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Propositions and aquisitions.

Posted 08-16-2011 at 01:50 PM by Ridg3
A tale of a young, talented unheard of musician and his discovery.

Now, I've been playing guitar for roughly eight years, that's right, eight years and no-one outside my immediate family and friends has ever heard me play because I'm that fucking good I don't want anyone else to sound like shit. But if I put all joking to one side, I honestly sound like how poo smells (I think) or does this happen to everyone? I don't say I'm good in fear that someone asks me to play and I'd sound like the poo I was talking about.

But I digress;
I was approached by a young bassist in need of a lead, fucking lead guitarist. That's like solos and fills and melody and whatnot, shit that requires a fair degree of talent and I was taken aback because the only time I sound good is whenever I'm standing in front of the bedroom mirror, amp switched off and my favorite Dream Theater song pounding through my wank ten watt comp speakers.

I declined, well, I said I'll think about it and I've been thinking about it. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea putting my self respect on the line and go for it, I mean, they say you'll never know how good you are unless you play with other people. But, and this is where second part of my shitty sequel to my shitty line of blogs comes to play, I won't be joining until I pick myself up some new active pickups.

The pickups I'm thinking about going for is the standard EMG 81/85 combo, better safe than sorry and if anyone here can recommend a better combo of pickups it would be massively appreciated. Oh and a new amp, but I'm torn over which I want.

Total Comments 5


Daxter King's Avatar
I sorta want to be in a band. I mean, I think it would be pretty cool. I kind of dropped playing bass a while ago though, and though I occasionally like to think some of the poems/songs I write are good, I cant sing for shit. I'd say give it a shot, surely they would practice with you before, and even if you end up not getting in, you can still say you tried, which as sappy as it is, counts for a lot.

I don't understand anything in the last paragraph though.
Posted 08-16-2011 at 02:01 PM by Daxter King

Ridg3's Avatar
What? Pickups? Or just the brand of pickups?

Pickups are used to catch the string vibrations and converts them into electrical signals so it can be played from the amp. As for the brands.

EMG 81 - Click on link, go to audio samples and hit dirty.

EMG 85 - Ditto for this one.

I'll be using the 85 as the bridge pickup and the 81 as the neck pickup seeing as the 81 has that kind of a more chunkier sound to it whereas the 85 sounds more suited for lead playing.
Posted 08-16-2011 at 02:13 PM by Ridg3

Daxter King's Avatar
Oh, I see. I'm familiar with what they are, just didn't know what they were called.
Posted 08-16-2011 at 02:30 PM by Daxter King

STM's Avatar
I've been playing for 10 years and I'm still coming to terms with chords. I much prefer spanish flamenco or that kind of music but you have to know these things. Your EMG combo seems good, so good luck with all your musical shit.
Posted 08-17-2011 at 03:20 AM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
The more you practise the better you get. A band is a good place to practice. As long as you don't charge anyone to listen no-one can hate you for it.
Posted 08-27-2011 at 02:33 PM by MeechMunchie


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