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RIP Milo: The best damn Dog Obituary you've ever read

Posted 06-27-2011 at 01:51 PM by Mac Sirloin
Milo was put down today. We had an appointment scheduled for 4:00, and I did my best to be around him and keep him content for the last few days. I carried him upstairs to sleep in my room overnight, as he can't climb them anymore. I mae sure each of my family members saw him at least once over the last few weeks, my dad being the last today.

Milo was a Blue Merle Australian shepherd, something I've repeated often. What it actually means is that he was a gorgeous, friendly dog who ran the dog show circuit in his youth and basically got to have tons and tons of doggy sex and eat classy treats. He was a champion. He came from a friend of our family who was breeding Aussies at the time. He had a playmate named Tilly, also an Aussie, until her death in 2009. As far as dogs go, they loved each other.

My earliest memory was of Milo. It was sitting with him with my sisters at 4 to 6 years old, having our picture taken. You could look at that picture now and not see even a hint of loss of luster in his coat from one taken yesterday. A genuinely beautiful dog. He was a birthday present to my eldest sister Emily. She never took an interest in him as I did, though. To me, Milo was a constant, everlasting best friend. An unequaled, loving ally. A boy and his dog? No question. When I lived on a farm for a few years, I had adventures with him. We explored the woods. We found old treeforts and wooden dynamite boxes around. We discovered a waterfall just romping around way behind my house. I would not exchange these memories for anything. He wasn't like a brother, or a surrogate father, or some dumb shit, he was a dog. An excellent, unequaled family dog.

Milo could smile. His mouth naturally formed into a grin whenever something made him happy, accompanied by his squat little tail wagging away (clipped tail for herding competitions). He loved his family, he loved anyone he recognized, he was a warm, loving creature.

The process of taking him to the vet was a bit excruciating. I had to carry him to and from the car, and my Mom and I sat for about 30 minutes after he was assessed for him to be put down. We sat with him this entire time, and when the Vet finally came to inject him (via a catheter in his leg), he got a bit jumpy. They had to take him to another room to sedate him, which took another long time. I felt very upset at this point. I got up to go back and just be with him a few times, but eventually a woman came back and said he was sedated. We went into the 'operating room' (such as it was) and patted him and said as much as we could. They injected him, and his heart was stopped in less than a minute. My mother and I were left alone with him. We cried, but I swear, I fucking PROMISE, that he died with that little doggy smile on his face. I gave him a final hug and tookhis collar. I didn't want to take it off prior because He always seemed uncomfortable without one.

I'll miss Milo more than anything I can think of. He was an irreducibly unique and lovely dog that I hold more reverence for than any human being I can think of. Good bye, Milo. You're still my best friend.
Total Comments 12


STM's Avatar
I'm so sorry man! I hope you have the strength to get over this soon, I know that dogs can become so close to you and vice-versa. My thoughts are with you Mac.
Posted 06-27-2011 at 02:07 PM by STM

T-nex's Avatar
Loss of loved ones always makes me so sad. I'm sorry I only hope that the pain of losing him will heal as soon as possible.
And I know it sounds cheesy, but he'll always live inside you. The good memories are the best gift he left behind probably.

So I wish you luck and hope that you'll heal in time.
Posted 06-27-2011 at 02:12 PM by T-nex

JennyGenesis's Avatar

That was a very warming and touching story.
Posted 06-27-2011 at 02:49 PM by JennyGenesis

Wings of Fire's Avatar
My condolences. I'm very sorry about your loss.

From what you've said on the forum and facebook and what you've told me on MSN Milo was a great pet and a wonderful friend. It's good that he passed away with the person who loved him most in the world nearby.
Posted 06-27-2011 at 03:16 PM by Wings of Fire

Dixanadu's Avatar
Sorry about your loss.

I lost my dog of 17 years a few months ago, so I know the feeling.
Posted 06-27-2011 at 03:26 PM by Dixanadu

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I'm really sorry about your loss. Just remember that you gave Milo an amazing life, and hang onto those memories.
Posted 06-27-2011 at 03:31 PM by Disgruntled Intern

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
So sorry to hear about this. Losing a pet is exactly like losing a close friend. My childhood dog passed away when I was only 9 or 10, so I can't completely relate, but it certainly did hurt a bundle when it happened to me.
Posted 06-27-2011 at 03:36 PM by Mr. Bungle

DarkHoodness's Avatar
My condolences, it's always hard to lose close companions.

If it's any comfort though, it sounds like he had a very happy and fulfilling life with a loving owner, and that's a lot more than a lot of dogs have.
Posted 06-27-2011 at 06:14 PM by DarkHoodness

Dynamithix's Avatar
Sorry to hear that.

Sounds like Milo was an amazing dog.
Posted 06-28-2011 at 02:32 AM by Dynamithix

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I genuinely can't think of anything to say that would make this situation less painful, so I'll just say I'm sorry for your loss.

Thanks for telling us, it must have been a struggle. Or maybe it wasn't. You sound like you've got some pretty powerful sepia-filter memories there, so they might have come to you easily to put them down in words. You've truly immortalised your dog by telling his story.
Posted 06-28-2011 at 07:19 AM by MeechMunchie

moxco's Avatar
Oh, you have my sympathies. For some reason people's pets dying seem to sadden more than people dying.
Posted 06-28-2011 at 07:24 AM by moxco

MA's Avatar
i know this blog is pretty old now, but i wasn't here at the time and i feel i need to say something. i'm not gonna make a speech, so i'll just keep it short.

you loved your dog, and he loved you back. with my old dog i knew that no matter what kind of person i may have turned into, or how much people may have hated me, my dog would always love and trust me more instinctively than any man or woman could, just so long as i loved her back. i don't know if you felt the same way, but i know that when they go, it fucking hurts. take care, man. you seem to be a decent bloke.

well, so much for not giving a speech. sorry about that. and i'm sorry i missed this.
Posted 07-03-2011 at 03:38 PM by MA


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