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Hello, new-ish

Posted 07-04-2011 at 12:15 AM by oocladableeblah
I joined in 2006, but didn't really keep up on the forums at all. I just got the Oddbox on steam and have been reunited with the amazing world of Oddworld, and just want to do an actual formal hello.

So Hello *waves* I am oocladableeblah, can shorten it however you want to haha. I have been an Oddworld fan since the beginning, and never got a chance to play Munch and Stranger's till just recently since they are available on steam now.

Other video games series I like are: Ratchet and Clank, Tomb Raider, Silent Hill, and Uncharted.
Total Comments 8


Ridg3's Avatar
I'll shorten it for you. Hello, Blah.
Posted 07-04-2011 at 01:02 AM by Ridg3

enchilado's Avatar
Posted 07-04-2011 at 01:28 AM by enchilado

Dynamithix's Avatar
oocladableeblah? That's one heck of a name to remember.

Anyways, welcome back I guess.
Posted 07-04-2011 at 01:33 AM by Dynamithix

Wil's Avatar
Yes, I think Blah is the only standard shortening of that we're going to have for you.
Posted 07-04-2011 at 02:18 AM by Wil

Flynx's Avatar
- ooc = Out of Character,
- lada = Ladder,
- bleeblah = jibberish.
Therefore he is Out of Character ladder who speaks jibberish.
Posted 07-04-2011 at 02:24 AM by Flynx

moxco's Avatar
Opposed to an in-character ladder? That sounds exciting.
Posted 07-04-2011 at 03:22 AM by moxco

STM's Avatar
I can't say I've role-played ladders...much.

It will be really amazing if you're name sticks as blah. I'm certainly calling you that.
Posted 07-04-2011 at 04:02 AM by STM

oocladableeblah's Avatar
Yes I am an out of character ladder who speak jibberish XDDD

Nice, actually never heard that before. Usually people shorten it to ooc, haha.

Well nice to meet you all.
Posted 07-04-2011 at 12:43 PM by oocladableeblah


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