid.
THeir kid is ok... Knew him when I was a kid too. He's 15. But he doesn't say much. And neither do I. It's not a good combo cos we barely speak to each other. But we have a few of the same interest.... So the fact that we dont speak is funny. maybe its the age difference(And my sorta blocky romanian).
But yea, my uncle is at work til late. He used to be my fave family-member. He always played with me when I was a kid. But things have changed.
His wife is really bad. Well, I'm a friend to her and mostly comply cos I dont want conflicts. But ever since she got into my uncles life, shit had hit the roof. Shes like... Manic depressive or something(my guess). She seems fine at some points. But she also likes to play the victim. She often acts tired and annoyed with my uncles, and I guess she feeds off the attention she gets.
She also sort of split the family apart. Uncle barely talks to grandma anymore.
But yea. My grandma seriously overfeeds me x_x and then she has the nerve to talk about how she shouldn't eat too much cos its bad for her. But I think I've found a balance to not eat too much. Its certainly not like last time when I was here with Chris. We seriously felt nauseous and ill at the end cos we had eaten too much lol. If we didn't she'd guilt us. Not on purpose of course. But yea... grandmoms.
Bleh. And Now i have to go to some family reunion tomorrow. Which was interesting last year and fun. Buuuut. I really really don't like the fact that EVERYONE has to shake hands with everyone AND kiss each other. You know the kiss on each cheek kind of greeting. It was the most awkward fucking time of my life.
Here's a picture from last year's reunion to demonstrate why:
Anyway besides that, they decided to make it even more awkward. And no offense to all you religious people please, this is just my personal feelings. But
this time they are all gonna go to some church and mourn our dead ones or something. Well at least show our respects. Me not being even a tiny bit religious fine this extreeeemely awkward.
My grandma wanted me to demonstrate that I know how to do the cross, and it just felt so wrong. Like... Not me at all, and I hate having to fake who I am for others sake. But it's for my family sake so I need to endure x_x
Then of course my grandma said: You'll have to learn the prayer too(you know.. that ... general one that everyone knows except me).
I was like: Noooooooooooo....... *slow motion head shake*.
That where my line goes. I'm not gonna fill my head with some prayer that I don't care about. it might push out a useful knowledge that I actually need. I don't think this was related to the church thing either.
She does sometimes ask: You and your sister dont really go to church do you?
I said: Nope.
And then she said: Well... I do. I pray for everyone I love. i pray for you and your sister too.
Well all I can do is say thankyou x_x
Well she doesn't pry too much.
But yea. In general my granmother is wacky, and she does also sometime slip out a little adult joke. Which is heartwarming

I'm happy she's not some stiff prude.
But she does also have that grandmotherly thing where she's like: Lemme iron your clothes, Lemme make this food for you etc.
Well... bless her heart x_x She only means well.
But It's a bit too much cushyness and stuff for me. So Im looking forward to finally starting on my internship in Cluj on Monday. Yay! Im looking forward to learning and finally putting my skills in practice. I think this time it's gonna yield a lot of rewards to me. My last internship wasn't so challenging. But I feel this will be, and I'll have to push myself.
I'm so happy about that, because I REALLY really want to get up to date on how on earth I can actually put my skills to use. It will be important to future job applications and such.