A Max to Grind
Move it
Posted 07-31-2011 at 10:26 AM by Wil
I'm sitting in the warm glow of my new lights, typing this on my phone to the sound of my new fridge-freezer. It's an enthusiastic beast that froze my houmas, and yes, I put it in the right compartment. I have just moved home, and despite boredom, I am loving it!
I've only ever lived with other people before: with my parents, in halls, or in a shared house. I've spent a not inconsiderable amount of time alone in each, but this is the first time I'm living truly independently. No shared rooms or chores. All mine! It's only a rented cottage, but I'm surprised how homely it feels already. The rugs, book shelves and seats taken from home are probably responsible for this blessing. It's one up, one down, and there's barely any room for anything, but I'm anticipating myself not to have as much of a problem with living here as I was... previously anticipating. I still want to move out, though; I want to buy, not rent, a place of my own. a place where the rooms are square, |
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