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I am from Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany but currently live in Turku, Finland

They were lies!
But everything else you read here is true!

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Away I shall Be

Posted 06-18-2011 at 07:44 AM by JennyGenesis
So soon I will be in Slovenia. Yes no joke soon I shall be there. For obvious reasons.

So why am I suddenly going? Well it all started last night. It was my friends 18th so a few of us went out with him to a few pubs. Much later in the night I had a bit of a breakdown in front of my friends.

I've been feeling a bit depressed for a while. Not just over my boyfriends departure but there have been other goings on in my life aswell and I revealed all to my friends. I had a good chat with some friends and thankfully they were willing to help me.

I phoned my boyfriend to tell him what was going on and that I needed somebody to talk to. I was going to stay at my friends house and she phoned my mum to tell her that I would be spending the night there.

I decided that I should go home, when I got in my mum was surprised as she thought I wouldn't be home tonight. Thats when I had a good talk with her to tell her whats been going on in my life.

My parents have now offered me the money to buy a passport and for the travel costs for me to go which is very generous of them. So I am totally excited and of course I have informed my boyfriend of this wonderful news. So all I need to do now is just get a passport which will take about 6 weeks.

I will have to provide my own money to spend there though. Since I still have not got a job yet despite applying for millions it seems like I will have to give up a few things to get some cash plus this means not going out at all just so I can keep as much money as possible.

Life sucks, getting a job is much easier said than done. Besides even if I was offered I don't think I'd get one simply because I would have to inform them that I would be away for like a month and the employer would probably not want me then. We will see how things go. But it will be a very long wait if I just have to do nowt just to save my money that I will get from college
Total Comments 4


RoryF's Avatar
Ahhhh, well at least you don't have to be sad about missing him now. Very nice of your parents to do that .
Posted 06-18-2011 at 07:52 AM by RoryF

STM's Avatar
Well I suppose it's good you will be seeing your boyf again, although it really is only three months, is it really worth the money and disruption in your life? Again, it isn't my place to say any more, it's your life and your decisions.

If you do go, have a good time!!
Posted 06-18-2011 at 07:53 AM by STM

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Well I will only be using my own money for spending money and how is it disrupting my life?

I'm quite certain I will have a good time
Posted 06-18-2011 at 04:09 PM by JennyGenesis

STM's Avatar
Ok then enjoy yourself babe.
Posted 06-20-2011 at 04:45 AM by STM


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