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Work has begun.

Posted 07-26-2011 at 10:28 AM by STM
So I had my first day of work today, the fantastic man that is my Dad took me in and he said he intends to for the whole job if he can because it saves money and also...he says London be a dangerous place. So I was up at 6 am this morning after a fitful night of sleep. And we were down in London by 7.30 ish. The first site, and where I met my boss, was in Stepney Green near where the Kray Twins hung about.

Whenever I go into London it always makes me remember how much of a townie I really am. We went through the finance sector and near canary wharf so we saw all these enormous buildings. Like massive sky scrapers at least thirty stories or something. Oh and we went right by the Gherkin which is amazing.

My boss is a really great guy it turns out, he explained to me he didn't want to work me hard and that if he was I needed to tell him ^_^. We went to some schools that we were working on and then he left me to it because he had to go to Essex or something. So my team consisted of two other people, an Albanian painter and a black guy in construction who also happened to be a massive stoner...I mean, really! When we first met him he was just finishing off a spliff, made understanding him impossible but he was a nice guy. And on our break he rolled me the nicest baccy I've ever had in my life.

So in conclusion I can't wait to go back in tomorrow, never thought I'd say I'd enjoy working!!
Total Comments 30


Nate's Avatar
What are you actually doing there?

By the way, what your boss said to you really means "I don't think you'll be able to cope with the work we do, but I'm too afraid of your father to say so". I'd avoid complaining, if I were you.
Posted 07-26-2011 at 10:38 AM by Nate

STM's Avatar
Today I did some painting and carried away loads of grills from these old windows, oh and I got rid of some fixings. And he's not scared of my Dad, my Dad asked him to work me really hard, in fact that's why he put me into the building industry rather than a shop job on the weekends! Worth it though. Also I think him and my father are friends.

Nevertheless I wouldn't dream of complaining! The guy did a lot of work to get me in for a few weeks and I'm really grateful.
Posted 07-26-2011 at 10:51 AM by STM

Ridg3's Avatar
I wonder if contractors and their employees ever experience job-burnout. That's pretty fun.

Also, congratulations on getting a job and even more congratulations for getting a nice employer, I have a nice one but whenever I slip up, shit hits the fan.
Posted 07-26-2011 at 12:37 PM by Ridg3

moxco's Avatar
Your only a few months older than me. Why aren't you at school?
Posted 07-26-2011 at 11:18 PM by moxco

Phylum's Avatar
Because he's on summer holiday.
Posted 07-27-2011 at 01:29 AM by Phylum

Dixanadu's Avatar
All this talk of work has gotten me into a job-hunting frenzy.

Ever job-hunted in Northern Ireland? It's like finding an ant on a football field.
Posted 07-27-2011 at 03:13 AM by Dixanadu

STM's Avatar
We Brits went on holiday a few weeks ago MoxCo, so I got a summer job =)

Looks like I'll be painting all week, which has its good sides and downsides.
Posted 07-27-2011 at 09:41 AM by STM

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Downside: inhalation of toxic paint fumes.

Good side: inhalation of toxic paint fumes!
Posted 07-27-2011 at 12:26 PM by Bullet Magnet

STM's Avatar
Those fumes really help get you through 9 hours a day of painting windows!
Posted 07-27-2011 at 12:47 PM by STM

Wil's Avatar
Depents where you are in the country, STM. My local state schools only broke up on Friday.
Posted 07-27-2011 at 02:03 PM by Wil

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Yeah but he just had his exams right? GCSE students get let out weeks earlier.
Posted 07-27-2011 at 03:55 PM by Wings of Fire

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
In A.D. 2011
Work was beginning.
NATE_DOG_WOOF: What happen?
RIDG3: Somebody set up us the blog.
PHYLUM: We get post.
PHYLUM: Blog page turn on.
MOXCO: It's You !!
STM: How are you gentlemen !!
STM: All your fumes are breathing to us.
STM: I am on the way to working.
MAGNET: What you say !!
STM: You have now chance to reply make your talk.
DIXANADU: Find not every 'job' !!
MUG You know what you doing.
MUG: Move 'job'.
WINGS: For great justice.
Posted 07-27-2011 at 04:58 PM by Bullet Magnet

Wil's Avatar
Sure, but GCSE students alone are but a small component of "We Brits".
Posted 07-28-2011 at 04:52 AM by Wil

Crashpunk's Avatar
You are getting paid right?
Posted 07-28-2011 at 08:55 AM by Crashpunk

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
Bust your hump. The fact that he 'doesn't want to work you too hard' seems pretty fucking insulting. I mean I would be insulted. I've worked construction/demolition on and off since I was about 17, and a lot of foremen and contractors will pull stuff like that just to see if the new guys will step up and do more than what they're being asked, or just the bare minimum. If they do the minimum, they'll keep the job for the time specified, sure. But if they step up and do great work they usually get a pay bump and get moved on to bigger and better jobs, or kept on for more work at later dates, if not put on the payroll full time.

I mean I could be wrong. Maybe everyone in London are just pussies. It sort of seems that way. Because favor or no favor, if someone as young as you got brought onto such a small team in any other situation, they'd pretty much be crew-bitch when the boss wasn't around. Sure, they could complain, but they'd then be labeled as a whiner in the eyes of the boss, and ostracized by the rest of the crew. You do your work, prove your worth, and earn your place.

But that's just how things were when I was working demo and construction. But it wasn't all bad, either. Sure our summer averages were in the triple digits, but we'd rotate on who brought the beer, and when it was the foreman's turn, he'd bring a keg. Fun work, construction. I miss it.
Posted 07-28-2011 at 09:42 AM by Disgruntled Intern

STM's Avatar
Well, so far so good, I think I am proving myself to be a good worker, or at least I hope I am, I'm learning how to paint carefully and quickly and my team is full of really nice people. My boss said I'm doing a good job and he might take me to the workshop to do more taxing work in the coming weeks. So things are really looking good, I enjoy the work no matter how simple because I can step back and say that I actually accomplished something sort of important.

Perhaps you had a bad start to your time working in the building industry and you feel that for some reason I should least that's how I read your first two paragraphs, but thankfully I have nice colleagues, a good boss, long hours and I haven't slept this well in months.

Also, yes I am being paid Crashpunk =)

@BM - Wut?
Posted 07-28-2011 at 10:06 AM by STM

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I didn't have a bad start at all. I just think that it's sad that your boss would treat you like such a pussy. But that's just me. When I start a new job, I like to be thrown into the mix, learn the hardest jobs first, because then everything else is going to seem like cake after that.

Also, we had a few people like you come and go. And we all hated them. People who were hired because of nepotism. Special treatment brats. We carried them. So in that regard, I had a bad time, but not a bad start.

But if you're enjoying your work, great.
Posted 07-28-2011 at 10:13 AM by Disgruntled Intern

STM's Avatar
Well I hope I'm not letting my team down, the professional painter on my team said that I'm working at a good rate and I'm not being sloppy any more around the intricacies.

Furthermore my boss doesn't treat me like a pussy, rather he said (and I'm paraphrasing) that working unnecessarily hard means the job stops being fun and then why go to work? It doesn't mean he expects me to slack off, and I wouldn't dream of it, jobs aren't easy to come by and I was very lucky, hell I worked right through my break today to finish the first room without any help.
Posted 07-28-2011 at 10:42 AM by STM

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
It is fucking difficult to get a first job right now without that sort of a leg-up. Sad but true.
Posted 07-28-2011 at 10:42 AM by Bullet Magnet

STM's Avatar
Yeh, it's the truth, and again, I am very grateful for my Dad and my boss for working things out and taking me on.

Also BM, I still need you to explain what your other comment meant! XD
Posted 07-28-2011 at 11:50 AM by STM

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
that working unnecessarily hard means the job stops being fun and then why go to work?
If I ever heard any sort of contractor that I was paying to do a job speak such nonsense, I'd terminate their contract instantly. I mean are you fucking kidding me? It's one thing to love what you do, it's another thing to be a total jerkoff.
Posted 07-28-2011 at 05:37 PM by Disgruntled Intern

STM's Avatar
the key word I think you missed is 'unnecessarily'.
Posted 07-29-2011 at 09:49 AM by STM

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I didn't miss anything. "job stops being fun and then why go to work? "

Work isn't always fun. It's not even really supposed to be fun. That's why it's called work and you get fucking P A I D to do it. If it was super happy fun time, no one would pay you.

Whatever. You're what, like 15, 16? You'll figure shit out soon enough. Enjoy stupidity.
Posted 07-29-2011 at 10:02 AM by Disgruntled Intern

STM's Avatar
I think ignorance is a better term of phrase than stupidity. I don't want to spend my life doing something I don't enjoy, Fuck spending the next sixty years of my life working in a job that makes me die inside. I intend to get an interesting job if not fun, and do that. If I can't then I won't work and to Hell with the consequences.
Posted 07-29-2011 at 10:58 AM by STM

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I think ignorance is a better term of phrase than stupidity.
No, not really.

I don't want to spend my life doing something I don't enjoy, Fuck spending the next sixty years of my life working in a job that makes me die inside.
Nobody said anything about doing that. My point was that I can't believe your boss, who I'm assuming is a licensed contractor, is telling you guys to have fun, and not work too hard, because otherwise you wouldn't want to come to work/there wouldn't be any point in coming. I can't imagine calling any of my past bossed up and telling them, "Sorry, work hasn't been fun enough lately, I'm not coming in today." Do you know what would happen? Fucking fired. Instantly. The way your boss is running things just sounds like a joke and a shit way to run a business. Most people go to work for the paycheck, because with that paycheck, they get to do the things they WANT TO DO in their FREE TIME with fucking MONEY. That's how life works. So if you're too stupid, sorry, ignorant to get that, yikes. It's also a bummer that your boss is keeping people on the payroll/being taken advantage of/by people who know they really don't have to work hard or to impress, because their boss wants to be their friend, and wants them to have fun. From what other people have said, the job market sounds pretty tough over there, so I bet there are a shit ton of people who could easily replace those on your crew and do better work in half the time. Why? Because they don't want to go to work to have fun. They need to go to work to support themselves and their families.

I intend to get an interesting job if not fun, and do that. If I can't then I won't work and to Hell with the consequences.
hahaha. Yeah. You know, I work in a field that I fucking love. Seriously, not a day goes by that I'm not proud to be a part of the medical industry. I'm also proud of the fact that I'm busting my ass to further my education and expand my career opportunities. But is my job, or has it ever/always been "fun"? Fuck no. Does that mean I hate it? Again, no. Work is work. Eventually you're going to realize that, at least I hope so. If not you're just going to live with your parents and work menial jobs your whole life. But to hell with the consequences, right? Chicks dig rebels.
Posted 07-29-2011 at 01:30 PM by Disgruntled Intern
Updated 07-29-2011 at 01:32 PM by Disgruntled Intern

STM's Avatar
I'm so very glad you enjoy your work.

Don't get to mad at this man, it's just a blog about me enjoying work.
Posted 07-29-2011 at 01:37 PM by STM

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I'm not mad. You're just dumb.
Posted 07-29-2011 at 01:39 PM by Disgruntled Intern

STM's Avatar
You're the one using 'dumb' as a synonym for stupid...
Posted 07-29-2011 at 01:46 PM by STM

Ridg3's Avatar
I work hard at a job that I despise with an absolute passion. What recognition do I get for my hard work? Next to fucking none. What happens if I slip up? A fucking chewing from the manager. Pretty shit for the morale if you ask me, it was only today that a big(ger) head of the business came and rewarded me for my neat work.
Posted 07-29-2011 at 02:16 PM by Ridg3

STM's Avatar
Punch him, punch him right in the face Ridg.
Posted 07-29-2011 at 02:45 PM by STM


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