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F-ing kids. (Disclaimer: Lots of swearing)

Posted 06-21-2011 at 12:04 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 06-21-2011 at 12:07 PM by DarkHoodness
Yes I'm aware my house is on the edge of a wood and looks a little run-down. Yes, I'm aware that is unusual.

But you'd think the chest-high fences and the huge fuck-off red signs with "Keep Out" written on them would be an indication THAT I DO NOT WANT YOU IN MY FUCKING GARDEN?!

Why the fuck aren't you allowed to hurt trespassers? Because I sure would love to. Even barbed wire and traps aren't legal! If someone gets hurt on your land they have a right to sue you even if they shouldn't be there. It's absolutely stupid!

I just spend the afternoon playing Minecraft IRL and kludging together a gate and fence using pallet wood and wire, making the existing fence much taller. It'd look at home on the front of There I Fixed, but it should make it harder for the bastards to climb. And I did it while very fucking hungry. No time to eat until it was done just in case they came back.

I am not happy right now.
Total Comments 15


Daxter King's Avatar
Move to Texas if you want the right to shoot trespassers.
Posted 06-21-2011 at 12:06 PM by Daxter King

Havoc's Avatar
Pictures of anti kids fortification are in order here.
Posted 06-21-2011 at 12:37 PM by Havoc

DarkHoodness's Avatar
I would but I don't have a working camera. Need to buy one I guess.

And that's a shame, since last time this happened 2 years ago with some different kids, I hid somewhere, photographed them and sent it to the police, who helped identify them. They only stopped coming after the police paid them a visit.
Posted 06-21-2011 at 01:13 PM by DarkHoodness

STM's Avatar
Here's what you do, you get signs saying 'trespassers will be shot' if you put like 15 down across your property you have the right to shoot them below the pelvic area.

Alternatively you wait for them and as you hear them climbing over you charge at them screaming with whipped cream around your moothe. Rip your clothes as well.

Kids used to jump into my hedges at the front of my house but kids are cowards...even if they are my age and all I had to do was open the door and shout, "Dad, grab the air rifle quick!" And they were gone.
Posted 06-21-2011 at 02:21 PM by STM

enchilado's Avatar
Change into some dirty underpants, don't shower for a week, and next time they come emerge from your doorway, breathing heavily and with a fixed stare, and smile invitingly:

"Hey there... kiddies. Can I... help you with anything?"
Posted 06-21-2011 at 03:02 PM by enchilado

mr.odd's Avatar
Just shoot em any way. No one has to know. Just make sure to dispose of the bodies and don't leave any trace of them left.

On a serious note. Maybe you should get a guard dog to scare them off. I don't think any one will bother you when you got big ol rottweiler in your yard. Kind of cliche i know, but it works.
Posted 06-21-2011 at 03:32 PM by mr.odd

Strike Witch's Avatar
Why do they come to your property anyway?
Posted 06-21-2011 at 05:11 PM by Strike Witch

Ridg3's Avatar
Cocaine and shit.
Posted 06-21-2011 at 05:30 PM by Ridg3

T-nex's Avatar
Specially the shit cos they can't afford toilets.
Posted 06-21-2011 at 06:50 PM by T-nex

moxco's Avatar
Put a massive banner on your house that says paedophile, and provided it isn't burnt down, it should keep them kids away fro your house.
Posted 06-21-2011 at 11:32 PM by moxco

Havoc's Avatar
That's just asking for a molotov cocktail trough your window...
Posted 06-22-2011 at 02:23 AM by Havoc

DarkHoodness's Avatar
On a serious note. Maybe you should get a guard dog to scare them off. I don't think any one will bother you when you got big ol rottweiler in your yard. Kind of cliche i know, but it works.
Got two smaller dogs - They're a little feral and quite noisy but they're pets, not guard dogs, so don't bite anyone. They bark at everyone and everything who comes past - And only if they notice them. But when they do, it's hard to tell if what they're barking at needs my attention or not. But you'd think that'd keep kids away too, right?

Why do they come to your property anyway?
Kids around here love to cause trouble because they're undisciplined and seemingly don't know right from wrong - They get bored and get kicks out of pissing other people off.

Our house is unusual 'cause it's on the edge of a wood with some out-buildings in the garden, and at a glance it looks like an easy target to cause vandalism and trouble for the thrill of it without being caught. Wish I could afford a decent fence rather than a shitty wire one.

What I really wish is that a) They wouldn't do this shit in the first place and b) that if I told them not to do something, that I'd be sure they wouldn't come back and do it again. But life doesn't work that way, does it?
Posted 06-22-2011 at 04:07 AM by DarkHoodness

moxco's Avatar
Go and speak tothe parents. Explain that you want their brats out of your yard, and you are not going to be responsible for any injuries that you will almost certainly make happen, if they re-enter
Posted 06-22-2011 at 04:16 AM by moxco
Updated 06-22-2011 at 04:23 AM by moxco

enchilado's Avatar
Get some mounted machine guns and set them up on your lawn with lengths of string tied to the triggers so you can operate them from your armchair.

They don't need to have ammunition in them.
Posted 06-22-2011 at 04:20 AM by enchilado

Nepsotic's Avatar
but it would be better if they did
Posted 08-14-2011 at 10:57 PM by Nepsotic


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